Affiliate Marketing For Amazon Associates (Beginner's Guide)

Amazon Affiliate Program

Screenshot of Amazon Associates home page

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Brief Overview About Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon Associates is one of the most common affiliate programs amongst YouTubers and Bloggers since it is regarded as one of the easiest ways to monetize your content.

Amazon launched its affiliate program back in 1996, and it is believed to be the first company to launch an affiliate program.

However, other sources argues that affiliate marketing existed way before 1996, but its only that it was not yet made official by the few companies that were practicing this business model.

Whether this argument is true or not, the fact remains that amazon associates is one of the best affiliate programs in the online space.

The most interesting thing about Amazon is that there is a ton of products available on its marketplace, hence giving its affiliate a wider choice since affiliates are free to promote any products that they wish.

Also, Amazon has managed to build a strong authority over the years hence making it easy to convert your leads into paying customers since most people trusts this company.

With that being said, let's take a look at the commission structure of this affiliate program.

Commission Structure

Amazon commissions ranges anywhere from 1% - 10% (it differs from one category to another).

Bear in mind that Amazon slashed its commissions early 2020 by a significant margin and this left many affiliates stranded as they were used to ‘higher’ commissions.

Due to these low commissions, you have to push for high volumes in order to earn a significant amount of money from this affiliate program.

Alternatively, you can choose to promote HIGH TICKET items which pays higher commissions so as to earn big bucks per every sale that you bring.

Thus, you should take this as a lesson before getting started with this affiliate program or else, you will be fighting for scraps.

Cookie Period

Amazon gives a 24 hour cookie period.

This means that you only get credited for sales that are made within the first 24 hours of your leads clicking your links and purchase something.

If your referrals buys after 24 hours, you won't get credited for those sales.

This is common with most retail affiliate programs since they believe that the customers will always come back to their platform one way or the other in the near future.

However, keep in mind that there are other affiliate programs which gives a generous cookie period of 30, 60, or even 90 Days.

Even though Amazon has a shorter cookie period, affiliates still manages to make some commissions since most customers buys items right away since their payment details are already available in Amazon's system.hsystem.

How Do You Become An Amazon Affiliate?

You need to visit the Amazon Associates website and click the SIGNUP button.

Once you have selected the option, you will see a form that you need to complete.

You have to provide your ‘true’ details in the spaces provided in order to prove that you're a genuine person.

One of the requirements is having a functional website or a YouTube channel with some content in order to prove that you have a platform to use for promoting your links.

The main reason why Amazon is strict about having a website or a YouTube channel is that they want to eliminate those ‘spammy’ affiliates who posts their links everywhere on the internet since this hurts the image of the company.

Thus, you definitely need to build a website or a YouTube channel and you produce some few content before applying for their affiliate program.

Now l know that most people don't want to start a YouTube channel because they’re shy in front of the camera.

So l have created an article that shows you how to make YouTube videos without showing your face.

You can read that article to get some help.

But if you choose to go the website path, l have an article that walks you through step by step on how to create a website in just a few minutes.

You can read that article if you're willing to start your own website.

How Does Amazon Affiliate Program Work?

Basically, you just need to apply for their affiliate program in order to get started.

Once you get accepted, you will get access to a ton of various products that you can promote.

You need to find the products that you like and you grab your affiliate links to those products.

Simply place your links on your website or YouTube channel and focus on driving traffic to your content.

When your referrals purchase anything through your links, you earn some commissions.

Is It Easy To Become An Amazon Affiliate?

Amazon Affiliate program is one of the most beginner friendly affiliate programs since they have low barriers to entry.

You simply need to complete the signup process which literally takes few minutes to complete.

However, you should bear in mind that applying for the affiliate program does not guarantee approval since Amazon has its own procedure for approving new affiliates.

One of the reasons why most affiliates gets rejected is the issue of not having a functional website or YouTube channel.

You definitely need to build a website or a YouTube channel then you produce some content before applying for this affiliate program.

This proves that you're capable of promoting their products hence increasing your chances of getting approved.

How Much Do Amazon Affiliates Make?

Honestly, this varies from one affiliate to the other.

There are other affiliates who makes over $10k every month from this affiliate program.

On the flip side, there's also a ton of affiliates who makes pennies from this affiliate program since other affiliates struggles to crack the code of getting sales.

It also depends on the type of products that you're promoting i.e. low ticket or high ticket since it is easier to make significant amount with high ticket items as opposed to low ticket.

Another factor is the amount and quality of your traffic since traffic determines the sales that affiliates get.

This question is difficult to answer in a single paragraph since there's a lot of factors which comes into play.

Wrap Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you have learnt everything you need to know about Amazon Affiliate Program.

Before you leave this article, l want you to remember these tips:

i) Choose HIGH TICKET over LOW TICKET items.

ii) Focus on getting as much TRAFFIC as possible in order to stack up those commissions.

When you follow these simple principles, you can achieve great results with this affiliate program.

Ready To Build Your Amazon Affiliate Website?

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