How Can I Make Money Without A College Degree? (Best Opportunities)

How Can I Make Money Without A College Degree? (Best Opportunities)

Do you need a college degree in order to succeed in life?

That's one of the most common questions which l always get from young adults.

Societies has made us believe that, you need a college degree in order to succeed in life – which is just a myth!

There's a lot of people who’re making a ton of money without college degrees – whilst most graduates are slaving away at unfulfilling 9 to 5 jobs – for minimum wage.

The truth is, you don't necessarily need that ‘piece of paper’ in order to make it in life – because there's a lot of opportunities out there which are available for anyone.

Although there's some great jobs even for people without college degrees, l highly urge you to start your own business – specifically, an internet based business.

The internet doesn't care about your bad grades in high school, or even your fancy MBA degree from a famous Varsity.

Instead, the internet cares about how much value you can provide to the marketplace – and you get compensated accordingly.

And the beauty part is that, internet based businesses has little upfront costs compared to traditional brick & mortar businesses – but the returns are insane!

An internet based business is highly scalable – because it doesn't limit you to your geographic location i.e. you can serve clients in different parts of the world just from your laptop.

Thus, l highly urge you to consider starting an internet business – since the internet provides great opportunities for anyone regardless of your qualifications.

With that being said, here's a list of some of the best internet based businesses to consider:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these.

1. Freelancing

Do you know that you can get paid some good amounts for your skills?

That's true.

There's people out there who're looking for simple services like graphic design, writing, video editing, web development, etc. – and they're willing to pay good amounts for these services.

And you don't have to be a graduate in order to get started with freelancing.

Instead, you can learn a skill through some free YouTube tutorials – then you start selling your services on platforms like Fiverr & Upwork.

2. Start A YouTube Channel

Do you know that, there's a lot of people out there who're making a ton sh*t of money just from YouTube?

That's true.

YouTube is a great platform which allows content creators to earn money – whilst chasing their passions.

There's a lot of youngsters on this platform who're buying nice cribs & exotic cars based off their YouTube earnings – since this platform pays some good amounts.

Not only does YT creators earn money through AdSense, but they also earn money from sponsorships, merch, patreon, amongst other monetisation methods.

3. Start A Blog

If you enjoy writing just like me, you can consider starting a blog.

Bloggers also earn some good income from their content – since they can easily monetize their works through ads, affiliate links, selling digital products, etc.

And the beauty part about a blog is that, it's passive in nature i.e. you create content once, but that content can continue to generate income for you on autopilot i.e. for months if not years to come.

This frees up your time from ‘work' – thus, allowing you to live the passive income lifestyle.

4. Start A Social Media Marketing Agency

You can also start a social media marketing agency.

This is also a great opportunity for anyone who knows how to run paid ads – because there's a lot of companies out there who're willing to pay good amounts for these services.

You can potentially learn about these skills on YouTube or even through online platforms like Google Skillshop – and once you've acquired some knowledge, you can then start selling your services to local companies.

And the beauty part about running an SMMA is that, you don't have to sign many clients in order to make significant income.

The reason being that, most clients pays around 2k per month – meaning, you can easily get to the 10k mark just by signing 5 clients.

5. Start An Ecommerce Business

Another great opportunity right now is ecommerce.

This comes in 2 main categories i.e.

(i) Amazon FBA

This is whereby you find some cheap products in China i.e. on platforms like Alibaba & AliExpress.

You then ship them to Amazon’s warehouses & you sell them for a higher price.

This business model is great because, you'll be leveraging Amazon's customer base – since Amazon receives a ton of free organic visitors everyday.

Thus, you might need to look into FBA if you're interested in ecom.

(ii) Shopify Dropshipping

It's also a great way in which people are making a ton sh*t of money on the internet.

Just like FBA, you find some cheap products on AliExpress & Alibaba i.e. goods which you can resell for a mark-up price.

But instead of selling them on Amazon’s marketplace, you sell them on your own Shopify store – which gives you more control over your customers.

*NB: If you're considering getting into ecommerce, you can start with Amazon FBA – so as to leverage Amazon's built-in customers. But in the long run, you might need to run your own Shopify store(s) – so that you can get more control over your business.

6. Venture Into Affiliate Marketing

You can also venture into affiliate marketing.

This is whereby you partner with big brands like Nike, Apple, Adidas, Tesla, etc. – and you promote their products for a commission.

It's a great business model because, it has the least overheads i.e. you don't have to worry about manufacturing, shipping, customer support, etc.

Instead, you just focus on promoting your affiliate links & you'll get paid when someone buys through your links.

7. Sell Print On Demand Items

You can also start a print on demand business.

This is whereby you upload your printable designs to a print on demand manufacturer like Printful i.e. you upload them to mock-up tools which are provided by the manufacturer i.e. t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, bags, hats, etc.

You then promote your designs through various mechanisms like paid ads, influencer marketing, social media marketing, etc.

And when someone places an order, the print on demand manufacturer will manufacture & ship the product to the customer.

You'll get paid the difference between the selling price of the item and the cost of production.

NB: You can read this article if you want to learn more about this business model.

8. Start A Drop Service Business

Another great business model that's booming right now is drop servicing.

It's similar to dropshipping – but in this case, you'll be arbitraging services.

This is whereby you find people who're looking for specialised services like graphic design, web design, video editing, etc. – and you charge them a certain fee for those services.

But instead of doing the actual task yourself, you then go to places like Fiverr & you find a freelancer who can do the task for a lower price.

This allows you to pocket some money – without having to do the actual task.

9. Start A Coaching Business

Another great opportunity right now is online coaching.

If you have some knowledge in a certain field, then you might need to consider becoming a coach in that industry.

For example, let's say that you're an ‘expert’ in fitness, you can become a fitness trainer & you can charge people for your services.

That’s just one example, but you can do coaching in any field.

And you don’t have to be a crazy ‘expert’ in order to coach others.

Instead, you just have to be few stages ahead of your target clients.

10. Flip Domains & Websites

Last but not least, you can flip websites & domains.

It's also a lucrative business model – since websites & domains are being traded everyday for big amounts – thus, you can earn a ton sh*t of money.

You can either create websites, add some content on them – then you sell them for decent amounts.

Or you can even buy some existing websites & domains that are going for cheap – then you resell them for a profit.

Either way, you can make good amounts from this business model.


You can also sell digital products & online courses – since the information sales industry is also booming right now.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best opportunities for people without college degrees & there's even more that aren't included on this list.

You can make a good living even without a college degree i.e. if you tap into some of the opportunities discussed in this post.


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