How To Make Money On Tumblr With Affiliate Marketing (Ultimate Guide)

Make Money On Tumblr With Affiliate Marketing

Do you know that you can make $100/day with affiliate marketing using Tumblr?

That's absolutely right!

There's a ton of people who're making a full time income with affiliate marketing using Tumblr – since this platform is more than just a socialising platform.

And that's what you'll learn in this article.

I’m going to show you a simple 4 step process that you can duplicate in order to get started with affiliate marketing on Tumblr.

The process includes:

Without further ado, let me explain each of these steps.

1. Choose A Niche

Before getting started, it’s important to clearly decide on your niche i.e. who do you want to serve with your content?

We all know that Tumblr has a lot of users – who all have different interests.

For this reason, it is important to clearly define your target audience – since it is impossible to serve everyone on this platform.

Once you figure out your target audience, it becomes easier to dig deep into what they're looking for – thereby giving you a clue on the type of content that you should produce.

Thus, knowing your ideal audience is crucial before doing anything else – otherwise, you'll set yourself for great disaster if you skip this stage.

2. Apply For Affiliate Programs

Assuming that you've identified your ideal audience, it's now high time to start looking for affiliate programs – which offers great products that can help solve your audience's problems.

For example, let's say that you're targeting dog owners, you might need to apply for Amazon Associates Program – since there is a ton of great products related to that niche.

You can also try to find private/in-house affiliate programs – which pays better, as long as they provide great products for your audience.

The key is to find great products that you believe in i.e. those which you can stand 100% behind – so that you can serve your audience with great-quality products.

NB: Don't just promote products for the sake of making a quick buck – because this is not sustainable in the long term.

3. Create A Tumblr Profile

Now that you've decided on your ideal niche, and you now have some affiliate products to promote, what's next?

It's now high time to create your Tumblr profile.

This is where you create your promotional platform (money machine) i.e. the platform that you'll use to promote your affiliate offers.

Make sure you find a nice-catchy name that clearly explains what your account is all about.

This makes it easy for your target audience to know exactly what you have to offer – before they decide to follow you.

Also, it is important to optimise your account for SEO i.e. through utilising keywords in your account description.

This makes it more findable on the Tumblr search engine when people search for staff related to your niche – hence, increasing exposure to your content.

Also, you should try by all means to find a great channel artwork for your account – which you can easily create using Canva.

  1. But if you have some few extra bucks to spend, you can choose to hire a professional designer on Fiverr – so that you can have a nice-looking banner for your account.

Either way, you should just make sure your account is more appealing to your audience.

4. Start Publishing Valuable Content

Now that you've setup all the background systems, it's now high time to start publishing content.

This is where most people fail with this method – since most people are not willing to put-in the work required in creating content.

But if you want to make money with this method, you must be willing to put-in the work i.e. through posting valuable content that is helpful to your target audience.

Before expecting someone to trust you with their hard earned monies, it's important to give enough value to that person – and in exchange, that person will buy through your link as a token of appreciation for your valuable content.

It's a psychological concept called reciprocity.

If you give someone so much value, he/she will feel like he owes you – thus, he/she will choose to buy through you so as to show his/her appreciation.

Thus, before you think about the bag, try to provide as much value as possible – and the money will follow along the way. (Give and take principle)

Another important thing that l have to mention is consistency.

You should publish content on a more consistent basis – so that your account can gain some momentum.

Most social and content platforms rewards consistency i.e. they push accounts which produces a lot of content.

It works as a snow bow effect i.e. when you start your account, no one will be reading your content – since it takes time for new accounts to pick-up some traction on these platforms.

But if you stay consistent, you'll start to see some positive results i.e. your content will start to reach more and more people.

Thus, it is important to post valuable content on a consistent basis (daily if possible), so that the platform will work in your favour.

And just to give you a pro tip, don't just put affiliate links in each and every post that you publish.

The reason being that, your account will look more like a promotional platform – thus, Tumblr might not push your account to more people.

But if you strike a balance between informational content and promotional content, your account will gain more followers in a fairly less amount of time.

Thus, you should keep that in mind before using this platform.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this post, since l tried by all means to share my best tips regarding Tumblr affiliate marketing.

Using this platform, you can earn a substantial amount of money just by promoting other people's products (if you do it correctly).

The key is to post valuable content on a more consistent basis – if you want to reach to the bag.

Thus, l highly advise you to go out there and try out this method – because it's 100% FREE!


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