What Are Some Examples Of Service Based Businesses? (12 Great Ones)

What Are Some Examples Of Service Based Businesses? (12 Great Ones)

In this post, l will share with you 12 great examples of service based businesses – so that you can get a rough idea about them.

Thus, read till the end if you're interested in service based businesses.

List Of Service Based Businesses

Without wasting much time, let me briefly explain each of these.

1. Transport & Logistics

This is one of my favourite service based businesses – since you don't have to worry about manufacturing products.

Your duty is to provide transportation services to people & companies who want their goods to be moved from point A to point B.

Thus, your main focus is on transporting goods which are already available – and you can charge a good fee for that.

However, the main caveat of this business model is that, you need some capital to invest in buying cars/trucks/vans – and this might be a huge roadblock for most people who doesn't have any start-up capital.

Other than that, transport & logistics is definitely a great business venture to tap into.

2. Food Delivery Services

Another great service based service is food delivery.

These days, most people are lazy to travel to the grocery store – thus, they're preferring to order most items online.

Thus, your duty will be collecting those items from the store – and deliver them to their homesteads.

And if you're in the US, you can use platforms like Instacart – where you can linkup with potential clients who needs your services.

Thus, you wont have to stress about looking for clients on your own.

3. Warehousing Services

Warehousing is also a service based business that is booming right now.

This is whereby you find an empty building space – and you invite people to store their goods (for a fee).

In this era of drop shipping, most business owners are looking for space to store their goods – thus, you can literally take advantage of these people.

And the beauty part about warehousing is that, it involves less overheads i.e. you just have to look for a security person to keep the goods safe.

4. Online Tutoring

There's no doubt that online tutoring is blowing-up right now, since most people are now preferring to study from home due to the ongoing pandemic.

Most students are behind most their syllabus – since they're stuck at home – not learning anything.

Thus, if you have some expertise in a certain field, you can use your knowledge to provide tutoring services – for a fee of course.

5. Mobile Bartending

Next on our list is mobile bartending.

During this pandemic, most people are finding a hard time buying liquor – because most liquor stores are currently closed.

For this reason, most people are now forced to order liquor online – and have it delivered to their doorsteps.

Thus, if you tap into this business, you can make some good income – especially if there's only a few people in your local area doing this business.

The key is to find liquor wholesalers in your local area – so that you can make a significant profit when you resale the liquor.

Also, it's important to get a liquor licence – so that you wont get in trouble with the corps.

6. Financial Services

If you have some knowledge in the financial field, then you can offer financial services.

This is whereby you help companies with their taxes & financial statements – because most business owners have little to no knowledge about these things.

You can also help ordinary people with their credit – since more people are concerned about improving their credit scores – due to it's associated benefits.

Financial services can also come in the form of lending – whereby you lend some cash to people for a certain interest.

But in order to venture into this industry, you must have some cash to lend in the first place.

7. Social Media Management

Another service based business that is booming right now is social media management.

Most big influencers are now employing people to manage their social accounts – because they’re occupied with a lot of other things.

Thus, you can become a social media manager – whereby you create & post content on behalf of those influencers.

And you can find clients on freelance platforms like Fiverr & Upwork – thus, you wont need to stress about looking for clients.

8. Digital Marketing Services

Digital marketing agencies are also booming right now – since most companies are now preferring to delegate most of their marketing needs to third party agencies.

And that's what led to the birth of most social media marketing agencies.

If you know how to run paid ads, you can approach companies in your local area – and you can run ads for them (for a fee).

Most companies are now appreciating the need of marketing agencies – since they're experiencing a massive growth in sales & revenue i.e. as a result of partnering with marketing agencies.

Thus, you can also tap into this world – and start serving some businesses in your local area.

9. Health Care Services

Health care services are also on the rise right now.

The reason being that, most people are becoming more concerned about their wellbeing that ever before.

Thus, they're looking for fitness trainers – which can help them in their fitness journey.

Thus, if you have some knowledge in that field, then you can start offering those services to other people who needs them – and in return, you’ll get some money.

Alternatively, you can also offer massaging services – since more people are willing to pay for this service.

10. Travel/Tour Guide Services

This is also a great service based business – although it's currently affected by the pandemic.

But when things gets back to normal, lm sure that it will resurface again.

When people are travelling to a new city/nation, they might not be familiar with that new place – thus, they might need someone to guide them through.

That's where tour guides comes into play i.e. to assist travellers who're not familiar with a place.

These people are paid good amounts – since most travellers appreciates their efforts i.e. guiding them through their travel journey.

Thus, you can make some good income if you venture into this business model.

11. Event Management

For decades, event management has been one of the best service based business.

This is whereby you help to organise and manage events like weddings, big parties, seminars, etc.

Your job is to ensure that everything is in place – so that the event can go smoothly.

You can also offer other things like entertainment facilities, decoration, chairs, etc. – since these are also part of event management.

12. Catering Services

Last but not least, you can also venture into catering business.

This is whereby you help to prepare food for huge events – and you'll be paid a certain fee for your services.

The truth is; cooking food for huge gatherings can be quite intimidating – thus, people are willing to outsource this service to a third party.

Thus, if you have some cooking skills, you can use them to provide catering services for events & gatherings.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 12 great examples of service based businesses that you can venture into.

Obviously, there’s a ton of other service based businesses out there – but l only chose to discuss about these ones for the sake of this article.

But if you want to know more of these, then you need to do some further research on Google and YouTube.


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