How To Start Blogging For Free – WORTH READING!

Start Blogging For Free

Are you eager to start your own blog?

But you don't have enough money to pay for web hosting?

If so, then this article is for you.

In this post, l will quickly share with you how you can start your own blogging career for free – without spending a dime on anything.

After reading this post, you'll be in a better position to go out there and start your own blog – without having to worry about any cost.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Involved:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Choosing A Niche

Before starting anything, it's important to clearly pick a niche – so that you'll know exactly who your ideal audience is.

This sets the foundation of what your blog will be centred on – since you'll be guided by your niche in creating your content.

Most people overthink this phase – since they think that you have to pick a ‘perfect niche' from the word go.

But believe me, your first niche is usually for learning – and you can always switch niches in the future.

With that being said, the most profitable niches right now are wealth, health, and relationships – since most people are always concerned about these variables.

However, any niche can be profitable – as long as you know how to position yourself.

I have friends who’re crushing it in weird niches – and these niches are less saturated than the traditional ones.

Thus, you just have to pick a niche which you're passionate about – whilst at the same time, it should be something that is monetisable.

2. Signup For A Free Website Builder

Assuming that you've figured out your niche, it's now high time to sign up for a free website builder.

There's a lot of free website builders out there – which are all designed to cater for people like you who don't have money to invest.

However, it is important to mention that, most of these platforms has their own limitations e.g. you can't have a custom domain – rather, you'll rely on a auto generated subdomain.

Also, it's difficult to fully customise a free website – since free ones comes with very limited features.

For these reasons, you might need to switch to a self hosted solution in the future when you start making some decent income.

With that being said, the best platforms right now are;

i) Medium

ii) Google Sites

iii) Blogger


v) Wix

I wont go into much detail about these platforms – since l have a dedicated article which l published recently.

You can read that one to learn more about these platforms.

*You can also look for tutorials on YouTube – which shows you how to build a free website/blog.

3. Do Some Keyword Research

Assuming that you’ve setup your free blog, it's now high time to start looking for content ideas for your blog.

That's where keyword research comes into play.

You need to look for keywords/phrases, which people are searching for i.e. related to your niche.

This can be done using various tools like Ahrefs, Uber Suggest, SEMRush, or the free Google Planner – which provides data related to search volumes and competition levels.

Obviously, you need to look for keywords with high search volumes and low completion levels.

This allows you to rank your articles ‘faster’ – whilst at the same time, allowing you to get some decent traffic to your blog.

The key is to come up with some primary/seed keywords related to you niche – then you insert them into a tool like Google Planner to get search phrases related to that primary keyword.

👉You can also read this article if you want to learn more about keyword research.

Another great way to find content ideas is to spy your competitor's blogs i.e. observe which topics are doing well for them – and you produce better versions of those topics.

Using a tool like Ahrefs, you can insert your competitor's url – and the tool will show you which pages are bringing-in more traffic to their site.

The truth is, your competitors already did the dirty job for you. You just have to replicate what's already working for them – but add your own twist!

4. Start Publishing Content

Ok – let's say that you've generated some content ideas for your blog, it's now high time to start publishing content.

Most people gets excited when they create their first blog – but the excitement fades away when it comes time for content creation.

But if you want to succeed in this industry, you have to publish more content – coz content brings-in traffic – which might turn into $$$ through various means.

Thus, you should try by all means to publish more content on your blog.

Most people always ask this question;

‘How many articles should l publish on my blog during the first year?’

To be honest, you need to publish at least 100 articles during your first year – since this helps to build some trust and authority on the search engines.tenginest

You need to publish at least 30 articles during the first 2 months, another 30 before month 6, then the remaining 40 during the second half of your blogging year.

But keep in mind that, it takes time for search engines to rank brand new blogs – since there's this thing called the sandbox.

It might take anywhere from 6 to 12 months before you start getting any traffic – but for most websites, it's usually 8 months.

This is the phase where most people quit – since it is difficult to continue publishing content when no one is reading it.

But if you have the discipline to continue grinding even when you're not getting any traffic – then congrats my friend! You've separated yourself from most people who quit after a few months.

Yes – there's a lot of money in the blogging industry. But it takes time to start earning those huge amounts – since the traffic & income builds over time.

Thus, l highly urge you to publish as much content as possible – even if you're not getting any traffic.

When your website starts ranking, those articles will generate traffic – which might turn into $$$.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post – since l tried by all means to put you on game.

Using the techniques shared in this post, you can start your own blogging career for free – and you can turn that free blog into a full time business in the near future.

The key is to take action and get some momentum ASAP – otherwise, you wont achieve anything.


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