JV Zoo & Warrior Plus Affiliate Tutorial (Beginners Guide)

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Two of the most popular affiliate programs on the internet are JV Zoo & Warrior Plus.

There is no doubt that these two platforms are trending right now, since there is a ton of new products that are being launched on a daily basis.

The main reason behind this movement is that these platforms have low barriers to entry to both vendors and affiliates thus giving more room for ordinary people like me to utilise these platforms and make money.

There is a ton of digital products on both JV Zoo and Warrior Plus and most of these products falls under the Make Money Online niche.

These products are selling like hot cakes especially during the ongoing pandemic since most people are sitting at home, looking for ways to make money online in order to provide food for their families.

For this reason, there’s thousands of transactions that are being made each and every minute on these platforms since most people are buying these products.

But the key question is;

How can you tap into these platforms and make money as an affiliate?

To answer this question, lm going to walk you step by step on how you can get started with both Warrior Plus and JV Zoo affiliate programs.

Read till the end if you want to learn more.

How Do l Become A JV Zoo Affiliate/Warrior Plus Affiliate?

Becoming an affiliate on JV Zoo or Warrior Plus is very easy since there is low barriers to entry on these platforms.

You simply need to visit the affiliate signup page of both platforms and you signup as an affiliate.

All you need to do is to provide some few details that are required by these platforms e.g. personal details, payment details, etc and you will be ready to go.

Make sure you have a working PayPal or bank account in order to receive your payments in the future.

Another thing to note is that you need to complete the tax forms that are provided by these platforms otherwise you wont get paid.

Once your account is set up, you will get access to thousand of products which are available on these platforms.

In order to promote these products, you must request approval from the respective vendors.

You might face some challenges in your initial days especially when you don't have any sales records since most vendors only approves affiliates with a good sales record.

But if you apply to as many offers as you can, you will get approved by some vendors.

Sometimes, your commissions might be set on ‘DELAYED' since some vendors might decide to pay you after the refund period has passed.

But its ok because that’s how everyone starts.

But as soon as you get more sales, your commissions will be changed to ‘INSTANT' once you build some trust with vendors.

Ok! So now you have been accepted by some vendors and you've got your affiliate links.

What's next?

In the next section, l will show you how to promote your affiliate links and make money in the process.

How Do l Promote JV Zoo & Warrior Plus Products?

The most common method of promoting JV Zoo and Warrior Plus products is launch jacking.

In this method, you find products that are being launched in the near future, apply for those offers, and once you get approved, you create content on either a blog or a YouTube channel.

The idea behind this technique is that products that are not yet launched have low competition on both Google and YouTube thus your chances of ranking for those search terms are very high.

Thus, even if you have a small YouTube channel or a brand new blog, your content might rank for that particular search term.

All you need to do is to create a product review of that particular product and you optimise your content for SEO.

When the product gets launched, big marketers with huge email lists usually sends an email blast to their subscribers to inform them about those new products.

A majority of those people will go to search engines like Google and YouTube to search for reviews about that product so as to get some in-depth information about the product before spending their hard earned money.

In the process of doing their research, they might land on your video/article and they might end up buying through your affiliate links.

That's how most review sites are making most of their money.

In order to increase your conversions, you should offer some BONUSES to your visitors so as to incentivise them to buy through your link.

You can get these bonuses for free on PLR websites and these can be in the form of eBooks, pdf guides, free video courses, amongst others.

The interesting part is that you can use Medium.com to write your reviews and you have to disclose that your article have some affiliate links otherwise your account might get suspended.

But if you do it properly through following Medium's policy guidelines, you can achieve massive success with this method.

However, if you want to turn this into a long term business, you should create your own website so that you wont stress about your Medium account getting banned or other uncertainties associated with using Medium.

Is This Technique Sustainable?

Although this technique has proven to work for most people, l discovered some few caveats associated with this technique.

Launch jacking used to be very profitable in the past when there was only few people doing this technique.

However, there has been a lot of people in recent years who're now aware of this technique hence causing more competition in the process.

In the past, there was only a few websites and YouTube channels which were doing this method thus it was ‘easier' to rank your content.

However, things have changed and l now see a dozen of review videos and articles that are all promoting the same products.

And guess what?

Google only accommodates 10 articles on the first page and whilst the number of websites that are promoting the same products has plummeted to 50+.

So what happens to the other 40 that fails to rank on the first page?

Also, people are now sharing the stake of the pie since everyone is fighting for the same customers hence there's now less profits for most people unlike in the past.

Don't get me wrong. I’m not saying that launch jacking is no longer profitable.

All lm saying is that it has become more competitive in recent years than in the past.

So in order to rank your content, you must be extremely resourceful than your competitors in order to attract more eyebrows to your content.

Otherwise you might end up getting frustrated like some of my friends who writes content on a daily basis but no one reads that content thus leading to no sales.

But if you can manage to create awesome content, then go for it because there is other affiliates like Jono Armstrong who are crushing it with this technique.

Another challenge that l have noticed is that most of these products are not designed to stay for the long term.

Most vendors on JV Zoo and Warrior Plus launches new products after every 2 or 3 weeks thus affecting the previous products that they launched earlier.

For this reason, most vendors only promotes a product for a week or two so as to maximise their revenues.

Affiliates makes a lot of money during these launch promos since most customers will be searching for those products.

However, most vendors cease to promote their products after a few weeks and this will also affect the search volumes for those products.

As a result, your review content might only get massive traffic during the launch week and the traffic starts to decline soon after the promotional launch.

I have discovered that out of 100 review articles on a blog, less than 10% of those articles receives significant traffic since most JV Zoo and Warrior Plus products tend to ‘expire' or loose taste some weeks after their launch date.

Hence there will be less and less people searching for those products thus negatively affecting your blog traffic.

So How Can You Overcome This Challenge?

I have found a great way to promote JV Zoo and Warrior Plus products in a more sustainable way.

You can promote these products through finding evergreen search terms which receives consistent traffic throughout the year.

Once you find those search terms, you need to create some content and you then recommend some JV Zoo or Warrior Plus products related to that topic.

For example, most people are always searching for ‘How To Create An Online Course?’

JV Zoo & Warrior Plus Tutorial

This query is always asked by most people on a regular basis since most people are now attracted to create and sell their own information products.

And the beauty part is that there is some awesome products on both JV Zoo and Warrior Plus that were designed to facilitate course creation (e.g. Courserious, 7 Min Course Creator, etc.)

So your duty is to produce content that guides people on how they can create their own courses and you then recommend those products inside your content.

Most of these people tends to convert better especially if you provide them with pure valuable content.

Speech To Text

Another great example that l found is ‘Text to Speech’

There is a ton of people who’re interested in converting some text into speech as it is witnessed by huge search volumes of this search term.

And the beauty part is that there is products like Speechdio which were designed to facilitate the conversion of text into speech format.

Thus, your job is to create some content that teaches people how they can convert their text into speech format and you recommend Speechdio as the best software for this process.

That way, you can stand above the rest of your competitors since most people are only focusing on product reviews.

Wrap Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you now have a deeper understanding of how you can get started with both JV Zoo and Warrior Plus.

There is a lot of people who're making a ton of money on these platforms since there is thousands if not million of transactions that takes place every month on these platforms.

But that money does not fall on the lap of random people!

Its a matter of putting in the necessary grind in order to claim your own stake of this huge pie.

If you're extremely resourceful, you can achieve massive success with these platforms.

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