Dell Affiliate Program: Everything You Need To Know

Dell Affiliate Program: Everything You Need To Know

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Brief Overview

Dell is one of the most popular companies when it comes to the world of electronics – since it's well known for producing great quality gadgets i.e. desktops, PCs, gaming equipment, etc.

Though there's other great competitors like HP, Dell still manages to control a certain portion of the market – which indicates that, this company is also a great giant.

But in this post, l will mainly focus on its affiliate program – since this company also runs a great affiliate program for its products.

This allows regular people like you and me to promote its products as brand ambassadors – and in return, you’ll earn some commissions.

Commission Structure

On average, Dell pays anywhere between 1% – 1.5%.

This means that, you'll earn an average of $1 to $1.50 per every $100 worth of products that are purchased through your links.

But the beauty part is that, most of its products are high value items – meaning, the commissions will add up when a customer purchase items that are worth thousands.

But keep in mind that, other niches related to softwares & digital products pays a much higher commission i.e. upwards of 50%.

The reason being that, these companies have little overheads – thus, they can afford to pay higher commissions to their affiliates – which is not the case when it comes to companies that specialises in physical products.

How To Become An Affiliate For Dell

Dell affiliate program is run through the VigLink affiliate network.

This means that, you have to first join this network before you start applying for Dell's affiliate program.

But keep in mind that, this network is very strict when it comes to approving affiliates to their platform.

And one of the main reasons is the issue of not having a website.

They want legit affiliates who has functional websites – because they want to ensure that, you're actually capable of promoting their offers – and also, you have somewhere to place your links.

Thus, it's important to create a website – then you publish some few pieces of content i.e. before you start applying for this affiliate program.

How To Promote Dell Products As An Affiliate

The ‘easiest’ way is through doing some product reviews and comparisons of various tech gadgets.

If you've been flexing on Google or YouTube, lm sure you've seen some tech review blogs or YouTube channels – which mainly focuses on reviewing various tech products.

That's the same concept that you should replicate.

You should create either a blog or YouTube channel based around tech reviews – and you start publishing content based around the latest products in the tech space.

The reason why this works is that, people are always searching for reviews on either Google or YouTube i.e. before they make their final purchasing decisions.

And if they gain some value from your content, they'll buy the products through your links.

The key is to optimise your content for SEO – so that you can rank higher & get some decent traffic to your content.

And if you stay consistent with your grind, you'll develop some authority & trust in the tech review space.

Wrapping Up

So that wraps up our discussion on Dell affiliate program.

It's a great affiliate program to consider – especially if you're someone who’s interested in promoting tech products.


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