The 10 Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You Poor! 😥

The 10 Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You Poor! 😥

Do you know what keeps most people in the same situation for almost their whole lives?

It's actually their limiting beliefs!

If your belief system is negative, you'll always find something to blame – even if an opportunity arises right in front of you.

Thus, if you don't change your belief system, you'll stay in that same situation your whole life (unless if you change).

In this post, l will quickly go through some of the most common limiting beliefs that are common in most people – maybe you might identify some that you have but you aren't aware of them yet.

Not only that, but you should also try to ensure that you reject those negative beliefs from your life – so that you can become a better person.

Thus, read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

10 Limiting Beliefs

Without further ado, let me quickly explain each of them.

Limiting Belief #1:

‘I’m Not Good Enough’

This is probably one of the most common limiting belief that's present in most people – since most people always feel like they're not good enough to pursue a certain venture.

This is due to some insecurities that they feel within themselves – since most people always hear some negative voices which always whisper in their heads like:

‘You're not a web developer so you can start a website’

‘You were just an average student at school – so you’re not capable of starting a successful business’

‘You're not smart enough to survive on your own – so follow the crowd & live the 9 - 5 mediocre lifestyle.

*The list is endless.

NB: Some of them are planted in your life at an early childhood level – thus, you'll grow with them e.g. this kid is dump & stupid, he/she can't do anything in life.

But I’m here to tell you that, you don't need to be a genius or an incredible person in order to do great things.

Yes, l understand that some fields requires some sort of physical/natural talents i.e. sports – but if it's anything that doesn't necessarily require some physical talent, then anyone can do it.

But the problem is that, when people look at successful people, they always think that those people are crazy geniuses – which is not always true.

Most of them are just regular people like you & me, but it's only that they believed in themselves thorough enough to chase their dreams.

They don’t have all the answers for a particular venture – but they're willing to learn along the journey.

And if you do the same, you might also realize that you were just overthinking about things that aren't real.

NB: There’s a lot of brilliant minds out there who might be the next Elon Musks, Jeff Bezoses, Mark Zuckerbergs, etc.

But because they always believe that they're not good enough, they go to the graveyard with their incredible ideas.

Limiting Belief #2:

‘I Come From A Poor Family’

Most people still believes that, you need to come from a wealthy family to become successful i.e. born with a silver spoon in your mouth – which is just a myth!

Most people still believes that, it's impossible to build significant wealth from scratch without any inheritance or any form of financial handout – which is false.

Do you know that, 80% of millionaires in the US are self made?

That's right!

Most people are coming from humble beginnings but they're able to build something from nothing.

All you need is a great idea, a burning desire & discipline – and you'll be able to achieve great things.

And this generation is blessed to have the internet & some advanced technology, which helps to execute your ideas much easier.

Back in the day, it was quite difficult to build wealth – since you needed some huge capital for running a big farm (agricultural revolution) – or establishing a huge industrial firm (industrial revolution).

However, things have changed & you can now build an online business without too much capital.

Not only that, but you can also reach more people in less time – since the internet has limited boundaries i.e. compared to the traditional way of doing business.

That's why you see some kids on social media buying Gwagons & nice cribs at a young age – because the internet has made it easier & more convenient.

This is the greatest era in the history evolution & you must take advantage of what we have i.e. internet & technology.

Limiting Belief #3:

‘I Live In A Backward Environment’

Similar to the previous limiting belief is; ‘I live in a backward environment'.

Yes, you live in a backward environment, then so what?

People still believes that, you should be situated in established cities or nations in order to find opportunities – which is just a thing of the past!

Back in the day, it was difficult to find opportunities esp if you don't live in major towns and cities – since most work opportunities were found there.

However, things have changed & opportunities are no longer a matter of location – since the internet has helped to remove geographical barriers (unless if you live in the middle of nowhere where there's no internet access).

Yes, l know that people who lives in well established regions have a greater advantage when it comes to opportunities, but if you leverage the internet, you wont see all that.

Limiting Belief #4:

‘I Don't Have Enough Money To Start A Business’

Another common limiting belief that's present in most people is;

‘I don't have enough money to start a business’ (or any venture).

In my experience, it's not necessarily lack of money, but it's lack of ideas!

The thing is, most people thinks that you need a ton sh*t of money to start a business – which is not always true.

Some of the most successful businesses were started from bootstrapping, but those people kept reinvesting their small profits back into the business till they grew to where they are today.

Or in some cases, you can look for ventures that doesn't necessarily require any capital – then you take some of your earnings & invest them into your real passion.

Limiting Belief #5:

‘I Don't Have Any Time For This’

This is common among people who want to start a business/side hustle – but they also work a 9 - 5 at the same time.

Thus, they always give excuses like, ‘I spend most time at work, so l can't find any time to pursue this venture'.

Yes, that might be true, but what about the few hours that you have after work – or maybe weekends?

For example, if you're trying to build an online business whilst working full time, you can devote some few hours during evenings to chase your dreams – instead of spending time watching some tv shows.

Or if you normally use your weekends for partying or maybe hanging out with friends, you can replace those activities with something more productive that's gonna change your life.

I know it's hard for most people, but that's the only way that you can change your life – otherwise, you'll remain stuck in the corporate world your whole life.

Also, these sacrifices aren't permanent – but they're just short term sacrifices that will yield long term benefits for your future.

Limiting Belief #6:

‘I'm Too Old To Start A Business'

‘I’m too old to start a business’ – says a ‘43 year old kid’ who's still 2 decades away from retirement.

Most people thinks that, you can't pursue certain ventures when you've passed a certain age – which is just garbage.

Anyone can change his/her future if he/she takes necessary steps to do so – regardless of age.

I was watching an interview the other day of a 62 year old granny who managed to build a life changing business at that age.

Her retirement account was in mess & she knew that, she needed to do something about her situation – otherwise, she was going to struggle after retirement.

Obviously, most people who're around that age have already given up on their dreams due to ‘age issues’ – but this granny said enough is enough!

She then started to do some research & she discovered about drop shipping.

She then educated herself through watching YT videos, blog articles, courses, etc. – and she took massive action.

After 6 months of hard work, she was finally able to reach success – and few months after that, she was able to eventually quit her job.

And now, her business is doing pretty well & she doesn't have to stress about her retirement ever again.

But if she had listened to some negative voices which were telling her about being too old, she would've ended up in a terrible financial situation.

Limiting Belief #7:

‘I Didn't Learn This At School’

Another limiting belief that's holding most people back is this one i.e. ‘they didn't teach me these things at school'.

Most people are afraid to pursue certain opportunities in life simply because they were not taught at school about that field.

Yes, you didn't learn that at school, but it's now your responsibility to educate yourself through reading books, watching YT videos, buying courses, etc.

Information is available out there – but if you don't seek it, you wont find it!

You should develop what is known as the G.I.N mentality i.e. Google It Now.

Instead of just saying; ‘I don't know how to build a website', you should says; ‘I don't know how to build a website yet, but let me Google It Now'.

And if you become that kind of person who seeks information instead of just blaming the school system, you'll achieve great things in life.

Limiting Belief #8:

‘There's Nothing I Can Do About This Situation’

This is so common especially in people who were born in poor families.

They think that, they can't do anything about their situation – thus, they just accept it, develop comfort in it, & they'll just live in it e.g.

‘My father was poor, my grandfather was poor, my great grandfather was also poor, & my ancestors too were also poor. So it's in our blood & we just have to accept it'.

But instead of just playing the victim mentality of just saying; ‘I can't do anything', you should change your vocabulary from ‘I can't change this situation’ to ‘how can l change this situation'.

Once you start asking yourself; ‘how to change the situation', you'll start looking for answers on Google – and eventually, you might stumble upon a life changing idea.

But if you keep saying, ‘I can't change this', your mind will relax & you wont make any efforts to seek for answers.

Limiting Belief #9:

‘My Life Wont Change Unless The Government/Economy Changes’

This is so common amongst most people – regardless of where you come from.

Most people believes that, it's the government/economy that's holding them back – but the truth is, you'll always remain in that same situation if you don't change your mind-set.

The reason being that, the government is an external factor which you have less control over – thus, you might live your whole life under the same government.

Also, a change in governmental structures might have a huge impact on macro things like roads, but it wont have much effect on your individual life.

For example, if the price of bread drops from $1 to 92 cents, it wont have much effect on your life – other than just increasing your bread consumption by few slices.

So how can you significantly change your life?

Answer: When you change i.e. self development (Jim Rohn).

The truth is, there's other people in your country that are doing well (financially) under that same government or economy.

This indicates that, there's opportunities out there that are available – but because you're so busy blaming the government or economy, some of them might pass you without even noticing.

The thing is;

Find out what successful people are doing, seek information, reverse engineer their success – and over time, you'll also be able to improve your economic situation.

But if you just sit there waiting for the government to change, you might wait your entire life i.e. hoping for a day that doesn't arrive – because governments rarely change in most nations.

Ooooh! And by the way, you should also try to leverage internet based businesses – because the internet doesn't care about the political situation in your country.

Limiting Belief #10:

‘I Can't Explore This Venture Because I Have More Family Responsibilities'

Last but not least, we have this limiting belief – and it's common amongst married men who're considering starting a business.

They give their family as an excuse for not pursing their dreams – since they believe that you can't explore much when you have some responsibilities.

Although that might be true to some extent, I'm here to tell you that some of the greatest businesses were started by men & women who had some huge responsibilities.

But instead of seeing their families as a setback, they saw it as a driving factor as to why they should pursue that venture – so that they can provide a better life for their families.

Thus, if those people did it, you can do it too!

The key is to find some inspirational stories on YouTube of people who started their own hustles whilst having a wife & kids.

Because if you see someone like you overcoming his/her fears, you'll be motivated to do the same.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the most common limiting beliefs that holds most people back.

But I’m here to tell you that these are just garbage myths that were planted into your mind by society – and if you manage to overcome them, you'll see some positive change in your life.

The key is to identify the ones that are present in your life – then you take some intentional steps to change them.


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