How To Create A Tech Review Website: Step By Step Process For Beginners

How To Create A Tech Review Website: Step By Step Process For Beginners

Looking for a detailed guide on how to start a tech review website?

If so, then you've come to the right place.

In this post, l will share with you a step by step process that you can follow in order to setup & run your own tech review site.

By the end of this article, you'll be in a better position to go out there & run your own tech review site i.e. using the information shared in this post.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Covered:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Come Up With A Name For Your Website

Just like starting any other blog, it's important to come up with a name for your website i.e. what's your blog called?

There’s a bazillion websites out there which specialises on tech review – thus, you must come up with a unique name that distinguishes your website from other similar ones.

You don't need to overthink this issue – you just need to come up with a simple name that's easy to pronounce.

It’s also important to come up with an SEO friendly name – so as to boost your site's ranking potential on Google.

For example, if your blog specialises on laptops, you can name it Laptop Hub, Laptop Review Experts, Laptop Guru, etc. (I think you get the idea)

Obviously, some of these names might be taken already because l just crafted them straight from head whilst writing this sentence.

But you should try to be creative – so as to come up with a simple-unique name for your site.

2. Sign Up For Web Hosting

Once you've figured out a name for your website, it's now high time to sign up for web hosting.

This process is so crucial as it allows you to register your domain name on the internet.

This allows you to have your own piece of real estate on the internet – since you'll own your own url address that's custom made for you.

Not only that, but web hosting allows your content to show up on Google – since your website will now be recognised as part and parcel of the web.

Thus, it's important to register your blog on the web i.e. through web hosting.

With that being said, there are numerous companies that facilitates this process.

But in my opinion, GreenGeeks is the best one amongst the available options.

It offers a ton of great features which are all designed to enhance the performance of your website e.g. SSL security features, great uptime & speed, PHP features, etc.

And their plans are very affordable as well – since they start from as little as $2.95/month – which is quite cheaper.

Thus, l highly recommend anyone who's looking to start a website to use this provider.

3. Install WordPress

Once you've purchased your domain, you'll be taken to your GreenGeeks dashboard.

Inside your dashboard, you'll get access to various apps which you can install in just a click of a button.

And one of them is WordPress.

You must install the WordPress app to your dashboard – so that you can get started with the website design process.

The beauty part is that, you don’t need to be a tech savvy to do this process – since the process has been simplified to eliminate any complexities.

4. Choose A Theme

Assuming that you've installed WordPress, you'll get access to a variety of themes that comes with this app.

Simply browse through the free ones, then select the one which you like the most.

A theme provides a guide/template for you – so that you can easily design your website without having to start from scratch.

All you need to do is to replace the text, images, fonts, colours, etc. – and you'll be able to come up with an awesome site of your own.

5. Start Designing Your Website

Assuming that you've found a great theme, it's now high time to start designing your website.

In order to simplify this process, you need to install a page builder called Elementor – which is free and easy to use.

This plugin helps to turn your website into a drag and drop interface – so that you can add elements as exact as they appear – rather than trying to deal with complex coding staff.

Thus, you can easily drag and drop elements like images, text, fonts, etc. i.e. using this plugin.

If you're not so sure on how your site should look like, you can take a rough look at some of the existing websites related to tech review.

Don't necessarily copy their designs – but instead, you should just take some inspiration – then you try to create something of your own.

Once you've done designing your website, simply publish it – then move on to the next stage.

6. Sign Up For Google Search Console & Google Analytics

Assuming you've finished designing your website, what's next?

It's now high time to sign up for Google Search Console & Google Analytics.

If you're not familiar with these 2, Search Console allows you to request for indexing – and it also shows your site's performance on the SERP i.e. it shows your site's overall traffic, impressions, CTR, etc.

On the contrary, Google Analytics provides data related to user behaviour on your site i.e. how your visitors are engaging with your site.

This covers things like bounce rate, time spend on your site, pages visited, scrolling behaviours, etc.

Thus, it's so important to sign up for these platforms – and they're 100% free to use.

7. Start Creating Content

Assuming that your website is setup, you should start producing content for your site.

Content is so important as it helps to generate traffic, clicks, and sales.

I’m not just talking about content in general, but l mean SEO optimised articles that are written based on what people are actually searching for.

I wont go into much detail on how to write great blog posts – because l have a full article which covers this topic in more detail.

However, you can choose to outsource the content creation part to a freelance writers i.e. if the funds permit.

Either way, you just have to figure out a way to come up with content for your website.

And just to give you a clue, reviews & comparisons works pretty well for tech review sites.

You can also do some unboxing videos, or even tutorials on how to use various tech gadgets – then you recommend those products in your content.

But you can ‘spy' on other tech related blogs that are doing well – so as to get an idea on the type of content that's working well for them.

Wrapping Up

So that's the 7 step process that you need to follow in order to create and run your own tech review website.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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