How To Get Free YouTube Subscribers To Your Channel (8 HACKS To Beat The Algorithm)

How To Get Free YouTube Subscribers

Looking for ways to grow your YouTube channel?

I got you!

In this post, l will quickly go through some of the best strategies that you can use to get more subscribers to your channel – so that you can grow your sub count.

Stick till the very end if you’re eager to grow your channel.


1. Do Proper Keyword Research

Before creating your videos, it's important to do some keyword research – so as to find topics which people are searching for.

This is crucial because it helps your videos to showup on the search results i.e. when people search for those keywords.

Thus, it's crucial to find out what people are searching for – so that you wont waste your time and energy on topics which do not have any searches.

You can utilise the YouTube autosuggestion section – through typing-in your seed keyword.

YouTube will automatically give you some topics related to that keyword i.e. related phrases which people are searching for.

This gives you an idea of what type of content to produce i.e. based on this data.

If you want more detailed data, you can use tools like TubeBuddy & VidIQ – since these provides detailed analytics related to search volumes & competition levels.

And when your videos manage to rank higher, you can get more views – and some of those people might end up subscribing to your channel.

2. Optimise Your Videos For SEO

Another helpful tip is to optimise your videos for SEO.

YouTube is a search engine – which analyses your titles & descriptions in order to better understand your videos.

For this reason, you need to optimise your titles and descriptions if you want to rank better.

You must include your keywords in your titles & descriptions of your videos – so that YouTube can show your video to people who're searching for those kind of topics.

Instead of writing shallow descriptions like;

‘I hope you enjoyed the video'

‘Have a nice day'

‘Please like, comment & share'

You must try to write detailed descriptions (including your keywords) – so that the YouTube algorithm can work in your favour.

3. Use Clickable Titles

Before people click on your videos, they first read your title – so as to get an idea of what your videos is all about.

If the title is boring, they will continue scrolling through the search results – until they find a video with a better title.

Thus, it's important to write clickable titles – which will help to increase your CTR – and some of those viewers might turn into subscribers.

Now, remember we discussed about including your target keywords in the title since this is important for ranking – but it's not adequate for increasing CTR.

For example, if your target keyword is iPhone 12 Review, you must add some words which makes people wanna click on your video.

You can say something like;

‘iPhone 12 Review: I Used It For 2 Weeks & l Discovered This!’

Note that the title includes the target keyword which we're trying to rank for.

But at the same time, it includes a second part – which instils curiosity in the minds of the searchers – thus, they will be so eager to watch the video.

And some of them might enjoy your content – and might end up on your subscriber list.

4. Use High Quality Thumbnails

Have you ever come across a crazy thumbnail which drives you to click on the video?

And when you watch the video, you realise that nothing on the thumbnail is included inside the actual video?

That's the power of thumbnails.

People looks at your thumbnail before deciding to click on your video – thus, it's important to create high quality thumbnails which entice people to click.

You must use some bit of ‘clickbait’ – since this works better than just using a normal picture.

There's tools out there which helps you to create great thumbnails e.g. Canva – thus, you must not struggle with this issue.

5. Utilise Tags

The next tip is to utilise tags.

As we all know, YouTube analyses your tags in order to better understand your videos.

This helps the YouTube algorithm to show your videos to potential viewers who might be interested in those type of vidz.

Thus, it's important to utilise tags in order to increase your reach – hence, increasing your chances of getting new subs.

Using tools like VidIQ or TubeBuddy, you can get access to a wide variety of tags which you can use for your video – thus, you wont need to stress about this issue.

You should also make use of hashtags in your descriptions – since this also helps to rank higher – hence, increasing your channel's exposure.

6. Provide A Clear Call To Action

The biggest mistake which most YouTubers make is that, they assume people will naturally subscribe when they like your videos.

Although it’s true to some extent, it's important to note that most people will only take action when they're told to.

Sometimes, people may just forget to subscribe – since they might have a lot of things in their minds.

But if you remind them to subscribe, they'll take action – and hit the subscribe button.

Thus, it's important to put some call to action at the beginning or end of your videos – or maybe few times during the video.

But you should not overdo it – since this might become boring to your viewers.

7. Leverage YouTube Shorts

Another great strategy right now is to leverage YouTube shorts.

YouTube is trying by all means to push these shorts – since they're trying to compete with TikTok & Instagram.

Thus, it's important to take advantage of this trend – so as to expand your reach – and hopefully, gain more subscribers in the process.

8. Leverage TikTok

Another great strategy is to leverage TikTok.

As we all know, TikTok is blowing up right now – and it's easier to reach more people on this platform – since its algorithm is a bit lenient.

Thus, you should take advantage of this platform – and drive traffic from TikTok to your YouTube channel.

You can take some clips from your videos i.e. the ones which are more interesting – then you post them on TikTok.

You must then provide a clear call to action – so as to entice people to go to your channel – and hopefully, turn into subscribers.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 8 best strategies that you can implement to grow your channel.

Of course, it might take some time to start seeing some results – but if you stay consistent, you'll start to see some positive growth.


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