My Top 10 Blogging Tips For Beginners

In this post, l will quickly share with you my top 10 blogging tips that l wish l knew when l was just getting started as a beginner.

I hope that these tips will help some few people out there who're about to embark on this journey – which helps to avoid some unnecessary pitfalls.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about these tips.

The 10 Blogging Tips Includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat.

1. Create A Publishing Schedule & Stick To It

One of the main reasons why most beginner bloggers fail to make progress is that, they don't know exactly what to work on – and when.

This comes as a result of not having a clear publishing schedule/content calendar – thus, it's very easy to waste time doing unproductive things if you don't have a schedule.

But if you want to succeed in this grind, you must have a clear publishing schedule/content calendar – which guides you in terms of what you need to work on & when.

This gives you enough reason to get out of bed every morning & do the required work – because you'll have a clear picture of what you want to accomplish during that specific day.

And if you stick to your publishing schedule for long enough, you'll see the fruits of your labour come to fruition.

2. Focus On What Matters The Most (Content)

‘I've been working on my blog for the past 8 months’ – said one of my friends.

And when l checked the website, l was shocked to see only 12 pieces of content.

Like seriously, 12 pieces of content during an 8 month period?

What's wrong here?

It all comes down to what this person prioritise on – and I’m pretty sure that most beginner bloggers can relate to that.

Most bloggers think they're being productive – when in actual fact, they're just wasting time changing fonts, colours, themes, etc.

They waste a lot of time trying to make their blogs look ‘perfect' – instead of directing their time and energy towards content creation.

Because at the end of the day, it's content that drives traffic to your website – thus, that should be your main priority.

I’m not saying that, you should have an ugly blog – NO!

But if you're spending most of your time working on your blog appearance, then there's a problem.

3. Do Proper Keyword Research & Search Analysis

Another important thing is to do proper keyword research before writing anything.

This is so crucial because, failure to do so might lead to disaster.

Remember, most of your traffic comes from Google – thus, it's important to write content which people are searching for.

You can use various tools like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, Keyword Planner, etc. i.e. to find out the search volumes and competition levels of each keyword – so that you wont waste time writing content which no one is searching for – or maybe going after keywords that you can't rank for.

Then when it comes to search analysis, it's important to analyse the top ranking pages that are currently ranking for your target keyword.

This gives you a clue in terms of how you should structure your content – as well as how many words you should write in your post.

Thus, before writing anything, take your time to do some keyword research & search analysis.

4. Optimise Your Blog Posts For SEO

Another important thing is to optimise your blog posts for SEO.

This is so important because it allows your posts to rank on Google – thus, allowing you to get some free organic traffic.

You should include your target keyword in the title and meta description of your blog post – so that Google can better understand your content – thus, it'll rank it accordingly.

You should also make correct use of header tags i.e. H1 for titles, H2 for headings, & H3 for subheadings.

Image Alt text is also important – as it helps your images to rank on Google Images.

I wont go into much detail about SEO here because it's a broad topic – but you can go to YouTube and watch some free tutorials there.

5. Write Short Paragraphs

I know that your English teacher told you to write paragraphs that are 10 to 14 lines long.

But it's most likely that, your English teacher haven't sold anything online – thus, you should throw that advice away if you're thinking of becoming a blogger.

Remember, most internet users are now browsing from their mobile phones – thus, if you write long paragraphs, they'll be difficult to read on mobile devices.

For this reason, you should make your paragraphs as short as possible i.e. 5 to 6 lines max – or in some cases, just focus on writing one sentence paragraphs.

That way, your content becomes easier to skim and read.

6. Write The Way You Speak

It's also important to write the way you speak if you're a blogger.

Your blog posts shouldn't sound like academic papers – because these are boring to read (for most people).

Instead, you should make your blog posts more exciting to read – through using words like you & I – so as to keep your readers engaged.

That way, your blog posts will sound more like a conversation – rather than just another piece of academic research or thesis.

7. Write For Your Readers – Not For Google

Back in the day, people used to do some keyword staffing & they could easily get away with it.


Because back then, Google was so focused on keywords i.e. keywords were everything.

But things have changed – and Google is now focused more on user experience.

If you just plug a ton of keywords inside your content, your content becomes more difficult to consume for the readers – because it wont sound human.

Thus, instead of just abusing keywords, focus more on writing articles that are easier to read i.e. content that sounds more natural.

8. Strike A Balance Between Commercial & Informational Content

I know that most people who gets into blogging are motivated by the bag – I totally get it!

Most people like to focus more on commercial content like reviews, best of X, comparisons, etc. – because commercial content yields the best ROI than informational content.

However, Google released an algorithm update back in December 2020 – which affected most affiliate sites that has a huge % of commercial content – compared to informational content.

And most of these sites saw a drastic drop in traffic – since most of their pages dropped in terms of rankings.

Thus, it's important to have a balance between commercial and informational content on your site (at least 50/50) – so that your site wont get affected.

9. Think Of It As A Long Term Game (Long Term Consistency)

‘I've been working so hard for the past 4 months but I’m not seeing any results – so l quit'

Most people comes into the blogging space with too much expectations i.e. l want to make 10k per month in less than 3 months.

And when they fail to reach those unrealistic results, they give up.

But you must understand that, it takes time for a new blog to get picked by search engines & get traffic.

For this reason, you might fail to see pleasing results in the short run – because it takes time to build trust & get ranked by Google.

And if you come with the right mind-set i.e. knowing that this grind takes time and hard work, you'll stand out from the 99% who give up too soon.

The key is to stay consistent for a long period of time – and you'll see your hard work come to fruition.

10. Build An Email List

Last but not least, you should build an email list from day one.

This is so important because it helps you to build a tribe of people who knows, likes, and trust you.

Remember, you have less control over SEO traffic – because Google owns and controls it.

And we all know that, Google always releases some algorithm updates – which always affect most sites’ rankings.

This means that, your rankings might drop overnight & you might lose all that traffic.

But if you build an email list, you'll have something to fall back on if something happens to your website i.e. you can promote your future blog posts & offers to that email list.

Bonus Tip

Update Older Content

Another important practice is to go back to your older blog posts once in a while and update them.

Remember, Google loves fresh content that's up to date – thus, your rankings might drop if your content is not up to date.

It doesn't necessarily have to be everyday – but you should do this practice once or twice a year.

That way, your blog posts will remain fresh and relevant.

Wrapping Up

So these are my top 10 blogging tips for beginners who're just getting started.

I hope that some of these tips will help you in your blogging journey.

Stay Blessed!


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