How To Write An Awesome Product Review (Detailed Tutorial)

How To Write An Awesome Product Review (Detailed Tutorial)

Wanna know how to write awesome product reviews?

If so, then I got you!

In this tutorial, I'm going to walk you through step by step how you can write a great product review – so that you can become great at writing reviews.

Thus, stick till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.


When writing a product review, you should try to cover the following aspects:

NB: Some of these things might differ i.e. depending on the type of product that you're reviewing.

But basically, these are the core aspects that you should try to cover.

And without wasting much time, let me briefly explain each of these in great detail.


What Is The Product All About?

First and foremost, you should discuss about what the product is all about – so that you can give your readers a general overview about the product.

For example, if you're reviewing an iPhone 13, you should briefly tell your audience about what Apple 13 is, so that they can get an idea of what the product is all about.

Though you might not necessarily have to go into the specifics of the product, you should try by all means to describe the product in 5 sentences or less.

How Does The Product Work?

Once you've written what the product is all about, the next step is to write how the product actually works.

This helps your audience to better understand the product, since they'll be able to imagine how the product operates & functions in real life.

If it is a physical product, it's very important to buy the product yourself, so that you can fully understand it before you show others how it works.

Or if it's a software, you should try to use it for few days/weeks, so that you can learn more about how it operates.

If possible, try to record a video of yourself using the product – then you embed it on your article.

This further helps your audience to understand the product even much better, since video content is easier to consume & digest.

And overall, this help to increase your conversions by a significant margin.

Product Features/Specifications

Once you've covered the previous aspects, the next thing is to write about the product features/specifications.

This further helps to educate your audience about the ins & outs of product, since they'll know exactly what to expect from it before making their final purchasing decisions.

For example, if you're reviewing a mobile device📱, you should describe things like memory, RAM, camera📷, software version, battery🔋, etc. – so that your audience can know exactly what to expect.

It also helps them to make comparisons with similar products on the market – thus, helping them to choose the best product for their budget.

But please, don't lie about some features which aren't available – because that will ruin your reputation.

Just try to be authentic, so that people will buy knowing exactly what's contented in the product – rather than raising their hopes for nothing.

Product Pricing

The next component that you should cover is pricing i.e. how much does the product cost?

This helps your audience to decide whether the product is within their budget or not – and it also helps those who want to save up for the product.

Thus, it's important to tell your audience how much the product cost.

If the product has multiple tier pricing, you should describe all of them in detail – as well as what's included in each package (e.g. most softwares)

This helps your audience to compare these different packages, so that they can choose the one which brings more bang for their money.

Pros Of Using The Product

This is whereby you explain the advantages of using the product – instead of others.

You should be able to tell your audience why the product is unique – so that they can see the good side of the product.

In other words, you should be able to explain how the product will make their life easier or better.

Cons Of Using The Product

This is whereby you explore the limitations of the product.

Try to be as genuine as possible i.e. don't try to hide some limitations of the product just for the sake of pushing people to purchase it.

Instead, try to tell them about the grey areas of the product as well, so that they can buy it knowing its limitations.

Because if you don't, they'll put the blame on you & they might even demand their monies from you (lol😁)

NB: The Pros & Cons Of The Product Comes From The Features i.e. If You Study The Features, You’ll Be Able To See The Goods & Bads Of The Product.

Product Alternatives

It's also important to tell your audience about other alternatives that they can use i.e. if they aren't interested in the product.

And the best way is to review those alternatives too, then you link each of the articles inside your current one.

Like in my case, I reviewed a web hosting company called Bluehost – then I linked other articles like DreamHost Review, HostGator Review, GreenGeeks Review (etc.) on the section of Bluehost alternatives.

So that l can transfer people who aren't interested in Bluehost to other hosting providers which I've reviewed before.

And you can also link an all-rounder post on the section of ‘Alternatives’ e.g. 15 Best Web Hosting Services Right Now: Top Providers Reviewed! – and this also works perfectly fine.👍

Final Verdict

That's where you'll be giving your final judgement about the product i.e. is it a good or bad product overall.

This is where you'll be giving a quick summary about what you've discussed, as well as passing a judgement on whether people should buy it or not.


Wrapping It Up...

So that's basically how you can write an awesome product review.

The key is to create a template/structure that you can follow i.e. based around these components – so that you wont struggle figuring out how to write a review.

And over time, you'll get used to a certain way of writing a review – or in other words, you'll develop your own style of writing them.


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