Why Sh*tty Products Sells A Lot Online

Have you noticed that, a lot of products which sells a lot on the internet are actually crappy ones?

But the question is;

‘Why do these crappy products get a lot of sales?’

Let me tell you right now!

Sh*tty products sells a lot due to these reasons:

i) Fancy Marketing Tactics🕴

In most cases, the fake gurus who sells these type of products use some fancy marketing tactics in order to lure people in.

This can be something like advertising their offers whilst standing in front of a Lambo, mansion🏯, or even whilst flashing some huge amounts of money💵.

And when people sees👀 that, they're enticed to stop whatever they are doing & listen to what that guru is saying.

Then boom!💥

They're lured into the program bit by bit.

ii) They Sell You A Fake Dream😴

Another reason why crappy products sells a lot is that, they sell you a fake dream.

For example, ‘if you join this program, you’ll be able to quit your 9 to 5 job & live the life of your dreams, whilst travelling the world🌎'.

Or something like; ‘you'll be able to make $10k per month passively, whilst working 2 hours per day'

Or when it's weight loss marketers, they'll tell you that you'll lose some insane amounts of weight in just a short space of time.

For these reasons, people are easily lured into buying the offer – because they'll be so eager to reach the ‘dream' preached by the marketer.

iii) They Use Highly Converting Sales Pages & Funnels📜

The marketers of these products also uses highly converting sales pages & funnels.

They know exactly how to influence people to buy i.e. using the power if psychology.

For this reason, they're able to create highly converting sales copies – with great copywriting techniques, which entices you to take action & pull out your credit card💳 ASAP!

Not only that, but they also use some great aesthetic colours on their landing & sales pages – thus, leading to higher conversions.

iv) They Use Fake Testimonials😉

Often times, the sellers of these products uses some fake testimonials.

Here are some of the few examples that I've come across:

• ‘I joined this program 2 months ago, since l was sick & tired of my 9 to 5 job💼. And in just 6 weeks, l was able to make $43k and l was able to quit my job & work from home full time'. (Billy, S)

• ‘I was 320 pounds and l always felt insecure about my body. But after buying this weight loss pill, I was able to lose 100 pounds in just few weeks – all thanks to this amazing pill'. (Catherine, M)

But the thing is, some of these people who're used for testimonials doesn't exist in real life.

If you try to look for them on social media, you wont find them.

Because they're just some fake imaginary names with just some stock photos attached to them.

But when people sees these kind of testimonials, they're easily lured into buying these sh*tty products.

Because they'll be like; ‘I wanna be like that guy whom I'm seeing on the testimonials’.

v) They Offer A Fake Money Back Guarantee💯

Last but not least, they often offer a ‘fake’ money back guarantee.

Because they know that, you might hesitate to buy the product due to some few doubts – or maybe due to their high price threshold.

For this reason, they try to give you a lucrative money back guarantee, so that you can take the leap of faith in trying the product.

Because you'll be like; ‘even if the product doesn't work, I can still get a refund'.

But the truth is, you wont get your refund – they'll give you a bazillion excuses like; you didn't put-in enough work, or you didn't use the product the right way – among other bullshit reasons.

So, if you see some crappy products which promises you a money back guarantee, just know that it's all delusional.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why sh*tty products sells a lot online.

Let me know your thoughts🤔 in the comments section below.
