My Favourite Speech From Tony Robbins (Key Takeaways)

My Favourite Speech From Tony Robbins (Key Takeaways)

Tony Robbins is one of the best motivational speakers on the planet – and there's no doubt that his speeches have transformed millions of lives out there.

For this reason, l always listen to his speeches almost every morning – so as to start my day with high motivation.

But in this post, l will share with you my 5 key takeaways from one of my favourite speeches from him – maybe they can help you in one form or the other.

Thus, read till the end if you want to learn more.

5 Key Takeaways From The Speech

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind

The 1st takeaway from the speech is that, you should stand guard the door of your mind every single day – so as to protect it from negative energy.

As we all know, we are surrounded with a lot of information especially in this internet age – and most of it is very toxic to our minds.

And if you allow it to penetrate your mind, it might cause unnecessary stress to your life – hence, reducing your production levels.

The way in which l applied this point to my life is through unsubscribing/unfollowing all social media pages, YouTube channels, etc. – which posts negative content – and just leave only those which add some value to my life.

Also, l try by all means to avoid checking my phone during the 1st phase of my day – because 1 bad email might mess your entire day – hence, reducing your concentration levels.

Thus, l only check my phone in the afternoon i.e. when lm done with more important tasks on my list.

2. Feed & Strengthen Your Mind

Once you've managed to stand guard the door of your mind, the next step is to feed and strengthen that mind i.e. to make it more stronger.

As we all know, we experience a lot of things in our lives – and most of them drains energy from our minds.

Thus, it's important to feed that mind with positive information, so as to keep it healthy.

You should read self improvement books, podcasts, seminars, or any form of activity which feeds positive information to your brain.

Great ideas will have a huge impact on your mind – since they come from some of the greatest people in history – thus, they're worth pursuing.

And in this modern day & age, we're privileged to have audiobooks – thus, you can listen to audiobooks whilst doing your usual day to day tasks.

3. Find Role Models

Another key takeaway from that speech is that, you should find role models who came from similar backgrounds as yours – but they went on to achieve great success.

This helps you to learn how they managed to go through the journey – and most of them always share their stories on YouTube.

Once you find them, you should immerse yourself in their ecosystem i.e. listen to their advice, subscribe to their newsletters, observe how they run their businesses.

In other words, you should reverse engineer their success – and create a plan that will get you there.

Thus, it's important to find role models i.e. someone who you can look up to – for inspiration & advice.

4. Take Massive Action

Once you have a plan, you should take massive action in order to execute it.

Most people wants to know all the answers before starting a business – thus, they keep procrastinating for a very long time.

But the truth is, you wont know everything – and you'll remain in the pre-launch mode forever.

Thus, you should just get started – and you'll learn most things during the journey.

Also, the process of taking action builds determination and momentum – and once you've got out of your comfort zone, you'll start exploring new ideas & concepts.

Thus, it's important to always take action – and you'll be shocked by how far you can go if you take that leap of faith.

5. Give More Than You Expect To Receive

Last but not least, you should give more than what you expect to receive.

Tony Robbins always share this story most of the time i.e.;

When he was broke, he gave his last 19 bucks to someone who needed it.

Using our logical brain, it makes no sense to give all that you have – and you get left with nothing.

But in order to open new doors for new blessings, you must be willing to give to others i.e. planting a seed for blessings.

Also, giving makes us feel more fulfilled – since it’s more fulfilling to give to others who're in need – rather than keeping excess resources to our ourselves – but knowing that there's someone who doesn't have anything to eat.

And guess what happened to Tony when he gave away his last 19 bucks?

He received a phone call from someone who owed him 2000 bucks for quite a long time.

And the person offered to pay the amount in full – which was more than Tony needed to payoff his rent & other monthly expenses.

Thus, it's very important to give to others – with the same measure in which you expect to receive.

NB: It doesn't have to be always money. It can be giving your time, information, gifts, or anything that you can think of.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 5 key takeaways that l took from the speech – and these principles have changed my life for the better.

Thus, you can apply them to your own life as well if you want to see a radical change in your own life.

You can listen to the full speech on YouTube using this link!


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