5 Reasons Why 99% Of New Bloggers Fail

Why Most New Bloggers Fail

When people see successful bloggers online, they're inspired to start their own blogs – so as to achieve the same level of success as well.

However, most people who try to embark on this journey end up failing due to a number of reasons – which will be discussed in this article.

But before l proceed, let me mention this real quick.

‘It's nice to see someone making $10k or more with blogging – since this sounds like a magical number for most people’.

Although it's a huge income, it doesn't come that easy!

You don't see the hard work, late nights, sweat, and tears involved in the process of taking that blog from zero to that income level.

Thus, you must be willing to go through the process i.e. through the highs and lows.

That being said, let's now dive into the reasons why most new bloggers fail.

5 Reasons Why 99% Of New Bloggers Fail

Let me explain each of them – one by one.

1. They Give Up Too Soon

The main reason why most new bloggers fail is that, they give up too soon.

Most people come into this industry with unrealistic expectations i.e. l want to make $10k within the first 3 months – and when they fail to reach their expectations, they just give up.

But the truth is, blogging takes time i.e. it's not an overnight thing.

It takes an average of 6 to 12 months for a brand new website to start getting SEO traffic (8 months for most blogs) – and you wont be making significant income during your first year.

Thus, you must come into this industry with the right mind-set i.e. knowing what it takes to reach success, as well as being prepared to go through the process.

My advise is;

You must have the discipline to keep grinding even when you're not getting any results.

I know it's hard to keep going if you're not getting any results – but the truth is; success lies on the other side of failure.

And if you stay persistent, you'll achieve great success in this industry.

2. Shiny Object Syndrome

Another reason why 99% of new bloggers fail is due to the shiny object syndrome.

If you're not familiar with this concept, it's basically an act of jumping from one opportunity to the other, trying to look for the next ‘big thing'.

I always see this problem amongst most newbies – since they're tempted to switch from one business model to the other.

For example, let's say that you’re running a weight loss blog – but you’re not yet making significant income, you might be tempted to abandon that blog and look for another opportunity.

That's when you go on YouTube – and you come across a ‘guru' who's making $70k/month with drop shipping.

You get tempted to join his course, start an ecommerce store – only to realise that, the strategies taught in the course are garbage.

You get frustrated, and you go on social media in order to relief your stress.

Whilst scrolling on Instagram, you come across a pic of someone who's living a good lifestyle – and the person specialises in bitcoin.

You get inspired, venture into that field, only to realised that this staff is very complicated i.e. after loosing a ton of money.

The cycle keeps going on and on and on.

And if you're not careful, you might waste a lot of time – jumping from one opportunity to the other – rather than sticking to your blogging grind long enough until it reaches fruition.

3. Lack Of SEO Skills

When most people come into this industry, they're not equipped with the necessary SEO skills.

This causes a lot of challenges to most newbies – because without SEO, it's impossible to rank your articles on Google and get some traffic.

I see a lot beginners making the mistake of writing what they're interested in – so as to get things out of their chest i.e.’ I want to show people that l know this topic’.

But the question is;

Is that what your target audience is searching for?

If not, then you wont get any traffic to your content.

You need to optimise your articles for SEO – so as to rank on Google.

You need to do some keyword research, optimising your titles, sub headings, etc. – so that Google can pick up your articles – and rank them accordingly.

4. Focusing On Wrong Things

‘I've been working on my blog for the past 1 year – but lm not getting any results'

And you go and look at the blog, and there's only 12 articles.

Like seriously dude?

‘Working’ on your blog for an entire year – just to produce 12 pieces of content?

What's the problem here?

It all comes down to prioritisation!

Most new bloggers makes the mistake of prioritising the wrong things – which leads to extreme failure.

Most of them thinks that if you spend 8 hours opening your website’s interface, you've automatically worked 8 hours on your site that day.

But that's not entirely true!

If you spend more time changing themes, fonts, colours, etc. – you're not really doing the things that pushes the needle forward.

I'm not saying that these things aren't important – No!

But what lm saying is that, you should focus on things that generates traffic and sales for your blog i.e. content.

Instead of wasting time changing the design of your website, it's better to direct all that time energy into content creation – because that's what matters the most.

I've seen some really ugly websites which generates a ton of traffic and revenue – because they focus on providing valuable content to their audience.

Yes – a good design is good for your website!

But that should not be your primary issue of concern.

5. Lack Of Accountability & Responsibility

Last but not least, 99% of new bloggers fail due to lack of accountability and responsibility.

Most people only work if they're given pressure by a boss, manager, supervisor, etc.

But that's not the case when it comes to blogging.

In blogging, you're your own boss – thus, you're the one responsible for planning your work schedules – as well as ensuring that, the work is done.

For this reason, most people tend to relax – since there's no one pushing them to do the work.

It's easier to become lazy and be unproductive – because you have no one to report to.

And if you're not disciplined enough to push yourself forward, you might realise that you’re wasting a lot of time doing some unproductive staff.

But if you want to succeed, you must hold yourself accountable i.e. you must show-up and do the f*cken work – even if there's no one giving you instructions.

Wrapping Up

So here we go!

These are some of the most common reasons why most people who're trying to venture into blogging fail.

Of course, there's other bazillion reasons why most people fail – but l think that these are the major ones.

But if you’re aware of these things, you can avoid them – and set yourself up for success.


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