Glow Up Transformation: How To Level Up Your Overall Life

Glow Up Transformation: How To Level Up Your Overall Life

Today, l wanna put you on game!

I want to show you how you can glow up & elevate your life – with the regards to the following aspects:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these in great detail.

1. Glow Up Physically🕴

When you meet & interact with people, the first thing that they see is your physical appearance.

For this reason, you must level up your physical well-being, so that you can ‘attract’ more people into your life.

Below are some of the ways which you can use to level up your physical well-being;

i) Workout💪

It's important to workout on a regular basis, so that your body can get in good shape.

Not only that, but it also helps you to live longer – because your body will stay fit & healthy all the time.

Thus, it's important to hit the gym🏋️‍♂️ quite regularly – or maybe, just do some home workouts at the crib (like I do – lol🙂)

ii) Eat Healthy Foods🍎

What you eat has a huge impact on your body, your performance, and your overall well-being.

For this reason, you need to eat some healthy foods – so that you wont end up getting obese.

Not only that, but eating healthy also helps to boost your overall health – thus, you wont be easily attacked by ‘silly’ diseases.

Most people always ask me, how I'm able to stay productive on almost a daily basis.

But the truth is, I eat clean staff i.e. I usually switch between vegan & vegetarian diets.

Thus, I don't allow any junky foods into my system – though I might eat a cookie🍪 here & there (lol😊).

Because if you eat junky foods like sugary items🍩, your body will always be weak – thus, you wont be feeling like doing any work – other than just sleeping.

Thus, you should be very careful of what you allow into your body from today onwards.

iii) Skin Care Routine🛀

It's also good to take care of your skin – so that it remains nice & clean.

A shower🚿 is a must everyday i.e. you shouldn't skip showers because that might negatively affect your skin (and your body in general).

It's also important to invest in nice lotions & creams i.e. find the ones which perfectly suits your skin – but please, DON'T BLEACH!🚫

Personally, I use Nivea Cocoa Butter, because I like its pleasant coconut🥥 smell – and also, it leaves the skin looking more glowy & moisturised.

NB: You can also use honey products (like honey foam bath, honey soap, honey lotion, etc.) – because honey is proven to make the skin more clearer & more glowy.

Tiege Hanley products are also great (though I haven't tried them yet), but I see their results in some of my friends who use them.

Thus, you can invest in some of these products in order to level up your skin.

iv) Get A Decent Haircut/Hairstyle💇‍♂️

It's also important to get a decent haircut/hairstyle.

Try to find a cut/style that suits your head – so that you can look better.

Not only that, but it's also important to renew your haircut/hairstyle on a regular basis – so that you wont end up looking dusty.

v) Get Some Decent Clothes🧥👖

You should also try to level up your wardrobe i.e. through getting some decent clothes.

I don't necessarily mean buying the latest designer pieces like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Dior, or any of that staff.

Though that staff is cool, you can also look good with just some simple clothes which aren't that fancy.

The key is to find some clothes which suits your body type, personality, lifestyle, etc.

vi) Get A Nice Colon & Roll-on

Last but not least, you should also get a nice colon & roll-on.

Some of you always complain that people are ignoring you – but the truth is, they might be pissed off by how you smell.

It's important to put-on some roll-on on your armpits – so as to block the smell of sweat from coming out.

And if you spray some colon after doing that, your overall smell will boost drastically – thus, attracting more people into your circle.


2. Glow Up Mentally🧠

‘Your brain is like a muscle, you should feed it with the right ingredients in order to make it stronger...’

‘The type of content that you consume determines how you think, act, or behave'

It's important to consume some positive - self improvement content, so that you can grow (mentally).

This can be done through;

i) Reading Self Development Books📚

Do you know that some of the greatest people in history shares some of their best tips in books?

It's important to read self improvement books, so as to learn some great things from some of the greatest minds in history.

Through books, you can consume someone's else life experiences in just a matter of few days – thus, saving you a lot of time which might be required to learn those things on your own.

Thus, you must develop the habit of reading in order to level up your mental game.

ii) Listening To Podcasts🎙

Podcasts also helps a lot if you're someone who's eager to expand your mental game.

Because some of the greatest people in different industries are invited to speak on different podcast shows – and they share some of their best tips & strategies through those interviews.

Thus, you can learn a lot through listening to podcasts i.e. if you listen to the right ones.

iii) Subscribing To Self Improvement YouTube Channels🎬 & Blogs📑

It's also important to subscribe to YouTube channels & blogs which adds value to your life.

Those people sacrifices their time, energy & resources to explore different staff, and they share all that information for free.

This saves you a lot of time & resources that might be required to get that info from scratch on your own.

iv) Investing In Courses, Mentorship Programs, Seminars, Events, Etc.💡

You can also invest in online courses, mentorship programs, seminars, events, etc.

This allows you to learn from experts in various fields – thus, allowing you to boost your knowledge.

Yes, these might cost you some money on the front end, but they will make you more money on the backend.

Because the knowledge that you learn will stick with you forever & you can apply it to your business (or life in general) to get further ahead.

Thus, if the funds permit, you should probably invest in some of those things.

NB: Find the good ones – coz the internet is now filled with a lot of scammy ones.

v) Journaling📝 & Meditation🧘‍♂️

Last but not least, you should start journaling & meditating ASAP.

Journaling allows you to put your thoughts on paper – then you analyse them from a distant.

This allows you to make more rationale decisions – since you'll be able to do some critical thinking.

And one of my favourite speakers of all time i.e. Jim Rohn, once said;

‘Use your head for thinking – then put those thoughts & ideas on paper'

Because the brain is constantly bombard with a lot of thoughts – thus, you might end up forgetting some great ideas if you don't write them down.

Thus, whenever you come up with a great idea, write it in your journal – so as to clear some mental space for more great ideas.

Then comes meditation, it's a great practice for calming & clearing up your mind.

This allows you to eliminate negative thoughts from your mind – thus, increasing your overall mood i.e. it helps to reduce stress & anxiety🤯.


3. Glow Up Spiritually🙏

It's also good to level up your spiritual game – through some of the following practices;

i) Going To Church (Or Whatever You Believe In)🏥

It's good to belong to a certain church (or whatever you believe in) – so that you can have a place of worshipping God.

If you're at church, you feel a different vibe & atmosphere compared to any other place – since the church environment is filled with holiness.

Thus, you should have a place that you call your church – and you must try by all means to attend most sermons/services.

ii) Praying On A Regular Basis🛐

Once you have a church, it's good to always pray on a regular basis i.e. even when you're at the crib.

Going to church alone isn't enough i.e. some people goes to church just for flex – or maybe, just to look for boys/girls.

But if you want to take your spiritual game to another level, you should probably pray more often.

Because truth be told, there are some demons😈 & evil spirits👹 that are trying by all means to ruin your life, your business, your marriage, etc. – thus, it's important to always fight them through prayer.

iii) Reading The Gospel📖

Most people only opens the Bible on Sunday i.e. when they're instructed to do so by the Pastor.

But it's good to open the Bible even when you're not at church & just read some few verses on your own.

This helps to keep you on the right track (spiritually) i.e. it keeps reminding you about the Most High God.


4. Glow Up Financially💰

Last but not least, you need to glow up financially.

I know, most people likes this topic, but let me mention this real quick;

You should view money as a tool – not as an object.

Chase ‘money' for good reasons – not for the sake of seeking validation, bragging, or exploiting others.

The truth is, money brings happiness ...... to a certain extent i.e. when you’re able to cover your basic monthly expenses (maybe with some little surplus).

But once you've reached a certain level (i.e. when you've acquired most staff that you ‘truly need’), any extra buck wont necessarily bring you more happiness/fulfilment.

That's why you see some ‘millionaires' who're very miserable, because their wealth don't necessarily bring fulfilment to them i.e. some problems can't be solved by paper.

Having said that, here are some of the ways which you can use to glow up financially;

i) Find Your Purpose🎯

In my opinion, this is by far the best way to glow up financially.

A purpose is something that you're passionate about, something that you're good at – then the financial rewards will come as an add-on.

And in most cases, your purpose earns you money ‘effortlessly’ – because you'll be focusing on providing value to people – but then, the money comes as a reflection of the number of lives that you've touched/impacted with your service.

Look at Oprah Winfrey!

She does her show just beyond financial rewards i.e. she's really passionate about it, and she’s very driven to get out of bed & show up every single episode – coz she really enjoys it!

But then, the financial rewards are just some add-ons i.e. they're icing on the cake🎂.

Even this blog, it's part of my purpose i.e. I mainly focus on providing valuable content to people, but some of those people end up buying my affiliate offers & my merch i.e. as a token of appreciation for the value that I'm providing to them.

Thus, making me some money ..... though that's not the primary focus of this blog.

And that mind-set has allowed me to keep publishing content for more than a year without making any significant money – because I was doing it beyond monetary rewards – and I really enjoyed the process of writing & publishing articles online.

Anyways, I have a detailed article which goes into depth on how you can find your life purpose.

👉You can read it here

Another way to glow up financially is through starting a side hustle.

This allows you to earn some additional income – aside from your salary (if you work a 9 to 5).

And over time, your side hustle might turn into a full time business – which is the next point that I'm going to talk about.

iii) Start A Business📦

You can also choose to start a business if you want to boost your finances.

If you own a business, you can earn way more than you do at your 9 to 5 job – coz you wont be limited to what the company thinks you're worth.

With a business, you can earn your annual salary in just a matter of few months (even days/weeks) – thus, allowing you to move faster in terms of developments.

More importantly, owning a business gives you more time & location freedom – because, you'll have the freedom to set your own schedules, and you can work from any location that you feel like working ..... esp if your business is internet based.

And here's a list of some of the best businesses that you can implement at home.


Wrapping Up

So there we go!

These are some of the ways which you can use to glow up in most aspects of your life i.e. physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially.

If you implement some of these strategies, you'll see some huge improvements in your overall well-being.

NB: If you want some more - great self development content, you can check out Jordan Green's channel on YouTube (👊Shutout to him)

He makes great content & you should definitely check him out.

Let me know in the comments section if you have any more questions.


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