Launch Jacking: Step by Step Tutorial For Beginners [Make $265.78 per day with Launch Jacking]

Boom $265.78 from JV Zoo

Dear, {First Name}, you have received a payment of $265.78 from JV Zoo for the newly launched product {X}.


That's the power of launch jacking. Some people are literally making a living with this technique.

But the question is; ‘How can l get started with launch jacking so that l can start earning those type of commissions?’

Don't worry because l will share with you all the secrets you need to know about launch jacking.

I will also show you the best way to get started so that you can get up and running today.

So read this article till the end if you're serious about getting started with launch jacking.

What You'll Learn

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

What Is Launch Jacking?

Launch Jacking

In simple terms, it is a technique whereby you take advantage of products that have not yet launched, but are going to be launched in the near future.

The idea is to create some content about the product before the product is launched since there will be less competition as there will be few affiliates promoting those products.

Thus, your chances of ranking for that search term will be very high, since there will be very few pieces of content about that product.

When the product eventually launches, there will be high search volume on both google and YouTube, since customers will be so eager to know some information about the product.

Also, when the product eventually launches, bigger affiliates will send some email blasts to their huge email lists, so as to inform their subscribers about the newly launched products.

However, most of those email subscribers will go to Google or YouTube in order to find some detailed information about that newly launched product, since most customers are smart buyers who needs some in-depth information before they make a purchasing decision.

Thus, in a bid to look for the product's reviews, some of those people may come across your piece of content, and some of them will end up buying through your link since they will now have a better understanding about the product.

This is one of the easiest ways to get started with affiliate marketing, since you can get traffic and sales even if you're still brand new. (Even a new website can get a chance of ranking for that search term).

Having said that, the frequently asked question is; ‘How can l get started with launch jacking?’

Don't worry because l am about to show you a step by step process in the next few sections.

How To Start Launch Jacking?

In order to get started, you need to create a platform like a blog or a YouTube channel, so that you can have somewhere to place your affiliate links.

This is so because you can't just spam your links on forums or social media, hoping that people will magically buy from those links.

Thus, you need to create a platform that you own and control, which you can eventually turn into a jacking site.

Look at Jono Armstrong's YouTube channel, he managed to build some authority using this technique, since he has been consistent over the past few years.

Thus, you need to build your platform today, since this will turn into a real business one day.

If you want to create a launch jacking website, check out this article

Once you have a created a platform, its now high time to go to launch calendars in order to see which products are launching in the upcoming days or weeks.

I highly recommend that you look for products that are launching in at least 5 days or more, so that you can get enough time to fully prepare your content.

Most people makes the mistake of applying for products that are launching in less than 24 hours time, and they end up creating low quality content since they will be in a hurry to publish their content before the launch time.

You should try to avoid such scenarios, since this might decrease your conversions.

Where To Find New Products?

There is a ton of platforms where you can find these new launches.

You can go to websites like JV Notify Pro, JV Watch, CBengine, etc.

These sites shows you about upcoming products which are going to be launched on JV Zoo, ClickBank, Warrior Plus, etc.

You can also join some various groups on Facebook, since there is some groups where vendors advertise banners about their upcoming launches, with the aim of inviting various affiliates around the globe to promote their products.

But personally, l use a website called in order to find all upcoming launches.

I have bookmarked this website, so that l keep updated on all the upcoming launches for a month period.

Muncheye (Launch Calendar)

Once you visit these websites, you might need to apply for products which are launching in the upcoming days or weeks.

Make sure you apply for as many offers as possible since some vendors might not approve your application.

This is common when you're still new and you don't have any sales records.

Most vendors have less trust in new affiliates, since they're scared that those new affiliates might end up spamming their links on social media (as this tarnishes the image of the vendor).

Thus, most vendors might be a bit strict when it comes to approving new affiliates.

But the best strategy that you can use to get approved is to record a video of yourself, introducing yourself, and explaining how you plan to promote their product.

Some of the vendors might give you a chance since this shows that you're a real person.

But l always advise people to apply for as many offers as possible, since you never know which vendors will approve you.

But on average, you can get approved by 1 or 2 vendors for every 5 offers that you apply for.

But once you start to generate some sales, more and more vendors will start to trust you and your chances of getting approved for future launches will increase as well.

Personally, l use a google calendar which states the offers that l have applied for, their launch date, as well as the application status (i.e. pending, approved or denied).

This gives me a blueprint on which reviews l should prepare and their deadlines as well.

NB: You might also need to subscribe to the vendors' newsletters, since most vendors on JV Zoo and Warrior plus launches new products on a regular basis. Thus you need to stay updated about all their upcoming launches.

Creating Content.

Create Content For Launch Jacking Products

Once you get approved, its now time to start creating content.

Most people are lazy when it comes to creating content, since most people are not willing to put in the work.

But in order to succeed with launch jacking, you must be willing to create review articles or videos, since content is the one which convince people to buy the product.

Most people makes the mistake of taking a sales video on the product’s sales page, then they upload the video on their YouTube channel and they put their affiliate links in the description.

But this method yields less conversions, since most customers want a genuine review that was done by another person, rather than the product creator.

Thus, in order to get good results, you must be willing to write some SEO friendly articles or YouTube video about that new product.

Most people worry about creating great content; but the truth is that you get better with time if you stay consistent.

In order to create a better review, you might need to contact the vendor or affiliate manager and you ask them for a review access, so that you can get a better understanding about the product before you start promoting it.

This gives you an added advantage over other affiliates who does not have any information about the product.

The following topics works well:

{Product Name} Review

{Product Name} Demo

{Product Name} vs {Existing Similar Product}

Is {Product Name} Legit?

The idea is to think of; ‘which keywords can the potential customer type in the search bar?

Then you use those same keywords as your title in order to target those customers.

If you don't want to write articles by yourself, you can hire a freelancer on Fiverr, so that you can get a professionally written article.

But if you're on a budget, l highly recommend that you master the skill of article writing.

How To Rank Your Content?

When it comes to ranking your articles on google, make sure you write a longer article than your competitors, since longer articles have higher chances of ranking.

Longer articles are viewed as detailed answers by google, hence google tries by all means to push longer articles up the rankings.

If you use images in your article, try to compress them using tools like, since images might be heavy to your site hence reducing your site’s speed.

However, site's speed is also amongst Google’s ranking factors, thus try to compress all the images to improve the speed of your site.

Also try to make use of Exif data like Alt text, captions, etc on all your images, since Exif data also helps a lot when it comes to rankings.

When it comes to YouTube ranking, try to use a compelling title and thumbnail so as to improve your CTR.

Also, write a detailed product description (in the description box) since YouTube's algorithm favours those videos with detailed descriptions.

Make use of tags/keywords that you wish to rank for.

NB: Try to do thorough research on how to rank on Google and YouTube, since this article is not a detailed tutorial on those SEO topics.

How To Create Custom Bonuses?

Launch Jacking Bonuses

Now that you created some content about the product, you should now come up with bonuses.

Bonuses are ethical bribes which incentivises customers to buy from you rather than your competitors.

Top affiliates uses bonuses most of the times in order to persuade people to buy through their links.

But most people always say that; ‘I don't have any bonuses to offer?’

But guess what? Bonuses are not that difficult to create. You can go to PRL sites like,,, amongst others.

You can find a ton of PLR products to use, which comes in the form of eBooks, free courses, softwares, guides, amongst others.

Try to choose products that are relevant to the offer that you're promoting, so that customers can be attracted to buy through your links in order to get those bonuses.

In order to make your bonuses stand out from the crowd, you can utilise a software known as Commission Gorilla, which allows you to create professionally looking bonuses and most super affiliates uses this software a lot.

Another great way to make your bonuses more effective is through stating the monetary value of each bonus.

For example, you can say that if you buy through my link, you will get my $1500 worth of bonuses for free.

This will increase your conversions by a significant percentage.

How Much Can I Make From Launch Jacking?

You can earn a good money using this strategy but to be honest, l cannot guarantee how much you can make from this method.

Earning depends on many factors like your individual efforts, your ranking position, competition from other launch jackers, or even the product’s demand.

Other launches are more profitable than others, since some vendors invests a lot in advertising their products before they get released.

Thus, more customers will be curious to find more information about those products hence increasing the chances of getting traffic to your site.

On the contrary, some vendors are not good at marketing their products thus there will be very few people interested in buying those products.

But if you keep doing this method for some few months, you will start to see some good results since it only takes a few successful launches in order to yield good results.

Other launch jackers like Jono Armstrong are making more than people's annual salaries within a single month, just by utilising this method.

But that does not guarantee that you will also earn that level of income, since it takes hard work to reach that level.

(Consistency is key)

Is Launch Jacking A True Way Of Earning Passive Income Online?

In my opinion, l don't think that you can achieve true passive income from this method.

I know a lot of people contradicts with my point of view but let me justify my opinion.

The truth is, most products that are launched on JV Zoo and Warrior Plus only gets a lot of sales during the first few months of their launch.

However, sales decrease with time since similar products are released everyday, thus customers will eventually shifting towards newer products.

Thus, if the sales decreases, your piece of content starts to receive less and less traffic, since there will now be less people willing to buy that product.

Thus, in order to keep the commissions rolling, you need to do this method consistently for years, so as to keep up to date with new products that will be launched in the future.

However, if you promote a software like ClickFunnels, Bluehost, GetResponse, etc, you can earn true passive income since these softwares remains relevant to the market for years to come.

Thus, if you create a piece of content that promotes these softwares, you can earn true passive income since these softwares have been useful to the market for years and will always be useful in the future.

However, JV Zoo and Warrior Plus products are only good to earn a quick buck in the short run, but most of those products fails to generate sales in the long run.

Thus, in my opinion, you should use launch jacking as a method of earning income in the short run, whilst you work on building a real passive income business (for the long term).

Final Words.

Even though launch jacking has some drawbacks, it remains a great way of getting up and running with affiliate marketing within a short space of time.

Launch jacking has created multiple 6 figure earners since this method can help you to get a huge lump some of money within a short space of time (provided the product launch is a big one).

Franklin Hatchett also talks about this method in his course Savage Affiliates and it is believed that the popular Jono Armstrong was also a student of this course.

Marissa Romero also came into the game through utilising this technique, since she promoted Kartra from its early days.

As of now, she's earning a decent income from this company since she's one of the first people who created some content based around this software hence most customers came through her links.

Also, Kartra pays a recurring commission meaning she still earns some income from clients that came through her links some years back.

Thus, launch jacking can be powerful if you find a good company that has a potential to blow up in the future since you will have a first timers advantage.

Resources Mentioned:

Short Pixels:

Commission Gorilla:


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