Before You Become Successful, You Must Be Prepared For These 2 .....

Success Principles

Success sounds interesting for most people, since it seems like it's all roses and thorns.

The truth is, success comes with its own consequences – and you must be prepared to face them.

These includes:

(i) Personal Development/Growth

If you want to become successful, you must be willing to grow mentally, spiritually, physically, etc.

The truth is, there’s a gap between where you’re right now and where you wanna be – and this gap can only be covered through personal development.

You must be willing to read self development books, listen to podcasts, attend seminars, invest in courses, etc. – in order to expand your knowledge in the field that you're pursuing.

For example, if you want to run a successful blog, you must be willing to learn critical skills like website design, SEO, content writing, etc. – since these are all crucial when running a blog (by default).

You might not have learned these skills in school – but you must be willing to educate yourself in those areas i.e. personal development.

Without personal development, it might be difficult to reach higher levels!

(ii) Be Prepared To Handle Hate/Negativity

If you want to develop something that serves a huge audience, you must be prepared to handle the ‘hate' which comes from other people i.e. even from ‘close friends & relatives’.

It's difficult to please everyone especially if you're running a huge business that operates at large scale – because different people have different opinions.

Although it sounds great to run a blog that gets 250k visits per month, or maybe a YouTube channel which has millions of subscribers, it's important to mention that it all comes with some consequences.

You must be prepared to handle dozens of negative comments and DMs which comes-in every single day – especially when you're running a huge platform.

All the ‘huge influencers’ that you see on social media i.e. those who gets a lot of brand deals and sponsorships, also receives a lot of hate comments every single day since this is inevitable.

But the key is, most of them have prepared themselves mentally to deal with all the ‘hate' – since there'll always be negative people no matter what you do in life.

You can't control what people think about you, but you can control how you react to their actions – because hate comments are just a sign of negative emotions which are being released from someone's chest – hoping to ‘feel better' afterwards🤒.

The key is to develop a thick skin – which does not easily get hurt by negative energy.

But it's important to mention that, people who have something going-on in their lives wont find the time to write some ‘evil staff' on someone's platform – because if you're focused on your personal journey, you wont find time to throw shades at someone who's doing his/her thing.

Once you’re prepared to face these 2 things, you'll reach a lot further in life.

I hope that these few bars helps 1 or 2 people out there.....✍


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