How To Invest In Yourself (6 Great Ways)

How To Invest In Yourself (6 Great Ways)

The greatest investment that you can ever make is not in stocks or real estate or even crypto!

It's actually investing in yourself!

But the question is;

‘What are the best ways to use in order to invest in yourself?’

That's what will be discussed in this post.

In this article, l will quickly go through 6 of my favourite ways of investing in yourself – so that you can start exploring some of them if you wish to do so.

These includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Read Non-Fiction Books

First on our list is reading non-fiction books.

This is probably my favourite technique on this list – since it allows you to consume some great ideas from some of the greatest minds in history.

The reason being that, great people usually share their ideas and experiences through books – thus, you can learn from them through reading their books.

For example, Napoleon Hill died many years ago, but his ideas and experiences are still changing people's lives up to this day. Why?

Because he shared his experiences through his books – thus, these ideas can still be accessed even by future generations.

Thus, you can consume the lives of these great people through books – and you can learn from their mistakes so that you wont fall into the same traps as well.

Now, l know that most people always give excuses like;

‘I don't have time to read books'

If you're one of them, then you should utilise audiobooks, which allows you to consume the information whilst focusing on your regular day to day tasks.

Or if you want to read the condensed summaries of the books, then you can use an app called Blinkist.

2. Consume Self Improvement Content (Podcasts, YouTube)

Another great way of investing in yourself is through listening to podcasts or watching YouTube videos i.e. related to self help.

I can't stress enough how helpful these media platforms are – since they helped me a lot in my self help journey.

For example, if you go on YouTube, there’s people like Stefan James, Jordan Green, Cole Hastings, etc. – which produces some great valuable content related to self improvement.

If you subscribe to their channels, you can learn a lot from them – thus, allowing you to grow your mind.

Of course, lm not saying that these are the only YouTubers that are great, but these are just some few examples of channels that you can subscribe to.

When it comes to podcasts, you should make it a habit to listen to at least 1 podcast per week.

For me, l usually listen to Social Proof podcast – where the host (David) invites some great people who've managed to build successful businesses – and these people are free to share their experiences, advice, as well as valuable lessons.

Thus, if you listen to these kind of interviews, your mind will grow over time.

3. Invest In Courses/Mentorship Programs

If you have some few extra bucks to invest, it's highly advisable to invest in paid courses/mentorship programs.

The reason being that, some great experts in certain fields usually package all their knowledge – and they share it through a course/mentorship program.

Thus, you can learn directly from them through their courses – thus, allowing you to absorb their valuable knowledge.

I know that most people are sceptical when it comes to buying online courses – since the information sales industry is now filled with a lot of ‘scam gurus'.

But if you find a great course, you wont regret your investment – because you'll gain a skillset that you can use to make even more money in the future.

Also, investing in paid courses/mentorship programs helps to reduce your learning curve.

Instead of spending more time trying to figure things out on your own, you can invest in a mentor who can show you how to do things the right way – thus, saving you a lot of time.

Also, a mentor is someone who’ve already travelled through the journey – thus, he/she knows the pitfalls involved in the journey, as well as how to avoid them.

4. Attend Networking Events, Seminars, Workshops, Masterminds

Another great way of investing in yourself is through attending networking events, seminars, workshops, or even masterminds.

The truth is, you wont know some things unless if you network with other great people – and have some small conversations with them.

Also, these events allows you to listen to some of the best advice from some experts in certain fields – and you can go back & implement them in your own life/business.

For example, if you go to an affiliate marketing event, you can have some conversations with some super affiliates in the game – and you can learn more about their business strategies i.e. which products are working for them, how they’re promoting those offers, which ads are converting better, etc.

Once you get this type of information, you can go back and make some improvements to your affiliate business – hence, allowing your business to grow.

5. Travel To New Places

Another great way to invest in yourself is through travelling.

If you stay in your own bubble, you wont grow much – since you wont be able to know what's outside the bubble.

But if you step outside your bubble, you'll get exposure to new things – which will allow you to grow as a person.

Travelling allows you to learn about different cultures – as well as different ways of living.

This allows you to develop different perspectives on life – because you'll be exposed to completely new things.

Also, you can learn a lot through observation – because you'll get to explore new things first hand i.e. through observing.

Thus, instead of staying in your own comfort zone, you should spare some time to travel to new places – so that your mind gets exposed to different things.

6. Invest In Your Health (Gym, Healthy Diet, Personal Trainer)

Last but not least, you should also invest in your wellbeing – through paying for gym membership, hiring a personal trainer, or even getting a healthy diet plan.

If you have all the money in the world but you’re spending most times in the hospital, you wont be able to fully enjoy those riches.

You need to stay in good shape – so that you wont get affected by various diseases which are prevalent in our societies.

If you take care of your health, you'll be able to live more happier compared to most millionaires who're just walking graves i.e. healthy bank accounts but unhealthy bodies.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 6 best ways that you can use to invest in yourself.

Using these strategies, you can grow as a person – thus, allowing you to improve the overall wellbeing of yourself.


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