GrooveFunnels Review: Is It The Best Alternative To ClickFunnels?


That’s the commonly used marketing phrase used by GrooveFunnels to attract customers.

But the key question is;

‘Can GrooveFunnels compete with other giants like ClickFunnels, Builderall, or Kartra?

Let’s find out in this article.

What You'll Learn

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat🥩.

What Is GrooveFunnels?

Ideally, GrooveFunnels is an all-in-one business tool, which was designed to provide various tools needed to run a successful online business.

It came into the industry around mid 2020 – hence, this software is fairly new in the industry.

Even though the software is still new, its founder is a veteran in the industry – since he was involved during the launch of other popular softwares like ClickFunnels & Kartra – hence, he has some experience & credibility.

GrooveFunnels has been trending on the internet over the past few months, since this company is trying by all means to gain a larger portion of the market.

But the question is;

‘Can it withstand the stiff competition from ClickFunnels, Builderall, & Kartra?’

That’s a question for another day!

Let's take a look at how much this software costs, so that you can know if it's within your budget or not.

GrooveFunnels Pricing

Currently, GrooveFunnels is still in beta version – meaning, the software is still under development.

Hence, the prices might change once the software is fully developed.

But as of now, GrooveFunnels is offering a generous free plan – which allows you to use the software for free – for your entire life.

However, this generous free plan might only be available for a limited time.

In my opinion, l think that they will offer something like a 14 day free trial or maybe a 30 day trial in the future – since most software companies uses this pricing strategy to convert trial members into paying customers.

Also, keep in mind that, this free plan is only limited to certain basic features, since some more advanced features are only found in paid plans.

Its paid plans currently starts at $99 per month, which is almost close to what ClickFunnel charges.

It also has the $199/month plan, which gives you access to more features than the $99/month plan.

(You get what you pay for)😜

They also have some lifetime deals of $188, $288, as well as $1 397 – but I'm not sure if these plans will be available forever or not!🤷‍♂️

GrooveFunnels Features

Before reading this section, you might need to take a glass of juice🥤 because GrooveFunnels comes with a ton of great features – when l say a ton, l really mean it lol.😊

As an all-in-one tool, GrooveFunnels is heavily loaded with a lot of different features – ranging from ecommerce, email marketing, blogging, amongst other various features.

I'II try to summarise all these different features, so as to make this article short.


Just like ClickFunnels, this software also allows you to build your own sales funnels that you can use for your business.

Sales funnels are very crucial in online marketing, since they help to boost your conversions by a significant margin.

GrooveFunnels comes with a ton of premade templates which you can use to create your own sales funnels.

This is great for people who’re less tech savvy, since these premade templates can be easily customised using the simple drag & drop editor – then you’ll be good to go.

Alternatively, you can choose to build your own sales funnels from scratch i.e. if you have some design skills.

(The choice is yours)🤷‍♂️


This is great for people who’re looking to create and sell their own products online, since GrooveFunnels gives you the tools that you need to create and sell your own products. (with usable templates too!)

Thus, if you're looking to create and sale your own products, then this feature is definitely for you.


After creating your own products, the next stressful thing is;

‘How can l create an affiliate program, so that l can invite affiliates to promote my products?’

With GrooveFunnels, you can create your own affiliate program, which allows you to invite other people to promote your products for a commission in return.

In the past, most people used to invest in other third part softwares like Tap Affiliate, since it was the main software which facilitated this activity.

But GrooveFunnels also gives you the tools that you need to run your own affiliate program e.g. affiliate links, dashboards, affiliate stats, amongst other related data.

Thus, you can easily analyse the performance of each affiliate i.e. through tracking their clicks & sales.

This allows you to easily run your affiliate program without too much hassle, as this software does all the heavy lifting for you.


We all know that, email marketing is the most effective form of marketing, since it helps to increase your conversions by a significant margin.

Over the years, email marketing was mainly offered by softwares like Aweber, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, amongst others.

But GrooveFunnels now comes with its own email marketing platform, which allows you to do email marketing without having to look for other third party softwares.

This helps to save significant amounts which might be needed to use a third party software, since you can utilise the tools being offered by GrooveFunnels.

You can easily setup your email campaigns through automations, autoresponders, newsletter, amongst other email marketing strategies that you may think of.

Thus, if you're looking to integrate email marketing tools with your sales funnels, then you can easily do so by utilising GrooveFunnels.


There's no doubt that, one of the most lucrative ways of making money online is through creating a membership site, whereby people pays a certain subscription fee in order to be part of your membership area.

With GrooveFunnels, you can easily create a nice looking membership site, which allows you to host your own ‘members area' type of platform.

For example, you can create a membership site related to your area of expertise e.g. finance, fitness, dating, etc. – and you can charge your audience a certain fee like $50 per month to become part of your ‘members only’ platform.

This allows you to monetize your skills i.e. through charging other people who might be in need of your services.


There's no doubt that, video hosting is very crucial especially if you're selling your own products & services.

Video hosting allows you to include some videos on your sales pages, since videos converts better than images.

For the past years, most people have been using Vimeo, since this software is regarded as one of the best when it comes to video hosting.

However, GrooveFunnels is now able to offer the ‘same’ video hosting services which are being offered by other video hosting services as well.

Thus, instead of using other third party softwares, you can literally utilise the video hosting tools which comes with GrooveFunnels – hence, saving you time and money.


Whenever someone thinks of starting a blog, the first thing that comes into mind is WordPress.

This is so because, WordPress was able to establish some authority in the web building industry – hence, attracting more people to use their platform.

However, GrooveFunnels is now offering blogging features, which allows you to start your own blog using their platform.

This allows you to create your own custom website that you can use to promote your own products – or even affiliate products.


There’s no doubt that, webinars are the best tools for selling high ticket products & services.

Most people uses Webinar Jam to host their webinars, so that they can sell their high ticket products via a webinar.

However, GrooveFunnels was able to penetrate into that market, since it comes with some tools that allows you to sell your products via a webinar.

This is a great feature, since webinars converts better compared to most forms of marketing.


When running your own business, you definitely need a help desk, so as to address your customer complains.

GrooveFunnels comes with some ‘support' tools, which allows you to create your own customer support unit for your business.

Most people are familiar with Zen Desk, since this software has been providing these services for quite a long time now.

But now, GrooveFunnels is also tapping into that industry, so as to serve the audience in that niche.


One of the greatest ways to grow your business is through undertaking some surveys.

Surveys helps to gather data based on your customer's opinions about your products & services, and this data can help you to make improvements to your product & services.

GrooveFunnels comes with some survey tools, which allows you to create simple surveys for your business in order to collect useful data from your customers.

I highly recommend you to always do surveys on a regular basis i.e. in order to know what your customers think about your brand.

Groove Pages For Shopify

GrooveFunnels also comes with ecommerce features, which allows you to create your own ecom store using this platform.

This allows you to run your ecommerce business using this software, rather than looking for other third party apps like Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, etc.

But the key question is;

Can GrooveFunnels provide better ecommerce infrastructure than Shopify?

It’s your own homework to do lol!😜

Groove Marketplace

In my opinion, l think that GrooveFunnels wants to create a platform like ClickBank – were vendors can list their own products.

This allows vendors who aren't willing to create their own affiliate programs to take advantage of this marketplace – and hopefully, leverage the traffic of this marketplace i.e. if there’s traffic in the future.

Thus, this allows vendors to put their products in front of more eyebrows👀 – thereby, helping to get more sales.

Affiliate Marketplace

Once the Groove Marketplace is up & running – and there’s some vendors selling their products, there will be need for affiliates to apply to these different vendors in order to start promoting their products.

Just like ClickBank, GrooveFunnels will also have a marketplace for affiliates – whereby different affiliates can look for products to promote.

This feature is not yet functional, so l can't talk much about it.


In the future, GrooveFunnels will have its own payment system, which allows you to effectively run your business from this all-in-one platform.

Instead of looking for a third party payment processing app, you can literally utilise GroovePay – which allows you to collect payments from your customers without too much hassle.😊

Events & Workshops

As the name suggest, GrooveFunnels will host some events and workshops in the future.

You can attend these events & workshops – so as to learn some business related skills from other successful entrepreneurs.

GrooveDigital Academy

The last feature which I'II talk about is GrooveDigital Academy.

GrooveFunnels will have its own educational academy, which allows you to take some business courses based around a particular topic of interest.

This allows you to gain some knowledge, as well as valuable skills that you can use to grow your business.

Online learning has become more prominent these days, since most people are now preferring to take online classes – rather than attending physical classes.

Customer Support

GrooveFunnels provides its customers with 24/7 support – via email, phone calls, live chat, etc.

This is so because, customers are the kings of your business – and they need to be treated with respect.

However, GrooveFunnel's customer support still have some loopholes, since this company is still new – hence, it's still trying to put its staff together.

But l believe that, it has some room for improvements i.e. if they keep working on improving every aspect of their brand.

Why You Should Use GrooveFunnels

The main reason why you should use GrooveFunnels is simple – this software is feature-rich.

There’s no doubt that, GrooveFunnels comes with a ton of great features, which allows you to run your business from a single platform – since this software provides ‘everything' that you need in order to run an online business.

Thus, if you're looking for an all-in-one solution for your business, then this software might be the right solution for you.

Limitations of GrooveFunnels

A review cannot be complete without looking at the dark side of a product/service, since every product/service has its own weaknesses.

In my opinion, l think that being an all-in-one software is a limitation on its own – and let me explain why l think so.

Basically, you can't be good at everything & l guarantee that!

If you try to master everything, you might end up becoming a master of none.

The main questions l always ask myself are:

¿Can GrooveBlog provide better services than WordPress?

¿Can GrooveWebinars provide better features than Webinar Jam?

¿Can GrooveDesk provide better services than Zen Desk?

¿Can GrooveKart provide better features than Shopify?

¿Can GrooveVideo provide better features than Vimeo?

¿Can GrooveMail provide better features than GetResponse/Active Campaign/ Aweber?

*The list goes on.

In my opinion, l think that if you try to serve the needs of a broader audience i.e. through offering too many features, you might end up failing to provide the best services for each of those different items.

Thus, it’s better to narrow down and target a specific audience – rather than going too broad.

Final Verdict

Although the company is still new, l believe that GrooveFunnels has a bigger room for improvement, since this company penetrated the market on a high note.

It's very feature-rich since this software tries to provide all the necessary tools needed to run an online business.

But bear in mind that, you should not rely on each of these various features, since some of these features might not be the best for your business.

For example, if you want to create an ecom store, there’s no doubt that, Shopify is the best for that particular field – and it's unarguably a fact!

Thus, l highly recommend you to always evaluate each and every feature i.e. before you decide on whether to use it or not – since some of these features may not be valuable to your business.

Overaly, l think that GrooveFunnels is here to stay, since it looks more dedicated and more focused on serving the market – even though it’s still too early to judge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is GrooveFunnels Legit?

Absolutely Yes!

GrooveFunnels is a legitimate company that is here to stay.

The founder of this company has been in the industry for quite some time, and he was involved during the launch of ClickFunnels & Kartra.

Thus, he's not just a random person who appeared from nowhere and created a company. In fact, he is a veteran in the online space.

Is GrooveFunnels Free?

GrooveFunnels offers a generous free plan, which gives you the ability to explore some of its features without paying a dime.

With this free plan, you can create up to three sites, which you can use for your business without having to worry about cost.

However, you might need to upgrade to paid plans if you wish to explore this software to its full potential.

This might be a good option only if you want to build more pages for your business, since you might need to build more landing pages as your business grows.

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