12 High Paying Affiliate Products & Niches To Promote In 2022

12 High Paying Affiliate Products & Niches

Looking for the best affiliate products & niches to promote?

It so, then l got you!

In this post, I will quickly share with you some of the best affiliate products & niches to promote in 2022.

After reading this post, you'll know exactly which products are worth promoting i.e. based on the info shared in this post.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about these products.


Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. Softwares

Softwares are probably the best offers to promote (at least in my opinion).

The reason being that, some of them pays an upward of 50% in commissions, whilst the majority pays anywhere between 20% to 40%.

The main reason why softwares pays high commissions is that, the companies incur little overheads i.e. they only incur a one time initial cost of creating the software – but once it's done, they wont incur much costs other than server costs.

In other words, they involve less marginal costs of replication i.e. the software is created once – and it'll serve many people all at once.

For this reason, the companies can afford to pay high commissions to their affiliates.

2. Digital Products

Next on our list is digital products i.e. online courses, eBooks, etc.

Just like softwares, digital products also pays lucrative commissions i.e. up to 50%.

The reason being that, digital products are only created once, and they'll be sold to thousands (if not millions) of people without incurring additional costs.

Once a digital product is created, it will be uploaded to a distribution system & it will be automatically delivered to anyone who buys the product – without any marginal costs of replication.

For this reason, the companies can afford to pay high commissions to their affiliates – since they have less overheads.

3. High Value Tech

You can also promote high value tech e.g. laptops, smartphones, gaming console, etc.

There's many people out there who're making a lot of money whilst promoting tech products – though the niche now looks kinda saturated.

And the beauty part about tech is that, there's always new products that are launched on a regular basis – thus, you'll always find products to promote.

Though the commission % doesn't look like much, you should keep in mind that some of the products are worth thousands of dollars – thus, the commissions will add up.

4. Web Hosting

Web hosting is also another lucrative field when it comes to affiliate marketing.

The reason being that, most of the companies pays anywhere between $50 - $135 per sign up – thus, you'll earn a significant amount with just a few sign ups.

And the beauty part is that, web hosting costs less than 5 bucks per month – thus, it's easier to convince people to signup for web hosting.

But the main reason why these companies can afford to pay high commissions to their affiliates is that, when a customer signs up for web hosting, he/she tend to use the same provider for years – thus, the company will recover its money down the line.

5. Loans/Mortgages

Another lucrative field is loans & mortgages.

If you look at blogs like NerdWallet & Penny Hoarder, they have made millions over the years just by promoting various financial resources.

You can earn anywhere from a few hundreds up to a few thousand just by recommending people to apply for loans.

And the crazy part is that, some financial institutions are willing to pay you for providing leads i.e. you'll get paid when people completes an application form – regardless of whether they get approved for the loan or not.

6. Insurance

Insurance is also a great field to consider as an affiliate.

If you have an audience which needs insurance, then you can partner with some insurance companies & you become an affiliate for them.

You'll get paid some few hundreds for recommending people to get insurance through your link.

And the beauty part is that, insurance is paid monthly – thus, you might stand a chance of earning some monthly recurring commissions.

7. Credit Cards

Do you know that you can make a ton sh*t of money just by encouraging people to open up some credit cards?

That's right!

Most banks have referral programs – which allows regular people like you & me to earn commissions whilst referring others to open up credit cards.

I was watching an interview the other day of a guy who made about $50k in just one month – just by promoting various credit cards on his blog.

And the beauty part is that, people are always opening up some credit cards – thus, it's an evergreen niche.

8. Credit Repair

Similar to credit cards is credit repair.

There are credit repair companies out there which pays an average of 80 bucks per lead – thus, you can make a significant amount from few customers.

And this is also an evergreen field – because people are continuously striving to repair their credit – so that they can get approved for loans & mortgages.

Thus, you can get some traffic if you choose to promote credit repair companies.

9. VPNs

Next on the list is VPNs.

Just like softwares, VPNs also pays some decent commissions – because they involve less overheads.

Most of the companies pays anywhere between 20% - 30% in commissions i.e. monthly recurring.

This means that you'll keep getting paid each & every month i.e. as long as your referrals keeps paying for their subscription.

And most people tends to use a VPN for quite a long time in order to protect their internet connection – thus, you'll keep getting paid for that same customer(s) for years.

10. Automobiles

You can also partner with car brands like Tesla, Mercedes, BMW, Lamborghini, etc.

These companies also have their own affiliate programs – which allows people like you to earn some income whilst promoting their products.

Although they have a lower commission %, you'll still earn some decent commissions because cars are high ticket items i.e. 5% of $100k is $5000.

Thus, you can also look into this industry if you're a car enthusiast.

11. Accommodation (Hotel Bookings)

You can also partner with accommodation providers like hotels.

This allows you to earn money whilst promoting accommodation services to your audience.

This works pretty well if you have a travel blog – since you can easily recommend some various hotels in different parts of the world.

Though this industry has been slowed down by Covid, it's still a great field to consider.

12. Air Lines (Plane Tickets)

Last but not least, you can also promote airline companies.

This allows you to earn some income i.e. when people buys plane tickets through your referral link(s).

Again, this industry is mainly suited for people who have travel blogs or YouTube channels – because some of your audience might be interested in booking plane tickets.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the best products & niches to promote as an affiliate marketer.

But this list is not exhaustive – since there's a ton of other great opportunities out there.

The key is to find a niche which you're passionate about – then you direct all your time and energy towards it.


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