Unbounce Review: Is It Better Than ClickFunnels?

Are you considering using Unbounce for building your landing pages?

But you're not so sure if this software is the best fit for you?

I got you!

In this blog post, l will share with you some of the important things that you need to know about Unbounce.

I will reveal every important feature of this software so that you can have a better understanding of Unbounce before committing to their service.

By the end of this article, you will be in a position to decide whether Unbounce is the right landing page builder for you or not.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about Unbounce.

What You'll Learn:

Without wasting time, let me dive straight into more detail.

What Is Unbounce?

Unbounce Review

In simple terms, Unbounce is a landing page builder that was created to help internet in creating highly converting landing pages for their business.

We all know that landing pages are very crucial in online marketing as they help to presell your products to your customer before sending them to the actual sales page/offer.

Not only that, but landing pages can be used to collect your visitors' email addresses, so as to create a more direct line of communication with them.

With a software like Unbounce, you can easily create some highly converting landing pages in order to increase your conversions.

Most people are familiar with ClickFunnels since it is the commonly used software in this industry since the company was able to build a strong authority in the industry.

For this reason, most people always asks this question:

Is Unbounce better than ClickFunnels?

Uuuum! This question is a bit tricky but we will find out as the article progresses.

Who Is It For?

So basically, Unbounce was mainly designed for anyone in the internet marketing space since landing pages are applicable in all aspects of internet marketing.

These includes:

• Affiliate Marketing

• Digital Marketing

• Network Marketing

• Multi-Level Marketing

• CPA Marketing

• Social Media Marketing

• And More! And More!

*The list is endless.

Unbounce Pricing

Unbounce Pricing

So basically, Unbounce plans comes in 3 tiers namely:

• Essential - $99/month

• Premium - $199/month

• Enterprise - $499+/month

NB: Refer to the image above for updated price list

The Essential Plan is ideal for beginners who are just looking to dip their toes in the water since it allows you to build up to 75 landing pages and 8 popups.

This is a great plan especially if you're just starting out since you wont need to build a lot of landing pages in the initial stages.

However, as your business grows, you might need to consider upgrading to higher plans since the Essential Plan comes with very limited features.

If you're looking to use the Integrations and AMP features, you might need to consider using the Premium Plan since these features are not available in the Essential Plan.

Also, the Premium Plan allows you to build up to 150 landing pages, 8 popups as well as stick bars.

This is ideal for business which fall in the intermediate zone since most businesses in this zone have about 80 to 120 landing pages.

If you're someone who needs a Dedicated Specialist, Customer Manager, amongst other extra privileges, you might need to consider using the Enterprise Plan.

This Plan comes at a custom price since the price of this plan differs based on your tastes and preferences.

It also allows you to build more than 375 landing pages as well as 40+ popups.

However, l don't recommend this plan to small businesses since it adds unnecessary costs to your business.

If you're just starting out, l highly recommend that you pick either the Essential or Premium Plan since these comes with adequate features that you need to run your business.

Unbounce Features

Unbounce is packed with a ton of great features since this company tries to provide more value to its customers at a relatively low cost.

But to keep this article short, l will summarise just a few of these features.

1. Pre-made Templates

We all know that the process of building landing pages from scratch can be very stressful to most people since most people are not tech savvy.

However, Unbounce comes with a ton of premade templates which can be easily edited according to your needs.

Unbounce comes with a ton of different templates which suits various needs hence giving you a wider choice to choose from.

This allows you to get up and running in less time since you can simply edit some of the premade templates in just few minutes.

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own pages from scratch if you have some design skills.

However, l always recommend beginners to utilise the premade templates so as to avoid unnecessary stress involved in building a landing page from scratch.

2. A/B Split Testing Tools

Split testing is very crucial in online marketing since it allows you to choose the best performing page out of the available options.

Without split testing, you might end up choosing the wrong page hence reducing your sales and conversions.

Unbounce gives you the option to split test your landing pages as well as opt-in pages.

This provides data based on Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate, Click-Through-Rate, amongst other related metrics.

Using this data, you can easily come up with a well informed decision on which page to use based on these different metrics.

3. Integrations

One of the key features in any software is the integrations feature.

You should choose a software that can be easily integrated with other softwares in order to merge different sections of your business.

Unbounce is able to integrate with a ton of different softwares and apps thereby allowing you to turn all the different components of your business into one big component.

For example, you can integrate Unbounce with an email marketing software so that all the leads that are captured by your Unbounce landing page will be automatically stored into your email marketing software.

This allows you to turn your business into an automated passive income business that runs on autopilot. (hands off)

4. Domains

As we all know, most landing page builders saves you pages in the form of some ugly urls that comes with the software.

By using custom domains, you can increase your conversions by a significant percentage since most customers trusts domains than url prefixes.

You can also use a domain that you use for your WordPress site so as to make your landing pages closely related to your original website.

5. Drag & Drop Editor

Unbounce comes with an easy drag and drop editor which allows you to easily edit your pages without too much hassle.

Unlike other page builders, Unbounce is able to place your images and text on the exact positions of your choice hence producing a perfect landing page based on your tastes and preferences.

However, other page builders are poorly designed since they randomly places text and images in random areas which is not the case when you use something like Unbounce.

Unbounce Customer Support

As a big company, Unbounce provides great customer support to its valued customers in order to increase customer loyalty.

We all know that customers might shift towards competitors if you don't handle them with care.

Unbounce provides support via email and live chat in order to answer to all their customers' queries and complaints.

Thus, if you're someone who needs some extra help at any time, you can easily get in touch with their support team and you'll receive some assistance.

You can also utilise the online resources that are available since some questions were already addressed via the online knowledge base.

Pros of Using Unbounce

• Beginner Friendly

Unbounce does not require any coding skills like CSS, Java, HTML since it uses the ‘what you see is what you get’ editor.

This eliminates any tech skills especially to complete beginners who are just starting out since you can get up and running in less time.

• Comes With Premade Templates

As mentioned earlier, Unbounce comes with a ton of premade templates that are designed to save you time and energy.

We all know that building a landing page from scratch can be very stressful since you have to think outside the box in order to create something from nothing.

However, if you use a software like Unbounce, you can easily remodel the already existing designs rather than reinventing the wheel.

• Allows You To Split Test Your Pages

As mentioned earlier, you should always use a landing page that yields the highest conversions for your business in order to maximise your earnings potential.

Unbounce gives you all the necessary tools that you need to test your pages in order to come up with the best converting page.

• Easy To Integrate With Other Apps

Integrations is one of the key feature when it comes to any software since you should always merge all the different components of your business.

Unbounce has the ability to merge with different apps and softwares and this helps to increase the level of automation in your business.

Thus, if you're someone who loves to live the passive income lifestyle, this might be a great option for you.

• Incredible Customer Support

One thing l like about Unbounce is the level of support that they give to their clients.

This is so because the customer is the king who needs to be treated with respect otherwise he/she might shift towards your competitors.

Unbounce provides support through email and chat so as to assist their customers when they feel stuck during using their software.

Hence if you're someone who always need assistance, you will always be assisted by their customer support team.

Cons of Using Unbounce

• Pricing

In my opinion, l think that this software is a bit expensive as compared to other alternatives in the industry.

For example, ClickFunnels allows you to build complete sales funnels for 97 bucks which is quite a big bang for your buck.

However, Unbounce only focuses on landing pages not on the whole sales funnels but charges the same price range.

Even though Unbounce is a cool software, l think that this software is a bit expensive in terms of price.

Unbounce Alternatives

• ClickFunnels

• Kartra

Final Verdict

I think by now you're now in a better position to decide whether Unbounce is the right fit for you or not.

Using the information discussed in this article, you can easily get an insight about this software before you fully commit to their services.

In my opinion, l think that Unbounce is a great page builder regardless of their pricing.

This is so because Unbounce comes with a ton of great features which are all designed to help you in creating stunning landing pages for your business.

If you're less tech savvy, l highly recommend that you use Unbounce since this software comes with some premade templates that can be easily edited using the simple drag and drop editor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which One Is Better Between ClickFunnels & Unbounce

The first thing that you should know is that these software serves different needs and purposes.

Unbounce was specifically designed for creating landing pages thus it is a great software when it comes to that field.

On the other side, ClickFunnels is mainly used for creating sales funnels and it is a great software when it comes to creating funnels.

Thus, the question of ‘which is better' depends on the purpose that you intend to use each of these softwares.

It also depends on your tastes and preferences since each of these two has its own unique features.

But in my opinion, l think that you get a big bang for your buck when you use ClickFunnels since this software is feature-rich (at the same price range as Unbounce).

But the choice is yours to make since we all have different opinions.

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