How To Deal With Hate (2 Methods)

How To Deal With Hate (2 Methods)

Each and every one of us experiences some form of hate in our daily lives.

But the thing is;

You have no control over people who hates on you.

But what you have control over is how you handle it – and this will define your mood i.e. are you gonna be angry your whole life simply because your toxic neighbour said something bad to you.

Or you'll just say, I don't give an F & you move on with life?

Your reaction will entirely depend on how you view the issue.

But in this post, l will quickly share with you two of my favourite methods which l use in my daily life to deal with hate.

These includes:

(i) Distancing Yourself From Toxic People

This is probably the best way to deal with hate – since you'll be able to get rid of those toxic people once and for all.

I know this might be difficult in some situations – due to social ties that you have with the people who're hating on you.

But sometimes, you just have to distance yourself if you want to be happy – because if you stay in that toxic environment, those people might keep throwing shades on you.

Thus, it might be a good idea to just walk away & do your own thing.

It's not necessarily cutting those people from your life.

But instead, it's a matter of just loving them from a distance – then maybe visit them once in a while.

That way, there’ll be less chances of arguing with them.

This strategy works pretty well if you’re trying to build a business but the people around you are just toxic.

Building a business comes with its own burdens – and you can't afford to deal with the burden of both your business & negative people.

Thus, you might need to move away from that toxic environment – so that you can freely build your business without having to stress about other people's negative talks.

But what if it's almost impossible to distance yourself from the toxic people i.e. maybe it's your co-workers whom you see everyday – or maybe you share the same desk with them?

In that case, you wont have any option other than adopting the next strategy – which is, developing a thick skin.

(ii) Develop A Thick Skin

When the worst comes the worst, you might need to develop a thick skin i.e. developing some mental toughness that doesn't give an F about people's opinions.

This is hard for most people because your ego will tell you that you're being seized – thus, triggering your emotions.

But you might need to learn this strategy through feeding & strengthening your mind to make it stronger i.e. through reading self improvement books, watching self improvement videos, listening to podcasts, etc.

This helps a lot when it comes to strengthening your mind – and over time, you wont easily get annoyed by silly negative talks.

Back in the day, l used to get angry over silly comments which were thrown by some toxic people – and l would go for few days without producing content because that sh*t would stay on my mind for days.

But once l embarked on my self improvement journey, l was able to build my brain's muscle – thus, lm no longer irritated by negative staff.

I've realized that, what you focus on expands i.e. if you focus on those negative comments, they'll get to your mind – thus, affecting your mood.

But if you focus on positive things which you're grateful for, you'll always feel happy.

And personally, l choose to be happy rather than focusing on a silly negative comment thrown by KBB675 – who don't even know what his/her purpose is.

The bottom line is;

You should develop a thick skin that's not easily penetrated by negativity.

That's how most celebrities deal with hate i.e. they receive a ton of negative comments – but they've developed the mental toughness that's not affected by that sh*t.

Wrapping Up

So these are my two favourite methods of dealing with hate.

For most people, it's difficult to develop a thick skin – but you might need to do so at times.

But distancing yourself is the best way – so that you wont have to meet those toxic people on a regular basis.


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