Is It Safe To Use Email Scrappers For List Building?

In internet marketing, an email list is very important as it helps to boost your sales & revenue – because you can promote your offers to your list at anytime & anywhere.

However, building one from scratch can take some time – especially if you're sorely relying on organic methods.

That's why most people gets tempted to scrap emails from the web – so as to short cut the process.

But the question is;

Is this method good for your business?

Yes – you'll be able to build a huge list ‘much quicker’ – but in my opinion, this method is bad for the following reasons;

(i) Most Of Those People Wont Convert Into Paying Customers – Because They Didn't Opt-in On Their Own

The truth is; if people don’t opt into your list on their own, they'll less likely turn into paying customers.

People only subscribes to lists which they like i.e. if they think they'll gain some value from it.

Otherwise, they don't just signup to any random list which they come across.

Now, what happens when you put someone on your list without his/her permission?

The person wont engage with your emails – because most people have a tendency of ignoring emails which comes from random contacts.

Thus, you'll end up with a ‘huge list' i.e. huge in terms of numbers – but the subscribers wont be engaging with your content.

In some cases, some people might even report you for spam if you send them random emails without their concern.

Thus, it's important to build your list using legit ways – so that you can build an audience of targeted people who're genuinely interested in what you do.

(ii) You Might Be Flagged For Spam By Your Email Provider

If you send a bunch of suspicious emails to various accounts, your email server might detect that you're gaming the system – thus, your account might get suspended.

The reason being that, there has been a lot of cyber attacks & hacking that are being done via email – thus, most email providers like Gmail are trying by all means to minimise that.

If you’re using email marketing tools like GetResponse, Aweber, ActiveCampaign, etc. – your account might get terminated if they find out that your list was built using illegal practices.

The reason being that, these companies are more concerned about protecting their reputation – thus, they try by all means to eliminate all scummy accounts from their platforms, so as to keep their deliverability rates at max levels.

Thus, you'll end up with a list of bazillion emails on an excel sheet – without a platform to communicate with those people.

(iii) It's Just Unethical

Truth be told – this method is just unethical when it comes to real business practice.

This method involves ‘stealing' other people's email addresses – which is just unethical.

You must work for those email addresses – rather than just doing some dirty tricks to get them.

You should either invest time or money in building your list i.e. time in terms of creating valuable content – then build your list leveraging free organic traffic, or maybe money – whereby you invest in paid advertising to get leads to your list.

Either way, you should shun away from the dirty list building tactics.

Wrapping Up

To sum up this post, email scrapping is not the best way to build your list due to the reasons mentioned above.

If you want to build a list of high engaging customers, you should use ethical strategies – rather than just scrapping emails from the web.


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