How To Get Started With MaxBounty CPA Network

MaxBounty CPA Marketing

There is no doubt that MaxBounty is one of the largest networks when it comes to CPA marketing.

This network was able to establish some authority over the years and it has managed to attract a lot of big brands to their platform.

Thus, MaxBounty is kinder a big deal when it comes to CPA marketing.

But the main purpose of this article is to help you understand how this network works as well as how you can get started with MaxBounty CPA marketing.

I have divided this post into different segments based on some of the most common questions that circulates among CPA marketers.

Some of them includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes of this article.

What Is MaxBounty?

MaxBounty is a CPA affiliate network, which was designed to connect CPA affiliates to great CPA offers around the globe.

There is no doubt that CPA marketing has gained a lot of momentum over the years, since more and more people are motivated to get started with this form of marketing.

For this reason, CPA networks like MaxBounty are gaining a lot of traction as they are regarded as the hub of CPA offers.

On this platform, you can get access to various CPA offers from various brands and companies around the globe thereby helping you to monetize your traffic in a more convenient way.

The beauty about CPA marketing is that you don't have to make sales since you're paid if your leads completes a specific action on the vendor's website.

Thus, you can easily make a ton of money from this form of marketing since it is ‘simple’ in nature.

Enough of this TEDX talk!

Most people want to know ‘How this network works' since there is a lot of confusion regarding this topic.

So l have prepared a detailed explanation regarding this topic, so as to give you a rough idea about how this platform operates.

How Does MaxBounty Work?

As mentioned earlier, MaxBounty is a network which helps to connect affiliates to brands that have various CPA offers.

These brands registers on this platform, so as to become eligible to advertise their offers on this platform.

The main reason why most brands chooses to advertise their offers on this platform rather than hosting their own in-house affiliate programs is that MaxBounty has some affiliates who already uses this platform thus big brands are willing to take advantage of these existing affiliates.

Once brands gets approved on this platform, they can start listing their offers on the platform so that they can become visible to affiliates who are willing to promote those offers.

These brands also pays a certain fee in order to use this platform since MaxBounty charges a fee in order to compensate for their services.

Once a brand advertises its offers, affiliates can then start to promote these offers for a commission and the commissions varies from one brand to another i.e. some brands are willing to pay as high as $100/lead, whilst others pays around $1 to $3 per lead.

But bear in mind that high paying offers requires a lot of effort since the vendor will only pay you if your leads provides some more detailed information. (most high paying offers falls in the expensive niches e.g. finance)

However, this is not the case for low paying offers since these have less requirements than high paying ones. (e.g. email submission, app installs, etc)

So you should choose your offers wisely depending on your traffic, amongst other related metrics.

How Do You Get Approved For MaxBounty?

Getting approved for MaxBounty is a bit ‘tricky’ since most applications are rejected from the network.

The main reason being that MaxBounty tries by all means to eliminate low quality affiliates into their network so as to protect their reputation.

MaxBounty partners with big brands thus they try by all means to provide high quality affiliates to their partners.

But l will give you some tips that you can use in order to increase your odds of getting approved.

First and foremost, you have to visit the affiliate signup page and you fill out the form provided by the network.

You're required to fill out your details i.e. personal information, contact details, security information, address, amongst other basic info.

Make sure you provide your ‘true' details because this network might reject your application if they feel like your details are not real.

Also, you should provide your real contact details i.e. phone number and skype id because they usually call their applicants in order to get some more in-depth information.

The most complicated section is the ‘Experience' segment since this is where most people fail the test.

First, you don’t have to mention that you're a beginner, even if you're completely new to CPA/Affiliate marketing.

The main reason being that MaxBounty does not like people who're still learning about online marketing since newbies are believed to be the ones who sends poor traffic to their offers.

Thus, you have to mention that you have some experience and you have made some money with other CPA networks like CPA Grip.

It is also important to mention that you have at least 1 year + of experience since it is believed that a person can master most of the basic marketing skills within a year.

When they ask you ‘How you're planning to promote their offers', you should mention something like paid ads, SEO traffic, etc.

You should not mention something like incentivised clicks since they might reject your application for trying to ‘screw’ the system.

Another thing to note is that you should mention that you got referred by a course creator, mentor, etc since they don't like people who just come from nowhere.

Lastly, you should take a screenshot of all your answers because the MaxBounty affiliate team might call you within the next few days in order to verify your information.

Thus, your answers should not differ from the responses that you provided in your application form.

Pro Tip

One of the requirements for getting approved into MaxBounty network is a website.

This network requires affiliates with legit websites since a website proves that you're a real person who is legit and trustworthy.

Without a website, your application might get rejected since there is a specific section dedicated for your ‘website name' within the application form.

Thus, if you don't have a website yet, l highly recommend that you start one today so as to maximise your chances of getting approved into the network.

And the beauty part is that you can start a website for as little as 3 bucks, if you choose something like Bluehost.

Thus, l highly advise you to create your own custom website TODAY if you're serious about online marketing.

👉l have prepared a step by step guide that can help you to start your own website in just a matter of few minutes.

MaxBounty Offers

There are thousands of offers on MaxBounty.

But for the purpose of this article, l have selected just a few so that you can have an idea of what to expect when you join MaxBounty.

These includes:

• Airbnb

• Liberty Mutual

• Keto Extreme

• ManPlus

• Pinecone

• IdentityIQ

• iDates

• MacAfee

• iSurveyWorld

• Rakuten Insight Survey

*The list is endless......

MaxBounty Alternatives

• CPAGrip

• CPA Build

• Offer Vault

• Adworkmedia

Wrap Up

I hope you've got some value from this post since l tried by all means to provide all my knowledge regarding this affiliate network.

At this point, l believe that you now have all the information that you need to get started with this network since most of the basic staff was covered in this post.

Thus, its now high time to go out there and earn those CPA commissions. (CRUSH IT!)

Don't forget to create your own website in order to get accepted into the network.

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