Rakuten Affiliate Tutorial: Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Rakuten Affiliate Program

Rakuten is one of the most popular cashback sites since it is well known for giving cashback rewards and other related benefits to its users.

Many people uses this platform since it helps them to save a ton of money on some of their major purchases.

But one thing which most people don't know is that Rakuten also have a referral program, which allows you to earn some extra cash when you refer your friends to the platform.

And this article will sorely focus on this referral program, paying much attention on the following topics:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail

What Is Rakuten Affiliate Network?

Rakuten affiliate network is a platform which allows regular people like you and me to earn some cash rewards when we refer our friends and family to the platform.

Rakuten partners with a lot of big brands such as Best Buy, Walmart, Sephora, (just to mention a few) and these brands are willing to pay some rewards to Rakuten for promoting their offers.

On the other hand, Rakuten is also willing to share those rewards with you when you sign up as an affiliate and you refer potential customers to the platform.

Its a win-win opportunity to all the parties because these companies are able to get additional customers to their business since Rakuten is able to attract a lot of customers to its platform.

On the other hand, its also a win-win situation to both Rakuten and its affiliates since they share the piece of the pie that is paid by these companies as a token of appreciation for bringing new customers.

Its also a great opportunity for your referrals since they're able to get cashback rewards when they signup to Rakuten platform using your unique affiliate link.

For this reason, Rakuten referral program is beneficial to all the involved parties since it ensures that everyone benefits from the system.

How Does Rakuten Affiliate Program Work?

Rakuten affiliate program is kinder unique from other affiliate programs out there.

It works slightly different from other affiliate programs and networks but the system is very easy to understand.

First and foremost, you have to signup as an affiliate in order to get started with the program.

Once you get accepted, you'll get a unique referral link which you can use to refer other people to the platform.

You can promote this link anywhere on the internet as long as you're using ethical strategies.

When people signs up using your link, you’ll get $25 reward if your referrals spends at least the same amount within the first 90 Days.

On the other hand, your referrals will also receive a $10 Bonus as a way of appreciating their spending’s.

So its a win-win situation to both you and your referrals since you both earn some extra cash.

With that being said, the most common question which l always hear is ‘How can l get started with Rakuten Affiliate Network' since most people don't know how to promote this program.

I have prepared a detailed guide in the next section which gives you an idea of how you can get started with Rakuten referral program.

How To Get Started With Rakuten Affiliate Network?

Ok! So lets assume that you have signed up for the affiliate network, got accepted and you've got your affiliate link.

What's next?

You need to drive traffic to your referral link so that you can get people to signup through your link.

And that's where most people get stuck since traffic is the hardest part in affiliate marketing.

But in my opinion, getting traffic should not be that hard if you know what you're doing.

You can utilise Facebook groups, Quora, Forums, etc.

Try to look for groups/forums related to cashback and cash rewards and you start providing value in those groups/forums.

When l talk about groups, l don't mean that you should spam your links in those groups since you might get banned from those groups/forums.

The idea is to provide pure value in those groups, answering some of the most popular questions in those groups/forums.

If you do this consistently, people will start to notice you and some might start to follow you naturally since they will be gaining a lot of value from your contributions.

The idea is to establish yourself as an authority in those platforms since this builds trust between you and the members of those communities.

And once people start following you, you can then start to provide valuable tips via DM and somewhere down the line, you will then refer them to Rakuten using your referral link.

And guess what?

Most people will signup and follow your recommendations due to the ‘Know, Like, & Trust’ factor.

That's human nature. People always follow the recommendations given by someone whom they know, like and trust. (reciprocity)

That's how you stack up those huge commissions from Rakuten referral program.

Another great strategy is to start a blog related to cashback and cash rewards (something like a coupon site).

You can then start to ‘preach' about Rakuten and why it is beneficial to customers.

The beauty part is that people are always searching for this staff and you just have to present your content in front of those people.

This can be done by utilising keyword research tools like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, Google keyword planner, etc.

Find some non-competitive keywords related to your niche and you produce some content based around those topics.

If you do it the right way, you will get some free organic traffic to your content and the beauty part about SEO traffic is that it is highly targeted.

I have some friends who’re making a decent income using this strategy thus it is proven to work pretty well.

There are many ways to promote your Rakuten referral link but you just have to choose the one which suits your.

Rakuten Brands

• Nike

• Best Buy

• Walmart

• eBay

• Expedia

• Lowe's

• Chewy

• Old Navy

• Sephora

• Postmates


• Groupon

• Pet Outlet

• Coach Outlet

• Sam Club

• Target

*The list goes on......

Wrap Up

I hope that you've got some value from this post since l’ve tried by all means to share my knowledge pertaining the Rakuten referral program.

I know that there's a lot of information on the Net regarding this topic but l felt like l needed to share my little knowledge.

In case, this might help one or two people to get started with Rakuten affiliate program.

The key is to take action and implement some of the strategies shared in this post.

Without taking action, you wont go anywhere and you'll remain stuck.

Related Articles: 10 Best Affiliate Programs

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