Best of Personal Development Books To Read In Your 20s (LIFE CHANGING!)

One of the top secrets🤫 of most wealthy💰 people is that, they invest into personal development i.e. through reading books📚, listening to podcasts🎙, enrolling into courses🎬, attending seminars👨‍💼, etc.

The billionaire Warren Buffet once said;

‘The more you learn, the more you earn'.

Which is true!💯

Self development is key🔑 if you want to move to the next level – since there's a lot of things that you don't know.

But the beauty part is that, there's some books📘 which are packed with helpful information – thus, providing us with some great information needed to elevate🔝 to the next level.

But the biggest question is;

‘Which books are the best for personal development?’🤔

The truth is, there's a lot of great books out there – since there's a lot of great people who shares their knowledge through books.

But my favourite ones are:

Without further ado, let me quickly summarise each of these books.

NB: You can read short summaries of these books using the Blinkist app – which provides both text📄 & audio🔊 formats.

But it's also advisable to read the full versions of the books – so that you can understand the books much better.

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Best Self Help Book

If there's a book that transformed my mind-set, it's Rich Dad Poor Dad.

There’s no doubt that, this ‘best selling book’ is the entry level for most people who're embarking on the entrepreneurship journey🛣.

And the great part is that, this book is based on a true story – thus, you can easily visualise the concepts whilst reading the book.

Basically, Robert had 2 fathers i.e. the Rich Dad and the Poor Dad.

The Poor Dad was his biological father who was highly educated👨‍🎓 – but struggled when it came to the world of finance💵.

On the other hand, Rich Dad was his best friend's father – who had little education, but had a great business empire.

In this book, you’ll learn how the rich handles their finances – which separates them from the poor & middle class.

For example, the rich focus on build assets🏯, whilst the poor & middle class focus on liabilities💳.

Also, the rich relies on profits💰 generated from their assets – whilst the poor solely rely on their salaries💱.

Robert also shares the mind-set differences which separates the rich & the poor.

For example, poor people always blames the government, economy, their bosses, etc. (victim mentality)

However, the rich takes full responsibility & ownership of their actions – instead of just blaming external factors i.e., which they've less control over.

I don't want to share a lot of info here – you'll learn more when you read this book on your own.

2. The Millionaire Fastlane

The Millionaire Fastlane - Best Self Help Book

Second on our list is the Millionaire Fastlane.

This book was written by MJ Demarco – who’s also a famous author.

This book is not about ‘buy this stock/real estate/cypto' – although the title sounds a bit clickbait.

Instead, this book talks about the tools⚒ being used by the new rich to get wealthy i.e. people who aren't born rich – but manage to build significant wealth at an early age (excluding pro athletes, famous actors, rappers, etc.)

MJ shared the concept of internet based businesses i.e. how to leverage the internet to become wealthy at a relatively young age.

The reason being that, internet based businesses are highly scalable & less capital intensive in nature.

You can start your own website🛃 in you mom's basement – but that website can serve multitudes of people around the globe🌍.

Also, a website is a sales machine⚙ that works 24/7 i.e. it never sleeps😴, it never eats🍝 – it generates leads👥 & sales💸 passively on autopilot♻️.

This is unlike the case of most 9 to 5 jobs💼 – since there’s a limit on how much you can earn💰 – because time⏱ is very limited in nature.

*Trading your time for money has a lot of downsides*

MJ shared his story on how he went from being a broke graduate👨‍🎓 with 2 degrees📃 – but went on to become a millionaire by the age of 31.

He leveraged the power of the internet i.e. through his lead generation website🛃.

MJ also shared the most important principals that you need to consider before venturing into any business endeavour i.e. commandment of need, time, entry, control, & scale.

I highly recommend you to read this book – since it opens your mind on what's possible i.e. even without natural talents or without having ‘rich parents’.

3. Think & Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich - Best Self Help Book

Another book which transformed my life is Think & Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill).

This book is more of a mind-set book i.e. how to train your mind to think positive things.😇

Napoleon Hill discussed about the importance of thoughts – since thoughts have a huge impact on what we accomplish in life.

For example, if you constantly think about success, your actions will direct you towards achieving those dreams. (law of attraction)

Although there's some mixed feelings regarding this concept, l find it helpful in my life.

I’ve developed the habit of ‘visualising’ in my morning routines – whereby l play relaxing music🎼, close my eyes😌, and visualise my dream life.

By doing so, I'm able to emotionalize my dreams – thus, my whole body & mind pushes me to take massive action in order to accomplish those dreams i.e.:

‘I will Grind👨‍💻 To Shine🌠'

Napoleon also shared some interesting stories of some of the greatest people who were able to accomplish great things in their lives – but all those things originated from a single thought i.e.

‘Whatever the mind conceives & believes, it’ll achieve'.

4. The Richest Man In Babylon

The Richest Man In Babylon - Best Self Help Book

Next on the list is a classic book by George Clason – know as ‘The Richest Man In Babylon'.

Basically, this book teaches how to properly manage your finances💵.

The author shared the principle of ‘Pay Yourself First’ i.e. save 10% of your earnings.

Regardless of how much you earn, you should try to save a certain percentage of your income.

Once you have some savings, it's important to invest that money – so that your money can start working for you.

This allows you to grow your wealth ‘much faster' – compared to just relying on a single source of income.

The author also shared the importance of increasing your earnings potential – so that you can grow your wealth in less than the expected time⏱.

Using the concepts shared in this book, you can improve how you handle your finances – since the tips shared in this book are actionable & still relevant up to this day.

And the beauty part about this book is that, it has few pages i.e. you can read📖 it in a day or two – depending on your reading speed.

5. The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door - Best Self Help Book

The list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning this book📘 – since it changed my perspective on ‘what success really is'.

In the past, l used to think that, wealth is measured by one's appearance i.e. the type of car you drive🚘, the type of clothes you wear🧥, the kind of crib you live🏯, etc.

But guess what?

I was completely lost!🤨

There’s a lot of rappers🎤 who wears expensive jewellery💍, drives fancy cars🚘, lives in expensive mansions🏯. (and all that extra staff)

However, it's sad that most of them end up in massive financial mess i.e. at the end of their career.


Because they don't focus on building wealth.

They only focus on the present visual appearance – thus, they buy expensive liabilities💳, which they think are assets.

On the contrary, most wealthy people don't live an extravagant lifestyle of trying to look rich.

If you look at people like Mark Zuckerberg, they don't wear fancy clothes, flash cash on social media, or popup expensive champagnes🍾 i.e. for the sake of public image.

They live a simple lifestyle – whilst building a strong portfolio of assets.

Thus, it's not about how someone looks. It's about how much ‘real assets' they own.

The author also explained the concepts of ‘Under Accumulator Of Wealth’ (UAW), & ‘Prodigious Accumulator Of Wealth' (PAW).

Using these metrics, you can easily determine if your current net worth is up to your age's expected standard or not.

Thus, l highly recommend you to check out this book as well.

Wrapping Up

I hope that these books will transform your life – same way they did to mine.

Reading books has become a common habit in my life – since l realised that there's more valuable information that l don't know that's found in books.

Personal development is key🔑 – especially if you're embarking on your entrepreneurship journey.

The reason being that, books helps to mentor you – as well as priming your mind for success..... since this kind of information is not taught at school.

Thus, l highly urge you to develop a habit of reading – which is also a common habit amongst most successful people.

Before l wrap up, l want to remind you that you can get all these books on the Blinkist App.

This app allows you to read detailed summaries of books – as well as listening to audiobooks🎧.

And the beauty part is that, you can try this app for free (for 7 days) – in order to determine if it’s the right fit for you or not.

And you can cancel⛔ at any time i.e. if you feel like the app is not good for you.

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