Are Premium Online Courses Worth It?

So there's always a controversial debate regarding online courses i.e. are they worth it or not?

The truth is, there's a mixture of both good and bad ones out there – thus, it's difficult to come up with a clear conclusion i.e. just basing on one course.

But what l can say is that, there's a lot of good courses out there – which helps to cut your learning curve into half or less.

The reason being that, the course creator might have gone through the same journey that you're about to embark – thus, he/she knows the pitfalls to avoid.

Thus, instead of you falling into the same pits, you can easily avoid them through learning from someone who has already went through the journey.

Also, a mentor can help to keep you accountable.

The truth is, if you try to start something on our own, you might give up too soon – since there’ll be no one who’s holding you accountable.

But if you have a coach or a mentor, you'll be forced to put-in the work even if you don’t feel like – thus, you'll more likely achieve better results.

With that being said, most of the information that's found in paid courses is also available for free on Google.

However, the only problem is that, the free information is not laid out in an orderly manner – thus, you might need to join the different pieces on your own.

But if you have the time to combine all this free information, then you might try to do so – though it might take you longer.

But let me mention this real quick;

Buying a good course doesn't guarantee success. You still need to put-in the hard work – otherwise, the course wont do the work for you.

For example, if you buy a blogging course, the course creator isn't going to create a blog for you – rather, he/she shows you how to do it & you create it on your own.

The course creator isn't going to write articles for you. Instead, he/she teaches you how to write them – then you write them on your own.

And if you enrol into a course with the right mind-set – knowing that it's going to take some hard work and dedication, then you'll reach success.

On the flip side, it's also important to mention that there's a lot of bad courses out there as well.

Some course creators are creating courses just for the sake of making money – rather than actually helping people.

And the crazy part is that, these people also charges higher prices for their useless courses – which is nothing but tearing people off!

This normally happens when someone tries to be a ‘guru’ in a field which he/she doesn't know – thus, his/her course wont have much value compared to that of someone who went through the journey & has some knowledge in that field.

So what's the conclusion:

As I mentioned earlier, there's a mixture of good and bad apples in the information sales industry – thus, you should be very careful with who you give your money.

But my advise is;

Try to find a course with some genuine reviews & testimonials (a proven course).

Also, you should find someone who you truly resonate with – then you start consuming his/her free content on YouTube.

And if you gain some great value from his/her free content, then you might need to consider investing in his/her paid staff.

And just a reminder;

You should enrol into a course with the right mind-set – knowing that it’s gonna take some hard work & dedication to succeed.

Because if you're not willing to put-in the work, then the information wont work for you.


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