5 Reasons Why Most People Fails To Reach Their Goals

5 Reasons Why Most People Fails To Reach Their Goals

Wanna know why most people fails to reach their goals?

If so, then read this post till the end!

I'm going to share with you some of the main reasons why most people fails to reach their goals. (Worth reading!🤪)

Thus, read till the very end if you wanna learn more about this topic.


Here's a quick snapshot of the points discussed in the post:

Without wasting much time, let me explain each of these in great detail.

1. They Set ‘Too Big’ Or Unrealistic Goals

Firstly, most people sets goals that are too big or unrealistic in nature.

For this reason, they end up getting discouraged along the way, because they'll realise that those goals are ‘out of reach'.

I'm not saying that, you shouldn't dream big – NO!

But all I'm saying is that, you should set goals that are realistic.

Or let's say you have a ‘big vision' that you wanna accomplish in the next 5 years, you should break it down into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, & yearly goals.

That way, it won’t look like a huge mountain⛰ that's too big to climb.

Because you'll be focused on the tiny little steps that helps to accomplish the bigger vision over time i.e. the daily goals feeds into the weekly, the weekly feeds into the monthly, the monthly into the yearly, etc.

And before you know it, you'll be able to achieve your bigger goal ..... because those tiny little steps will compound over time.

Otherwise, if you do it like most people who only looks at the bigger mountain, you might get discouraged along the way ..... since it'll seem impossible.

2. Lack Of Consistent Action

‘Success is not an event, but it's a result of consistently applied action that's applied over a reasonable period of time’.

Stats📊 shows that, more than 85% of people who sets new year resolutions abandon them by the first week of Feb – and they go back to their old habits.

The reason being that, when you set new goals for yourself, you'll be so inspired to go after those goals i.e. during the first few days.

But over time, you'll realise that this sh*t requires a lot of hard work, which you aren't prepared to do.

Thus, you’ll eventually resort back to your old habits i.e. the safe/comfort zone.

But if you want to achieve your goals, you have to apply consistent action over a reasonable period of time.

Because there's a process that's involved along the journey of chasing your goals, and that process requires time & hard work.

Thus, instead of giving up too early, you should keep grinding coz this sh*t takes time.

Another reason why most people fails to reach their goals is due to laziness & procrastination.

This generation is filled with lazy people who just wanna sit at the couch🛋 the whole day & do nothing ..... other than just eating🍩, playing video games💻, scrolling through Instagram🤳, etc.

For this reason, most people ends up procrastinating i.e. postponing tasks for future dates rather than just doing them today.

And the results?

Those people struggles to make progress!

But as I mentioned in the previous point, chasing your goals requires hard work ...... it requires you to take some consistent action over a reasonable period of time.

But if you're just procrastinating, you wont be able to apply this consistent action.

4. They Seek Instant Gratification Things

This is also a big one i.e. seeking for instant gratification.

Most people are always like;

‘Why should l chase a goal that's gonna bring me happiness after some months/years ..... when I can just find some instant pleasure on social media right now?'

Instant gratification is killing most people's vibe, because it distracts you from making huge progress on things that are going to bring you long term happiness.

Yes, you might get some instant pleasure from watching some dirty websites, but is it worth more than the price of your dreams?🤔

The truth is, instant gratification brings you nothing but dopamine ..... but you wont be able to accomplish much.

5. They Have Some Limiting Beliefs

Last but not least, most people have some huge limiting beliefs which are always ringing in their heads.

These are implanted by your society, family, school system, etc. – and once they have sunk into your system, it's difficult to unsunk them.

Due to these limiting beliefs, most people feels like they aren't worthy of achieving their goals – and as a result, they get demotivated & they just abandon their goals.

This one is a bit tricky because most people have some limiting beliefs – however, they aren't even aware of them because they just see them as normal.

But my advice is, when you have a goal but you feel like you aren't worthy of achieving it, try to look for stories (on the internet) of people who were in a similar position as you, but they managed to pull through.

This will show you what's possible regardless of your current situation – thus, giving you the motive to continue chasing your dreams.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the main reasons why most people fails to achieve their goals.

Let me know in the comments section if you have some additional points.


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