How To Make Money Blogging (No B.S)

How To Make Money Blogging

Are you looking for ways to monetize your blog?

But you're not so sure which ones are best for you?

If so, then this article is for you.

In this post, l will share with you some of the best ways to monetize your blog – so that you can start earning some income from your blogging efforts.

After reading this post, you'll be in a better position to go out there and start earning some bucks – using some of the strategies discussed in this post.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Best Ways Of Monetizing A Blog:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat.

1. Display Ads

This is probably the most common way used by most bloggers to monetize their sites – since there's a ton of ad networks who're willing to pay for your traffic.

In this method, you need to signup for an ad network such as Google AdSense, Ezoic, Mediavine, AdThrive, etc.

Once you get accepted, you'll get a tracking code which you can place on your site.

This code helps to auto generate ads – which are highly targeted for each visitor.

You'll get paid a certain amount per thousand impressions – based on the RPM of the ad network.

Keep in mind that, different ad networks has different RPMs – and the high paying ones has strict entry requirements.

For example, Google AdSense pays a lower RPM but has lower requirements – whilst Mediavine pays a higher RPM but has very strict entry requirements.

Thus, you might need to start with low paying ones – then upgrade as your site grows bigger.

With that being said, it's important to mention that, lm not a big fan of display ads – since there's other ways to make more money for the same amount of traffic.

And that's leads us to next monetization strategy i.e. affiliate marketing.

This is my favourite way of monetizing a blog – since it is far much better than display ads (if you do it right).

This is whereby you apply to partner with an established company like Apple – once you get accepted, you'll get a custom tracking i.e. affiliate link.

All you have to do is to place that link inside your articles i.e. through recommending great products related to your content.

When someone buys those products through your links, you'll earn a commission – and it varies depending on the company.

And the beauty part about this method is that, it's more passive in nature.

You don't need to worry about product creation, shipping, inventory, customer support, etc.

You just place links in your content – and the company takes care of the rest.

Thus, instead of earning $20 per 1000 impressions with Ezoic, l would rather promote an affiliate product like Bluehost – which pays around $65/signup – and you can get around 20 signups per 1000 visits i.e. based on the 2% average conversion rate.

Thus, l can earn a lot better with affiliate products than just relying on Ad revenue.

3. Paid Sponsorships

Next on our list is paid sponsorships.

If you watch YouTube videos, lm pretty sure you've come across multiple creators which always say;

‘This video is sponsored by Company X. This company is great because bla bla bla. Use the code XXX to get X% OFF on your 1st order.’

Right there is a good example of a paid sponsorship.

The same concept is also applicable to blogs – whereby a company pays you to endorse their products on your blog.

Unlike affiliate marketing, you'll only get paid a one-time fee based on the contract – but the beauty part is that, the money comes as a huge lump some.

There’s a lot of creators who're making big bucks from sponsorships – since there's a ton of companies out there who're willing to pay influencers to talk about their brand.

Thus, you can look for sponsorships on relevant platforms – and you can approach those companies in order to work with them.

But please, don't just work with random sponsors – because some might hurt your reputation especially if they offer bad products or services.

4. Selling Your Own Products

Another great way to make a decent income from your blog is through selling your own products.

You can literally create your own digital products – and you can advertise them on your blog.

This can be a simple downloadable guide/planner/cheat-sheet/course or anything along those lines (or even print on demand items)

Alternatively, you can sell physical products (drop shipping) – if you have some awesome products to sell.

But keep in mind that, physical products involves a lot of logistics – since there's a lot of shipping, handling and warehousing involved.

Thus, you must be prepared to deal with all that stress – or else, you just need to stick to digital products which has less overheads.

With that being said, it is important to mention that, selling your own products might be difficult especially in the early days when no one knows you.

For this reason, you have to provide a lot of value to your audience – in order to establish the know, like & trust factor.

When you eventually launch a product in the future, most people who benefited from your free content will naturally buy from you (reciprocity).

Thus, you must first focus on building strong relations with your audience before you try to sell them anything.

5. Offering Consultation Services

If you have some knowledge in a specialised field, then why not offer consultation services to your audience?

This can be a great way to provide personalised services to your audience – in exchange of money.

Look at people like Neil Patel or Mathew Woodward!

They have specialised knowledge in SEO – and they utilise that knowledge through offering some consultation services to their audience.

And guess what?

Most of their audience are more than willing to pull out their credit cards and pay their monies – in exchange of those specialised services.

You don't necessarily have to be an ‘expert' in order to offer consultation services!

You just need to be few steps ahead of your audience in order to offer these kind of services. (Experts Secrets)

Thus, you just need to evaluate what you're good at – then find a way to deliver it in the form of a paid service.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this quick post – since l tried by all means to share with you some of the best ways to monetize your blog.

Blogging can be a fun – since it allows you to earn a decent income – whilst doing something you’re passionate about.

The key is to pick your favourite monetization strategies – and you implement them.

But remember, don't compromise your blog content just for the sake of money.

The primary focus should be on providing valuable content to your audience – and money will follow.


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