10 Reasons Why You Should Use Bluehost For WordPress Sites!

Bluehost For WordPress

In this article, I'II share with you 10 valid reasons why you should host your WordPress website with Bluehost.

Stay tuned!

Top 10 Reasons

Without further ado, let me quickly dive into more detail.

1. Great Uptime

Bluehost sites have an average uptime rate of 99.99%.

If you're not familiar with uptime, it’s basically the amount of time⏱ which your website is live on the internet i.e. expressed as a percentage of the total year📅.

High uptime indicates that, a website is live & running during most times of the year – thus, visitors are able to access the site most times.

This is opposed to downtime – which is basically the amount of time which your site is unavailable on the internet – thus, people wont be able to access it during downtime periods.

Thus, you should try to find a hosting company with high uptime – so that your visitors can easily access your website at any given time.

Keep in mind that, the standard uptime rate is 99.95% – thus, Bluehost is able to surpass the expected standard by a whooping .04%.

Thus, if you're looking for a hosting provider with great uptime, then Bluehost might be a great option – though there's other providers like Liquid Web – which guarantees a 100.

2. Decent Speeds⚡

According to Google, speed is one of the major ranking📈 factors that's used to determine SERP. (Search Engine Ranking Position)

Sites with poor load times⏳ tends to attract low search rankings i.e. compared to sites with fast load times⏱.

The main reason why Google takes this into consideration is that, it tries by all means to maximise user experience on its platform.

If a website takes forever to load, visitors tends to get frustrated😖 & they bounce back from the site.

And when your site experiences a high bounce rate, this gives negative signals to Google that something is wrong with your website – thus, it'll be pushed down the SERPs.

Thus, you should choose a hosting provider with great speeds from the word go!

Another important factor to note is that, most internet users are now browsing from their mobile devices – meaning, your website should be able to load faster on mobile devices as well.

The standard load time for mobile devices is 3 seconds – meaning, any additional time🕓 beyond 3 seconds decreases user experience by a significant margin.

Thus, you should host you site with a reliable hosting platform like Bluehost – which guarantees decent speeds for your site.

3. Beginner Friendly Interface

As we all know, most cpanels are very complex in nature – which makes it difficult for most beginners to use & navigate.

However, this isn't the case with Bluehost!

Bluehost provides a clean & simple interface – which is very easy to use & navigate.

This company tries by all means to eliminate any complex functions from their dashboard – so as to make it easy for beginners to use the cpanel.

Most features are laid out nicely on the dashboard i.e. in a more organised fashion🧥👖.

Thus, instead of stressing🤯 about where to find key features, you can easily learn how to use the interface in just a matter of few days.

4. Affordable Plans

Another reason why you should host your site with Bluehost is that, it's very affordable.💱

Obviously, you wont be happy to spend hundreds of dollars every single year i.e. just for hosting – since this will negatively affect your profit margins.

You always need to find a hosting provider which charges affordable prices – whilst at the same time🕓, offering the best services.

In that case, you can easily maximise your value for money spent.

Bluehost plans starts from as little as $2.95 per month – which is quite cheaper than the price of Starbucks coffee🥤.

Keep in mind that, other hosting providers charges exorbitant prices which are out of reach for most people – which isn't the case with Bluehost.

Bluehost also gives you a 🆓️ domain during your first year📅 – which is uncommon with most providers in the industry.

This is a no brainer deal as you get your unique url for your business i.e. without spending a dime💲 for it.

Thus, if you're looking for an affordable hosting provider, then Bluehost might be a great option to consider.

Now, I'm aware that, there's other companies out there that charges lower prices than 2 bucks.

This might sound like a great deal – but you should always consider value for money.

Some hosting providers might seem ‘cheap' in the initial stages – but you'll realise that, they don't offer some important features needed to run your site.

For this reason, you might be forced to pay for those features as upsells – which will in turn shoot🤾‍♂️ the overall cost over the roof.

5. Great Support

As we all know, this whole web industry is very complex – especially for most beginners.

For this reason, you might face some challenges which might require the help of ‘experts' i.e., in order to overcome them.

Thus, you should always choose a hosting provider with good customer support – just in case, you might face some challenges.

With that being said, Bluehost offers a 24/7 customer support through live chat💬, email📧 – or even phone📞 support.

Thus, you can easily contact the support team through any of these platforms at any time & any where – whenever you feel like you need some assistance.

Another cool thing about Bluehost is that, it offers a large pool🥌 of online resources which you can utilise to find some solutions for your problems. (knowledge base)

This helps to find some answers for your queries – since most queries were already addressed through the knowledge base.

This reduces stress🤯 involved in trying to figure out all this staff on your own – since this might be a hassle at times.

6. Site Migration Tools🛠

If you have an existing website that you wish to transfer over to Bluehost, then you can do so i.e. using the site migration tools🛠 offered by Bluehost.

Bluehost makes this process easy for you i.e. you can easily migrate your website in just a matter of few clicks.

You just have to enter some few details – then boom💣, your site will be migrated (takes few hours🕟).

Keep in mind that, this process used to take some days – since there was no tools⚒ which were available to facilitate this process back then.

Also, the process required the help of a developer i.e. in the past – since it used to involve a lot of technical staff🛃.

However, companies like Bluehost are now offering some tools – which are tailor-made to facilitate this process.

Thus, anyone is now capable of migrating his/her site i.e. even without prior experience.

7. Better Rankings On Search Engines📈

Although this comes as an indirect factor, it’ll be unfair if l don't mention it.

As we all know, most websites which ranks on Google are made with WordPress.

And guess were most of those sites are hosted?

They’re hosted with Bluehost – the #1 recommended hosting platform for WordPress websites.

And we all know that, more than 2 million websites on the internet are hosted under Bluehost – which is by far more than most providers.

This proves how reliable this provider is – since most people prefers to use Bluehost over its competitors.

Thus, you should host your WordPress site with the #1 recommended provider i.e. Bluehost.

8. Offers Great Security Features🛡

Recent studies📊 shows that, more than 50k websites are being hacked👽 on a monthly📆 basis i.e. due to lack of security.

The main fault lies within the hosting providers of those websites – since it is the responsibility of a hosting provider to protect its clients from any form of attack.

For this reason, you should look👀 for a more secure hosting provider like Bluehost – which guarantees high security for your site.

Bluehost offers some security oriented features such as SSL certificates, PHP, as well as encrypt locks🔒 – which helps to protect sensitive information on your site i.e. email📧 addresses, payment details💳, IP addresses🛂, etc.

This helps to protect you & your visitors from any form of external attack – since confidential information will be secured against any form of attack.

With the help of the 2 step verification process, your site's security will be further enhanced – since Bluehost allows you to set a double login option for your site.

9. Offers CDN Features

Bluehost offers some CDN tools⚒ – which helps to save a copy of your website in cloud☁️ based servers.

This helps to increase the rate at which your site is delivered to your visitors – since they’ll be able to access a copy of your site stored near their location.

Another 🆒️ thing about CDN tools is that, they help to make your site available 24/7 i.e. even in circumstances where you face some technical issues in the backend of your site.

For example, let's say that your site faces some issues, your audience will still be able to access it through the saved copies on CDN servers.

This gives you enough time🕟 to work👨‍🔧 on the problems – whilst your visitors are accessing your site (without noticing what's going on)

10. Offers Business👨‍💼 Oriented Features

If you go on Google & search🔎 for something like ‘Restaurants', you’ll find that the top results will comprise of restaurant🍴 businesses that are available in your local area.

This helps to increase exposure to your business – as more customers will get to know about your business.

Although this sounds all great, most people don't have a clue on how to get their businesses on that section of the search results.

But it's easier than you think!

You can use Bluehost to get some business oriented features – specifically business email📧.

With Bluehost, you can get an email address like myname@business.com – which is unique to your business.

Using an email like this + some few SEO tactics, you can get your website on the business section of the search results.

This will in turn help to get more customers to your business – since most customers always search for potential businesses on Google.

👉Learn more about how to rank on Google My Business here

Wrapping Up

I hope that you're now sure on why it’s necessary to host your WordPress site with Bluehost – since this article clearly explained the major reasons in more depth.

Obviously, this article would’ve been longer if l chose to write all the reasons why Bluehost is the best for WordPress sites.

But l just tried to summarise my top 10 reasons – in order to keep the article short & precise.

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