How The Internet Revolutionised My Life

Back in the day, l didn't use the internet that much; maybe except for doing research for my assignments, browsing social media sites (and the likes) – but it wasn't something serious.

It wasn't until 2019 when l had access to wifi – thus, l now had the opportunity to ‘freely' surf the web.

And for some reason, l developed some interest in watching YouTube videos – and that's where l was spending most of my free time on.

Whilst watching various videos, l got exposed to different kinds of lifestyles i.e. through watching vlogs – since l got to see how other people in different parts of the world lives.

And this gave me a different perspective on life – rather than just relying on what I've been used to my entire life.

Around September 2019, l came across Deshae Frost & DDG YouTube channels – and that was a complete game changer for me.

At first, I didn't believe what l was seeing – because it was too good to be true.

The kids were already bawling in nice G-wagons & luxurious apartments at the time.

And you know what's funny?

They were within my age group – but they were already living a lifestyle which most adults can't even afford to live.

And this taught me another huge lesson i.e. you don't necessarily need to follow the traditional model of go to school, get good grades, find a good job, climb the corporate ladder – and hopefully become rich towards retirement.

Instead, you can follow your dreams and leverage the internet to become wealthy at a relatively young age – rather than slaving away at a 9 to 5 job your entire life.

After getting some inspiration from these successful youngsters, l got inspired to start my own grind.

But at the time, l had no clue about what to do – so l had to do some research about great business models.

After trying a bunch of different staff, l finally stumbled upon affiliate marketing – through a random YouTube video. (At the beginning of the global pandemic)

I was mesmerised by this business model – and l started to do some research & learning through watching some videos on YouTube (thanks to Odi, Franklin Hatchett, Daniels Hustles, Marcus, etc.).

I didn't buy any course on affiliate marketing when l got started – since l had no money to afford one.

Instead, I utilised the free information that l was finding on Google & YouTube in order to learn more about this business model – which is great!

I realised that, you need a website in order to promote your affiliate offers.

However, l didn't know anything about web design.

Also, l didn't have the money to pay someone to design one for me – so l had to figure this sh*t on my own.

But instead of just complaining, l went on YouTube & l found some great tutorials on how to build websites.

So if you thought that l studied anything related to web development in college, then NOP – l learned this skill through YouTube tutorials.

NB: I created multiple sites before l finally decided to create this one in December 2020.

Then came, Feb 2021!

I was very depressed, stressed, anxious – you name it i.e. due to lots of things which were going on in my life.

I was facing intense pressure from running my website, whilst focusing on school at the same time – not to mention, some crazy staff that was also going on in my personal life.

The situation got worse & l was about to hit my head against the wall.

Thankfully, l came across a guy called Dan Vas on YouTube – and l watched some of his motivational videos.

But more importantly, l want to thank him for his free course called ‘How to make your first million

I know the title sounds a bit clickbait, but the course is all about mind-set.

Through this course, l was able to learn about different things – like morning routines, meditation, journaling, goal setting, visualisation, cold showers, etc.

And I've to admit that, this course led me into the world of self improvement – which completely revolutionised my life as well.

And up to now, l still watch some self improvement videos from people like Jordan Green, Cole Hastings, Tony Robbins – not forgetting, the great Jim Rohn.

And I've to admit that, this content is great for my mental health i.e. it helps to feed & strengthen my mind every day.

Later that year, I stumbled up a business called print on demand.

And I was lured by the idea of running my own clothing business without any inventory – as the print on demand manufacturers takes care of all that staff.

And that led me to create my own clothing business i.e. Grind_To_Shine – and you can view the store through the red banner on top of this site.

I didn't knew that this business exists .... till l heard about it on the internet – so thanks to the internet once again.

As my blog started to gain some traction, l started to earn some income from it – which is great.

And the cool thing is that, I work from my crib i.e. no need to wake up to an annoying alarm, commute in harsh traffic, get told what to do for 8+ hours, deal with corporate drama, etc.

Instead, I have the freedom to do whatever l like, whenever I want – without having to ask for anyone's permission.

Also, internet based businesses are highly scalable i.e. you can earn way more than what you can earn at a regular 9 to 5 job.

Though it takes time to build a successful online business, the upsides are tremendous – since the growth is exponential.

And through this online business, l can afford to do lots of things – which l couldn't otherwise afford to do when I'm solely relying on a pay-check.

And just to sum-up this post, l was able to build amazing relationships on the internet i.e. with people who're beyond my geographic boundaries.

Through leveraging groups & forums, l was able to connect & network with like minded people – who might be otherwise difficult to find in my local area.

And that has really helped me through out this whole journey – since I wont feel alone in this journey – as I'd have some real people to connect and chat with.


So yeah!

I've to admit that, the internet has completely revolutionised my entire life.

Through the internet, l was able to learn a lot of things – which l wouldn't be able to learn through my formal education.

I was able to learn about different lifestyles – which are totally different from what I've been exposed to during my upbringing.

I was also able to build great businesses whilst leveraging the power of the internet – which is also amazing.

Without mentioning about the money, l was able to level up as a person i.e. through self improvement – which l learnt through the Net as well.

So overaly, I give credit to the internet for most of my success – NO CAP!


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