How To Make Money With Etsy In 2022 (3 Best Ways)

How To Make Money With Etsy In 2022 (3 Best Ways)

Looking for ways to make money with Etsy?

If so, then you've come to the right place!

In this post, l will quickly share with you some of the best ways to make money with Etsy – just in case, some of them might help you.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about these methods.

1. Sell Your Custom Made Printables

If you're interested in making art designs, then Etsy might be the right platform to monetize your passions.

As we all know, Etsy is the hub of printable art – since it has established its name around that niche.

Thus, you can leverage this platform to sell your designs.

In order to get started, simply create a seller's account on this platform.

This allows you to list your products as a vendor – so that you can sell them through this platform.

Try by all means to provide as much details as possible – otherwise, your application might get rejected.

Ok! So let's assume that you've signed up for the platform, you should start listing your designs ASAP!

But keep in mind that, Etsy charges some small listing fees – thus, you must have a small budget for that.

But the beauty part is that, you'll recover your money (with profits) once you sell your designs – thus, you should view it as an investment.

It's also important to note that, Etsy is a search engine – which uses keywords to better understand your listing.

For this reason, it's important to optimise your listings for SEO – so that you can rank higher for certain search terms.

Thus, if you're interested in selling printable art, then you can leverage Etsy to get customers.

NB: You don't have to be an artist or designer in order to sell printables.

Instead, you can hire someone to do the designs for you i.e. for a certain fee.

2. Sell Your Merch On Etsy

You can also sell your merch on Etsy.

In order to get started, simply signup for a print on demand manufacturer like Printful.

Once done, you should integrate your print on demand account with your Etsy account.

This allows you to list your merch designs straight from your Printful account – thus, making the process much easier.

And as a rule of thumb, Etsy will charge you some small listing fees – thus, you should be prepared for that.

And if you're wondering; ‘how to come up with designs for your merch' – then you should stop worrying right now!

You can easily create your own designs using Canva – since this platform provides some nice templates for merch designs.

Thus, you don't need to be a pro designer in order to create nice designs – since these templates are 75% done for you.

And you can find some great tutorials on YouTube if you want to learn how to use Canva.

But if you don't want to create the designs by yourself, then you can outsource them on Fiverr – since there's a ton of talented graphic designers on this platform (and they're affordable too!)

3. Promote Etsy Products As An Affiliate

Last but not least, you can simply promote existing Etsy products as an affiliate.

In order to get started, simply join their affiliate program – then you start advertising various products on your platform i.e. website, YouTube channel, social media, etc.

And when people buys the products through your links, you'll earn some commissions.

However, l have to admit that, their affiliate program pays very little commissions i.e. 4% per sale.

This means that, you’ll only get paid 4 bucks for every $100 worth of products that you sale – which is just too little.

Thus, you have to make a lot of sales in order to make significant amounts – otherwise, you wont be able to make significant income.

But if you have an existing audience that's interested in printables, then you can leverage this affiliate program to monetize that audience.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best ways that you can use to make money with Etsy.

If you leverage some of these, you can make some few extra bucks per month – or even a full time income.


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