Why Blogging Sometimes Sucks😢

In this quick lil post, I'm going to discuss some of the reasons why blogging sucks.

I know, some people might be surprised by this topic, because it's not often talked about by most bloggers.

But the truth of the matter is, blogging does suck at times, and I'm going to talk about some of the main reasons why it sucks in just a minute☝️


1. Takes Time To See Results🕧

Though blogging is a great way to make money, it takes time to see some pleasing results from your blog.

The reason being that, a brand new blog goes under the sandbox period during the first few months (or even up to 12 months), and you wont be seeing any pleasing results at this point.

Not only in terms of revenue, but also in terms of traffic i.e. you might get one or two clicks here & there, but that wont be enough to sustain you.

And if you're not careful, you might be discouraged during this phase, as you might lose hope in the process.

And that's the period where most people quit, because it's very discouraging to work on something that isn't bringing any pleasing results.

However, if you stay committed to your grind, you’ll be able to see those pleasing results in the near future i.e. patience & persistence are key🔑 to success.

2. Content Planning & Writing Headache🤯

It's also daunting to come-up with content ideas for your blog, since it takes a lot of effort to do some research for topic ideas.

And I know, the process of coming up with content ideas is a huge burden for most bloggers, and I know that most people runs out of ideas just after writing some few posts.

Not only that, but the process of sitting down & writing is also stressful, and it can also drain you mentally🧠 if you're not careful.

Let's be honest; cranking a 3 000 word pillar post isn't fun at all, as it squeezes a lot of damn energy out of you😵

Though it's great to see a blog with hundreds of articles, the process of writing those posts isn't that easy.

Because if it was easy, every blog would’ve all these many articles – NO CAP!

3. Algorithm Changes Might Affect Your Blog📈

Let's talk about another huge factor that might cause you some stomach pains🤢 as a blogger i.e. algorithm changes.

Imagine, spending years building your blog, and as you're now making some big bucks💰, you get hit by the algorithm – and boom, you're out of business just like that!

And this happens a lot each time Google releases an algorithm update – as there's always some sites that gets affected.

Your articles might drop from the first page, straight to page 7 – and that have a huge impact on your traffic.

Not only that, but it also reduces your revenues by a huge % as well.

4. Slashing Of Commission Rates, Or Even Closure Of Some Affiliate/Partnership Programs😬

Another headache associated with blogging is slashing of commissions – or even, complete closure of some affiliate programs in some instances.

As bloggers, one of the main ways in which we monetize our content is through affiliate marketing.

This is great, since you'll be able to partner with established brands & companies in order to promote their products – and in return, you'll get some commissions.

But the only caveat of it is that, a company might wake up one day and decide to slash down their commissions – just like what Amazon did in 2020.

Or in some extreme cases, some companies might just decide to shut down their affiliate program completely – just like what Vidnami did in 2021.

This might cause a huge decrease in your income, especially if that company dominate a huge % of your total income.

That's why I like to partner with a lot of companies – so that if one of them disappoints me, I wont be affected that much.

5. You Might Experience Some Burnout😨

This one is also a big one i.e. the issue of burnout.

And I've experienced it myself many times throughout my blogging career, and I'm pretty sure that most bloggers experience it at some point too, as it is inevitable.

As bloggers, we tend to set some huge unrealistic expectations like; I wanna publish 1 blog post every day – NO DAYS OFF!

Although this might be a great way to make huge progress, it might however lead to severe levels of stress & burnout at some point.

You might end up getting exhausted at some point, and the quality of your work might start to decline too!

So the thing is, you should move at a pace that's sustainable for the long term – and also, you should take some breaks and vacations🏖 here & there, so that you can rejuvenate your energy & creative juices.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why blogging sometimes sucks – and you should be aware of them, so that you can work on mitigating these issues.
