Stellation Media Review | 17 Real Clients Gives Their Honest Opinions

Stellation Media Review

After coming across a lot of ads about Stellation Media, l decided to dig deep into knowing about the nitty-gritty of this new Instagram growth service.

But obviously, when you try to look for details about a software, you will only find posts of either affiliates or other people who are friends and family and these type of people will only mention about the good side whilst ignoring the dark side.

So l decided to look for some more genuine reviews about this new Instagram growth service, to check if there is any valid reviews which are more reliable.

Luckily, l found some genuine reviews about this software, and l will be attaching those reviews in the article whilst discussing about the features of this software as well as how it works.

I will also share the pros and cons of using this software, so that you can have a clear understanding about this software before you decide whether to use it or not.

So without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

Stellation Media Review

What You'll Learn

Stellation Media Review

What is Stellation Media?

In simple terms, it is an Instagram growth software, which allows you to gain more followers who engages with your content.

Most people always ask this question:

Are these followers real?

The honest truth is Yes!

You get real followers - not those fake bots which are being offered by other growth agencies out there.

Most people are familiar with Mr Insta, Ingramer, Trusy Social, Jumper Media, amongst others growth agencies.

However, Stellation Media is a game changer since it is able to deliver good results for its clients in the shortest time possible.

Stellation Media is cloud based in nature, meaning you don't have to worry about installing the software on your device, and this helps to save your storage space.

Stellation Media has received a lot of positive reviews in its early days, and it is anticipated that it will receive more and more clients in the near future since it is gaining a lot of traction from various Instagram users across the globe.

Stellation Media Review

How It Works?

OMG! I'm not tech savvy”.

That was one of my friends who wanted to avoid using this software since he hates technical staff.

But with Stellation Media, you don't have to worry about being a tech savvy, since it is easy to navigate the wires of this software, thus you can get up and running in no time even if you're not tech savvy.

Everything is run from a simple dashboard which is easy to understand.

All you have to do is to come up with a list of all your competitors in your niche who produces similar content as yours.

Make sure you choose those who have a bigger following than you, since you want to ‘steal’ some of those followers and attract them to your tribe.

Once you come up with your competitors’ list, submit it to Stellation Media and this software will take care of the rest!

So this software will track all the people who engages with your competitors content. This is so because those people are your ideal followers since they prove to have an interest in your niche based on the fact that they engage with your competitors content.

Stellation Media (through your Instagram account) will start to engage with those peoples' content e.g. through liking, commenting, amongst other types of engagement.

Most of those people will start to notice that you're engaging with their content and they will become curious in knowing what you do and why you like their content.

Most of them will start to check your profile and some of them will start to follow you since most people likes to keep in touch with other people who engages with their content.

Once you start receiving some followers, this will trigger the Instagram algorithm because having new followers everyday is a sign that more and more people likes your content.

So Instagram will start to show your account to even more people who are interested in that particular niche, which will help you to gain even more natural followers.

I know this might sound a bit complicated. But let me explain this using a real life example.

Stellation Media Review

Let's say you sell your own branded hoodies but no one knows your brand.

Maybe you have been posting your hoodies on your profile for some months but your posts are only seen by few people (probably within your circles).

Then you decide to join hoodie groups of some of the top brands which are well known.

Then you go to view members/ followers of those groups and you start to engage with the content of some of the followers/member in that group.

Those followers will become curious in knowing why you're engaging with their content. So as natural human beings, they will check out your profile to see what you do.

And boom, they will be surprised by a bunch of hoodie pics that you probably post on your profile and most of them will scroll to view your designs.

The fact that they’re following another hoodie based group shows that they have some interest in hoodies.

Some of them will turn into buying customers and also, they will start following you so that they will keep updated of your new designs/ posts.

If a significant number of people add/follow you and engage with your content, this acts as a signal that more people likes your content thus, Instagram will start to show your account to even more people with similar interests.

Overaly you will start to see some significant growth from this strategy.

However, this might be hard if you try to do it manually. But if you use a software like Stellation Media, it does all the heavy weight for you through automating this whole process.

Stellation Media Review


Stellation Media is Software As A Service (SAAS), meaning you have to pay a monthly subscription to keep using the software. If you fail to pay on time, they may discontinue your account from their service.

The prices ranges from $99/month, all the way to $199/month depending on the features that you wish to use.

Always note that the more advanced features comes at a premium price.

(You get what you pay for)

The $99/month plan comes with a lot of features such as mass voting, mass follow, customer support, analytics, amongst others. However, if you need features like post scheduler, auto repost, image editor, amongst others, you might require to upgrade to higher plans, as these features are not available in the lowest plan.

The $149/month plan includes everything in the Light plan but comes with additional features such as DM cleaner, auto repost, auto follow, profile management and live inbox.

This plan is also great but it still restricts you from using the image editor and post scheduler functions. Thus, if you need to use these features, you might be forced to upgrade to the highest plan which costs $199/month.

Below is a table of the pricing structure of Stellation Media.

Stellation Media Pricing
Stellation Media Review


Stellation Media comes with a lot o great features such as mass story viewing, auto post scheduler, advanced analytics, mass voting, amongst others which shall be discussed in great detail in the next few sections.

1. Mass Story Viewing

Imagine if you follow 1 000 people and 25% of them upload some pics and videos to their stories within the same time period.

Do you have the time to view all these 250 stories?

I guess no. Because time is a limited resource which should be properly managed.

But if you use a tool like Stellation Media, you can be able to view all these stories automatically without having to click on each and every one of them.

The main reason why this is a cool feature is that if you view someone's story, that person will also be interested in viewing your stories as well.

Thus, the more stories you view, the more people who will also view your stories as well.

And this is made easier by this automated function.

2. Post Scheduler

As humans, we have other issues to attend to and we may forget to keep inline with our posting calendar.

I also struggle with this a lot because l get too busy some days to the extent that l forget to update my content on my Insta account as well.

But with a tool like Stellation Media, you can schedule your post some days before the actual publishing date, so that those pics or videos will automatically post on your scheduled date even if you're focusing on something else.

This is great for people who gets busy on certain days of the week. For example, if you know you get busy during weekdays, then you can schedule the posts for the whole upcoming week during the weekend, so that those pics will automatically publish on your account, whilst you work on something else.

Stellation Media Review

3. Auto Repost

This helps you to automatically repost other people's content on your account. This helps you to get the posts that are working great for other people in your niche, and you repost them on your story.

It is better to take what has proven to work for others, rather than to reinvent the wheel.

4. Mass follow/ Unfollow

This is great when you plan to add more people to your circle because you don't necessarily need to manually follow people. Rather, this automatic software will do the heavy lifting for you.

Alternatively, this software can automatically unfollow other people who does not engage with your content, so as to keep followers who are only interested in your content.

Stellation Media Review

5. Automatic Mass DM

When you're running a small business, it might be easy to DM your leads and prospects since you will only have a small customer base. However, as your customer base increases, it becomes difficult to message all those customers due to limited human abilities

However, if you leverage a tool like Stellation Media, you can automatically DM your customers without too much hassle.

6. DM Cleaner

12 357 messages!

Why should l keep all these messages when l don't necessarily need 95% of them?

Instead, l should just delete the majority of them and leave the ones which are more important.

But if l try to delete them manually, how long does it take?

Wow! That's when you see the power of an automated tool like Stellation Media. It can automatically wipe away all the unwanted messages in less time.

Stellation Media Review

7. Auto Accept Followers

Allows you to automatically accept new followers and this is ideal for private accounts who may require to manually accept followers, which is time consuming.

8. Advanced Analytics

This allows you to monitor the progress of your Instagram growth, so as to determine whether your account is growing or not and by how what percentage.

This is important in any initiative since it helps in observing whether the efforts are bringing any results or not.

It also helps in deciding what needs to be done in order to improve the outcome of the results.

9. Image Editor

Allows you to edit your images, so as to make them more appealing to your audience. Image quality determines the type of engagement that you get on your posts thus your images should be on point so as to catch more eye brows.

Stellation Media Review


You get real followers (not bots)

Unlike other growth services out there, Stellation Media, gives you some real followers rather than fake robots which might get you in trouble.

We all know that accounts might get suspended if Instagram notice some unusual traffic to your profile.

However, Stellation Media eliminates all these issues as they offer real legit followers.

Let’s hear what the fans say:

Stellation Media Review

Massive growth in less time

This powerful tool helps you to grow your account quickly in less time unlike if you rely on the traditional growth strategies.

In few months time, you will start to see some significant results on your account.

Automated features

Since it comes with automated features such as auto follow, auto liker, story viewing, etc, these features lifts the heavy weight for you. These automated features saves you time and energy, which you can use for other valuable activities.

Good customer service

Their customer service is great and they try to respond to customer's queries in few hours, since they aim at improving user experience.

Customer service is key in any business because the customer is the king, who sacrifices their hard earned money into buying your product or service. Thus, they should be treated with respect before they move to other alternative solutions.

Stellation Media Review

Gives you a free demo

This helps you to test out the software so as to decide if the software is really for you or not. This gives you time to make your planned decision before taking your credit card out of your wallet.

Tried and tested (Proven to work for other people out there).

As witnessed by these positive reviews, this software is tried and tested and it has proven to work for many people out there.

If the software was not useful, there wouldn't be all these 5 star reviews


Prices are a bit expensive

Compared to other Instagram growth services like Jumper Media, Stellation Media is a bit expensive in nature.

However, they justified their higher prices saying that they offer better services but this is a bit debatable.

But for people who are on shoestring budget, this might not be the best option to consider.

Stellation Media Review

Refunds are not guaranteed

The last time l checked on their website, there was no clear refund policy so l’m not very certain whether they issue refunds or not.

And if they issue refunds, what are the conditions because a customer should only be issued a refund under certain conditions.

Might be affected by sever updates

When they had their last server update, some accounts were negatively affected thus most people were disadvantaged by this initiative.

Stellation Media Review


Based on the reviews which this software has been receiving, l think Stellation Media is worth a try. This is so because this software has proven to work for many people out there as it is witnessed by a lot of 5 star reviews that this software received in the past few months.

However, it is common that a product or service cannot suit the preferences of everyone in this world as people's tastes and preferences differs.

Thus, if you’re on the fence of deciding whether to use this software or not, l highly suggest you sign up for the FREE TRIAL TRIAL to decide whether this works for you or not.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Stellation Media Safe?

Of course yes. Stellation Media is very safe to use. However, we cannot predict the future since some softwares only performs good during their early days of launch and they become poor as they gain more customers. But as of now, l think that Stellation Media is very safe.

Is Stellation Media Legit?

Based on the customers reviews, this software is legit. Trustpilot reviews are more genuine than any other review platform out there.

Stellation Media Review

Does Stellation Media Have A Free Plan?

They offer a trial version, which allows you to test if the software is the right fit for you or not before you actually pay for the software.

You can access the free trial using THIS LINK!

How Long Does It Take To Gain 1000 Followers Using Stellation Media?

The time depends with the plan that you choose. A person who takes an expensive plan will see better results in less time than a person who chooses a cheaper plan. However, there are other factors which comes into play and can also have an impact on the speed of your growth.

Does Stellation Media Offer Genuine Followers?

The followers that you get are real people not bots. They adhere to the Instagram rules and policies in order to stay in business.

Stellation Media Review

What Are Stellation Media Alternatives?

Mr Insta, Ingramer, Trusy Social, Jumper Media, just to mention a few.

How Much Does Stellation Media Cost?

Stellation Media has 3 plans which costs $99/month, $149/month, and $199/month respectively. The lowest plan comes with limited features, whereas the $199 includes all the advanced features.

Stellation Media Review