ClickFunnels Vs WordPress: Which One Is Better? [Side By Side Comparison]

In this article, l will address one of the old age questions i.e.:

‘Which Is Better Between ClickFunnels & WordPress?’

I will base my comparison based on the following factors:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

ClickFunnels Vs WordPress
ClickFunnels Vs WordPress


When it comes to pricing, there is no doubt that WordPress is far much cheaper than ClickFunnels.

ClickFunnels’ plans starts at $97/month, which is quite expensive for most beginners.

On the other hand, WordPress starts from as little as $2.95/month (if you get it via GreenGeeks), which is quite affordable for most people.

If we translate this figure into yearly cost, it will turn to $71/year (including security features & other add-ons).

Thus, you can get WordPress’ yearly plan for less than the amount being charged by ClickFunnels on a monthly basis.

Thus, if you're just starting out and you have limited funds, then WordPress might be the best option for you.

Ease Of Use

When it comes to ease of use, ClickFunnels takes the lead.

The reason being that, ClickFunnels was designed for people who're less tech savvy.

Their USP says, “Quickly Create Beautiful Sales Funnels That Convert Your Visitors Into Leads And The Customers...(Without Having To Hire or Rely On A Tech Team!)”

ClickFunnels provides a drag and drop interface – which eliminates all the complicated coding staff like CSS, Java, HTML, etc.

Thus, if you're someone without any tech skills, then ClickFunnels is the best option for you.

On the contrary, WordPress has a steep learning curve especially for most newbies.

WordPress involves a lot of complicated staff i.e. complex coding, confusing plugins, etc.

This might be sad news for most beginners – since most people don't have the time to spend in trying to learn a software.

Thus, when it comes to ease of use, ClickFunnels is definitely the best option.


When it comes to features, ClickFunnels provides tools for building sales funnels, landing pages, email opt-ins, membership sites, etc.

However, WordPress provides all the features which are offered by ClickFunnels, but with some extra packages on top of those features.

On top of these features, WordPress offers some tools for building websites/blogs, ecommerce stores, forums, portfolios, etc.

This is achieved through installing several plugins – which are designed to facilitate these functions.

Thus, when it comes to features, WordPress is better than ClickFunnels.

Customer Support

When it comes to support, there is no doubt that ClickFunnels is far much better than WordPress.

The reason being that, ClickFunnels offers personalised support via email, live chat, phone support, etc.

Thus, if you experience any challenge whilst using the software, you can simply contact the support – and they're always available to help you.

On the contrary, WordPress is not great when it comes to support.

The reason being that, WordPress does not have a dedicated customer support unit.

They only have a community where developers share their knowledge and help each other in times of need.

Although this community is very supportive, it’s still not great for people who require personalised assistance.

Thus, when it comes to customer support, ClickFunnels definitely takes the lead.

Affiliate Marketing Tools

When it comes to affiliate marketing, each of them is great – depending on how you do affiliate marketing.

If you're someone who heavily rely on organic traffic, then WordPress is the best option for you.

The reason being that, WordPress dominates the search engines – thus, you can easily get some free organic traffic to your content.

However, if you’re someone who heavily rely on paid ads, then ClickFunnels might be the best option for you.

ClickFunnels allows you to create highly converting sales funnels – which are key when it comes to paid advertising.

Using ClickFunnels, you can easily get started with paid advertising – since this tool was specifically designed for that.

Thus, when it comes to affiliate tools, it really depends on how you run your affiliate business.

But you can use both tools simultaneously i.e. WordPress for promoting evergreen content & ClickFunnels for running short term campaigns.

Internet Marketing Tools

If you're selling your own products, l highly urge you to use ClickFunnels.

The reason being that, ClickFunnels comes with all the necessary tools which you need to sell your own products.

ClickFunnels allows you to create highly converting sales pages, upsells, down-sells, order bumps, etc. – thus, allowing you to maximise your conversions.

On the contrary, WordPress was mainly designed as a content management system, so as to help content creators to easily publish their content.

For this reason, WordPress is mainly ideal for content marketing – which is bad news for most product creators who heavily rely on paid promotions.

SEO Tools

When it comes to SEO, we all know that WordPress controls the search engines.

More than 33% of websites on the web are hosted under WordPress – which is quite a significant amount.

And studies shows that, more than 46% of websites which ranks in higher positions are WordPress sites – which is quite interesting.

With the help of plugins like Yoast, WordPress sites have a huge advantage for ranking for organic terms (compared to other competitors).

On the contrary, ClickFunnels is not ideal for SEO.

The reason being that, ClickFunnels was mainly built for running short term campaigns – rather than SEO.

Thus, it's very difficult to rank your ClickFunnels’ pages on Google – since this tool is less friendly to the search engines (compared to WordPress).

Thus, if you're looking for a better tool for SEO, then l highly urge you to choose WordPress.

Which One Is The Better For Long Term?

In my opinion, WordPress is the best for long term marketing.

The reason being that, WordPress allows you to publish evergreen content – which is able to receive free organic traffic for years to come.

This allows you to live the passive income lifestyle – since you won't be obligated to continuously promote your content.

On the contrary, ClickFunnels is not the best for long term projects – since this tool is best suitable for promoting short term campaigns.

Thus, you have to continuously twerk your landing pages, sales funnels, etc – in order to keep getting leads and sales.

For this reason, ClickFunnels is not ideal for long term marketing strategies or passive content creation.

Quick Summary

Now that we’ve come to the end of this article, let's quickly summarise the strength of each tool:

Price – WordPress

Ease Of Use – ClickFunnels

Features – WordPress

Customer Support – ClickFunnels

Affiliate Marketing Tools – Depends on your needs

Internet Marketing Tools – ClickFunnels

SEO Tools – WordPress

Which One Should You Choose?

This question really depends on what you're looking to accomplish in your business.

If you're looking for a cheap software for doing SEO marketing, then WordPress is the right fit for you.

However, if you're looking for an easy to use tool for running your ad campaigns, then ClickFunnels is the best for you.

You should weigh each of these factors to decide which one is the right fit for your business.

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