FlexOffers Affiliate Program: Everything You Need To Know

FlexOffers Affiliate Program

What You'll Learn:

What Is FlexOffers?

FlexOffers is an affiliate network which allows affiliates and product owners to connect and work together.

Just like Commission Junction, FlexOffers allows big brands to register their affiliate offers on this network so that they can get some assistance from this network managing their affiliate programs.

This reduces the burden on the side of these companies since most brands are not prepared to take the risks involved in running their affiliate programs on their own.

Thus, it is important to partner with a big network like FlexOffers since this platform takes care of all the dirty work.

How Does FlexOffers Work?

Ideally, product owners are given the platform to register their offers so that they become visible to affiliates who're willing to promote these offers to their respective audiences.

By paying a small registration fee, companies are able to list their offers on this platform hence getting some exposure to more potential affiliates.

On the other hand, affiliates are allowed to register on this platform (for free) so that they can get the opportunity to partner with these brands.

We all know that it is a bit difficult to approach big companies directly as an affiliate since these companies have some strict standards.

However, if you apply through a network, your chances of getting approved are very high since FlexOffers tries by all means to reduce the barriers which exists between big brands and individual affiliates.

Once you get accepted on FlexOffers, you will get access to the marketplace where all the brands are listed.

You can filter the listings by category, best selling, conversion rates, etc depending on your preferences.

Once you find some brands that you wish to work with, you can simply apply to those companies so as to seek permission to promote their products.

Your application can either get accepted or rejected depending on the requirements of each brand.

But you should try to apply to as many brands as possible in order to increase your chances of getting accepted.

FlexOffers Commission

The commissions vary from one brand to another since each company has its own commission structure.

Some companies uses the pay per lead model whereby they pay you for sending leads to their website.

The interesting part is that some companies are willing to pay as high as 100 bucks per every lead that you bring to their platform (in expensive niches like finance).

Thus, you can make a ton of money by simply sending leads i.e. without making sales.

On another note, other companies focuses on the normal pay per sale model whereby they only pay you if your leads makes qualified purchases.

This is a bit ‘harder' than pay per lead since your leads have to spend some money in order for you to get paid.

But the beauty part about pay per sale is that you’re able to earn big bucks per every sale than what you earn in the pay per lead model.

Another great thing about FlexOffers is that they have the FlexRev-$hare program which allows you to refer other affiliates to the platform and you'll earn some commissions whenever your tier affiliates makes sales.

In this program, you're able to refer your friends and family to the FlexOffers affiliate program and you'll earn a 5% commission of everything they make on FlexOffers.

This is great if you have a huge audience which has some interest in this affiliate program since you can easily refer them using your referral link.

FlexOffers Payment Method

Just like any other affiliate network, FlexOffers accepts different payment methods.

These includes, but not limited to:

• PayPal

• Bank Transfer

• Check

• Wire Transfer

FlexOffers Publishers

FlexOffers partners with thousands of big brands around the globe since this platform is well established.

Some of the brands includes:

• Reebok

• Staples

• Sephora

• Lego

• Fabkids


• Fun

• Carter's

• Evan Moor

• Mankind

• Greenlight

• AT&T

• Freshly

• Fresh Chip

• US Mattress

*The list goes on......

How To Get Started With FlexOffers

The easiest way to get started with FlexOffers is to build a website and you start creating some content related to offers that you wish to promote.

The main reason why l always ‘preach' about having a website is that most of these affiliate networks prefers affiliates with a functional website.

They want to ensure that you have some sort of platform to promote your affiliate links otherwise you might end up spamming your links everywhere on the internet.

Thus, before applying for FlexOffers, you MUST create a website and publish some few articles on it so that your website looks functional.

👉You can read this detailed article if you want to learn how to build your own website in few minutes.

Once you have a functional website, you can now apply to FlexOffers and in this case, your odds of getting accepted will be much higher.

The easiest way to promote FlexOffers products is through product reviews and comparisons since most people are always searching for this staff.

You can also create content around ‘How To....’ guides then you recommend those offers as solutions to your customer's problems.

Another great way is to place banners and widgets on your website and some of your visitors are most likely to click on those links especially when the banners are high quality.

*There’s a lot of ways to skin a cat. You just have to choose which method suits you!

Wrap Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you have learned some key aspects related to FlexOffers.

FlexOffers is a great network for affiliates since it gives you the opportunity to partner with some big brands without too much hassle.

I have friends who're making a full time income on this platform since most offers on this platform converts like crazy.

Thus, you can make a decent income on this platform if you do it the right way.

But before leaving this post, always remember that a website is a pre-requisite for this network since they try by all means to eliminate untrustworthy affiliates who might end up spamming their links everywhere on the Net.

Thus, l highly recommend you to start your own website TODAY if you want to partner with these ‘big' affiliate networks.

👉Learn how to build your own website in this article .

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