My Regular Morning Routine That Helps Me To Stay Productive

My Regular Morning Routine That Helps Me To Stay Productive

In this post, l will quickly share with you my regular morning routine that I've adopted in the past few months of my self improvement journey – just in case, it might be helpful to you as well.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about my routine.

NB: There might be some alterations here & there i.e. depending on various factors and circumstances.


I usually wake up around 6am (in summers) – or 8am (in winters).

But let's just work with my summer routine!

So after l wake up around 6 (no alarm), I usually drink a giant glass of water – so as to rehydrate my body ASAP – since our bodies loses a lot of water whilst we're sleeping.

Thus, it's important to compensate for all that lost water i.e. through drinking a lot of water in the morning – as well as throughout the day.

After that, I usually listen to some podcasts and motivational content – so as to jumpstart my day with positivity.

This is so powerful because, we're surrounded by a lot of negativity i.e. social media, society, tv, etc. – thus, it's important to feed your mind with positivity – so as to make it stronger.

I listen to people like Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, Stefan James, Jim Rohn, etc. – since they communicate in such a way that's easier to understand. (at least for me)

I usually do this for about 30 to 45 minutes – so as to build my mind’s muscle.

Quick Note:

I usually put my phone on flight mode during mornings – so as to avoid any distractions i.e. one bad notification can ruin your entire day. Thus, l always prefer to use my phone after I'm done with my creative work.

Once I’m done listening to motivational content, l quickly make my bed – since it’s always important to keep your bed nice & tidy.

(Simple task though)

Once I'm done making my bed, that's when I begin my work-out session.

Personally, l prefer to do my work-outs at home – because I've realised that, I can do great exercises which l need for my body i.e. even without any gym equipment.

Besides, I barely find the time to go to the gym – thus, l saw it better to just do the session at home. (plus it saves me some few bucks per month though lol)

But let me just put this out there:

I’m not a crazy body builder who likes to have some big muscles like The Rock – NO!

Instead, I just like to have a healthy body that's less prone to diseases.

So l just stick to simple push-ups i.e. 6 sets of 10s (60 push-ups per day) – different positions though.

In the past, l used to struggle to complete even 10 per day (was lazy though) – but I've improved a lot during the last couple of months – and I've seen the results on my physical body as well.

I also like to do some squats – so as to strengthen my lower body i.e. legs & thighs.

This is so important because, most people only work on their upper bodies whilst neglecting the lower part – which leads to imbalances in your body.

I also like to do some pull-ups i.e. for developing 6 packs/abs. (though l don't have them yet lol).

Stretching is also part of my work-out routine – because our muscles are prone to various stresses i.e. if they aren't stretched on a regular basis.

I also like to stretch my back (watch YouTube tutorials) – because our backs exerts a lot of pressure i.e. when we lift heavy objects – thus, it's also important to keep your back in good shape.

Once I'm done with my work-out (usually takes 30 to 45 minutes), I quickly do my meditation.

I can't stress enough how important meditation is – since it helps a lot to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind – thus, helping to reduce your stress levels.

In the past, l didn't fully understand this practice because l saw it as one of those ‘garbage things' that wastes people's time.

But once l gave it a try, l saw some improvements in my life i.e. in terms of how l manage stress & anger.

Thus, you should try it too – maybe it might improve your life as well.

(Start with 2 minutes per day – then you increase the duration as you get used to it)

Once I’m done meditating, I usually visualise for few minutes – so as to keep reminding myself about my goals & vision.

Visualisation helps to build a strong emotion inside you – which pushes you even more further to take more action & chase those dreams.

Thus, it's also an important practice to do on a regular basis.

Soon after visualising, l quickly do my morning prayer – so as to ask for divine guidance throughout the day.

This is so important especially if you do this kind of creative work – because without God, you might struggle to have content ideas – thus, leading to writers’ block.

But if you ask for ideas from the creator himself, he will always grand you with more wisdom & knowledge to use in your craft.

Once I’m done with prayer, l quickly hoop into the shower – so as to boost my energy before starting my day's work.

I usually prefer cold showers – since these helps a lot with boosting my mental state.

Not only that, but cold showers also helps to boost your immune system – and you'll be less prone to minor health problems if you take cold showers on a regular basis. (though it's controversial)

Soon after taking my shower, that's when I begin my day's work – and that's usually around 8am (in summers) or 10am (in winters).

I usually practice intermittent fasting – since I've realised that lm more productive when I work on an empty stomach compared to when lm full.

If I eat early morning, I’ll feel tired too early because the digestion process takes so much energy from my body – thus, making me feel sleepy.

For this reason, l usually eat after completing my creative tasks – and that's usually after 12pm.

Where's time for journaling?

Unlike most people, l usually journal during evenings i.e. when I’m about to wrap up my day – so journaling is not part of my morning routine.


So that's roughly how my usual morning routine looks like.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any questions.


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