Advice For Young People Who Want More Out Of Their Lives

Advice For Young People

‘If l was to go back in time⏱ and meet the younger version of myself🙇‍♂️, what will l tell him?’

In this post, I'm going to share with you some helpful tips that I'd give to my younger self – which are also applicable to any young adult who want to achieve more out of his/her life.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Points Covered:

Without further ado, let me quickly discuss each of these points.

‘If you don't have a purpose, someone else will hire you to fulfil theirs'

That's very true.💯

If you don't have a purpose in life, you have no choice other than working for those who’ve a life purpose.

But there's one big problem of this i.e.

You don't know exactly what those people have in store for you. 🤥

And you can't go against what those people say – since they’re the ones giving you the pay check💵.

And they can also fire you at any time without any notice.

Thus, there's less control & less certainty in this path – since you don't have control over how your superior thinks or acts.

But if you find your purpose early in life, you wont need to worry about all these issues – since no one will tell you what to do & when to do it.

We all know that there's a lot of young adults who don't have a clue about what they want to do with their lives – due to lack of career guidance – especially in poor communities.

But my advice is, try to find your WHY as soon as possible – so that you wont end up going anywhere i.e. any direction where life takes you.

2. Use Your Age To Your Advantage

‘I don't have to put pressure on myself because I'm still young’

That's sounds interesting – but you must understand this thing;

You can buy all kinds of materialistic things like fancy cars🚘, mansions🏯, designer clothes🧥, etc. – but there's one thing which you can't buy i.e. TIME⏱

You might not see the importance of time right now – until you get older👴🧓 and you realise that you wasted a lot of time in your 20’s.

There's a lot of adults who wish they were your age – because they realised that they made wrong decisions during their youth days – but unfortunately, time does not go backwards😬.

Thus, if you're still young, you have the most precious asset in the whole universe – which is TIME.

But if you don't use it wisely, it can be a liability – hence, costing you your entire life.

3. Use Technology To Your Own Advantage📱💻

The internet has killed a lot of young people's lives – since most youths misuse it.

But that same internet has created multi-millionaires💰 – since it can be leveraged to build an online business that generates income.

What's my point here?

Instead of spending time on social media🤳 i.e. consuming other people's lives, use that same social media to advertise your goods & services.

Instead of spending time on dirty sites🔞, try to build your own blog that generates income for you.

Once you shift your mind-set, you'll start to use technology for its good than its bad.

4. Choose Your Friends Wisely👫

‘Show me your friends and I'll know your character'

Statistics📊 shows that, you're a product of the people whom you spend most time with.

If you spend time with drug addicts🧟‍♂️, chances are that you'll eventually become one of them.

However, if you surround yourself with positive people, your mind-set will grow.

Most people chooses wrong friends especially at school🏢 – and they end up engaging in bad behaviours🌿🍾.

This might seem cool if you're still at school – except for one thing;

When you leave the school gates, you'll go separate ways.

You might realise that, some of the friends whom you used to hang out with comes from stable families – thus, they have nothing to worry about since everything is handed to them.

And you'll be alone trying to figure out life on your own – that's when you’ll start regretting your past actions.

Thus, it's important to choose your circle wisely.

5. Stop Seeking For People's Validation

‘I have this great business idea but I'm afraid of what my friends will say about it'

We have brilliant minds😇 out there who're capable of changing the world🌍.

However, most of their ideas never come to fruition🍒 because they're afraid to put their ideas out there – due to fear of being judged by others.

However, if you want to achieve more in life, you must stop⛔ giving an F about people's opinions.

We all know that, most people have what is called ‘the crabs in the burrel mentality'.

If someone comes up with a great idea, they'll try by all means to supress that idea – so that they'll remain in the same league.

They will give you a bazillion reasons why your idea will fail – instead of looking for just one reason why it’ll work.

But you should know that, there's 2 types of pain in life i.e. the pain of regret & the pain of discipline.

It's better to suffer the pain of discipline i.e. knowing that you tried your best – than to suffer the pain of regret i.e. the pain of not trying at all (especially if someone then implements your idea & succeed).

And let me tell you this;

As you grow older, you might realize that no one even cared about your actions in the first place – since everyone was busy focused on their lives.

And you'll start regretting, why you hesitated to try in the first place.😏

I bet that most young adults out there don't have any goals for their lives.

They just live & allow life to take them in any direction – as long as they're just live & breathing.

But if you want to achieve more in life, you must set goals📌 for yourself.

It's important to write down your goals📝 – so that you can have a clear picture of what you want to achieve – as well as the deadlines📅 for those goals.

This gives you a blueprint of where you wanna go – thus, allowing you to come up with strategies that helps to achieve those goals.

Thus, l highly recommend you to write down your goals, create a plan of action – then execute it.

7. Immerse Yourself In Self Development Content📚

Most young adults spends most of their time consuming ‘useless content’🚮 i.e. content which does not add any value to their lives.

If you spend most of your time on Instagram📸, you gain nothing other than just consuming other people's lives – who don't even know that you exist.

Eeeyyy, Quavo just bought a new Gwagon,

OMG, this couple just broke up,💔

Eish, these people just ate lunch at this fancy restaurant,🍝

*The list goes on.

You'll find that, you might not gain any value from the content that you consume on social media – since most of it just gives you instant gratification in the short term – as opposed to long term personal growth.

But if you want to get more out of life, you should start immersing yourself in personal development content – which allows you to grow as a person.

You can literally tap into the minds of some of the greatest people in history i.e. through podcasts🎙, self help books📚, educational YT videos🎬, etc.

But again, no one will tell you to pursue this knowledge. It's your choice to seek it!

8. Invest A Certain % Of Your Income💱

Another important practice to do in your 20’s is to invest a portion of your income.

This helps to build your portfolio from an early age – thus, giving you a financial boost in the long term.

You must also remember the concept of compound interest i.e. $1 invested at age 20 will be worth $3 by the time you reach 40 years (@10% annual interest)

However, if that same $1 is invested at 30 years old, it’ll only be worth $2 by the time you reach 40 years.

When l say investing, l don't mean engaging in active day trading📈 – since this requires more time and knowledge.

Rather, you must focus on other forms of passive investments such as Index Funds or rental real estate🏠.

NB: It's advisable to start a business first if you have some capital – since a business has higher returns than stocks & real estate. But as your business starts to generate some good income, you can then invest a portion of it in these long term investment vehicles.

9. Don't View A 9 To 5 Job As The Be-All & End-All🙅‍♂️

The biggest mistake which most people make is that, they view a nice job as their ‘whole everything'.

If someone gets a ‘high paying’ job, he/she tends to settle – since he/she might think everything is now good on his/her side.

However, the only problem is that, your employer might just wake up one day & decide to fire you without any notice.

And all of a sudden, all your income will be gone.

And by that time, you might have a family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 to feed and take care of.

That's when you'll realize that a job is not as safe as most people think – since you can be fired at any time.

Thus, instead of settling at a ‘great company’, you must use it to your own advantage & learn how they conduct their business – so that you can use that knowledge to start your own thing in the future.

Or if you have a ‘high paying’ job, use that extra income to fund your purpose – so that if anything happens at your job, you'll have a backup plan to hold on to.

My point is, use a 9 to 5 as a bridge🌁 to fund your purpose – instead of just treating your job as everything you need in life.

10. Look For A Role Model & Reverse Engineer His/Her Success🕴

Last but not least, find a role model who’ve achieved some level of success in the field that you're pursuing.

Immerse yourself in their ecosystem i.e. find out how they got started, how they market their products, how they conduct their business – then reverse engineer👨‍🔧 their proven systems.

For example, if you want to become a drop shipper, look for someone who's at the level that you wanna be.

Analyse their ecom stores – so that you can see how they conduct their business.

Subscribe to their email📧 list – so that you can see the type of emails which they send to their customers.

If possible, invest in their mentorship programs – so that you can learn from the horse’s🐎 mouth itself.

It's easier to replicate proven systems – rather than trying to reinvent the wheel🎡.

But of course, you must add your own twist to the model – so that you wont copy everything from A to Z.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post.

I tried by all means to compile a list of helpful tips that you can implement as a young adult to change your life for the better.

And if you implement some of these tips, you can set yourself up for success.


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