The Different Types Of Thinking Patterns: Optimistic Vs Pessimistic

The Different Types Of Thinking Patterns: Optimistic Vs Pessimistic

Do you know the major thing that differentiates people's results?

It's actually their thinking patterns!

Two people can be raised in the same family, living in the same environment, go to the same school, etc. – but one can get ahead, whilst the other remain stuck.


It's mainly due to their differences in terms of how they think.

Of course, there might be other factors for their differences – but in most cases, thinking patterns plays a major role.

There's two main types of thinking patterns namely; Optimistic & Pessimistic.

Optimistic people tends to go further in life – because they always try to find positive things in every situation.

In other words, these people try to find opportunities even in bad situations – that's why they have high chances of succeeding in life.

For example, when there's a food crisis in the society, the optimistic people will focus their attention on finding ways to cure that problem – whilst everyone else is complaining about the situation.

When everyone is worried about the problem at hand, the optimistic people views it as an opportunity for them to produce a solution to that problem – which will earn them a ton sh*t of money.

These people also take full responsibility of their lives i.e. instead of blaming external factors like the economy, the government, the company, etc. – they take full ownership and control of whatever is happening in their lives.

Thus, it's important to develop an optimistic type of mind-set i.e. if you want to go further in life.

On the contrary, the pessimistic people have a negative mind-set i.e. they always focus their attention on worst case scenarios – instead of focusing on potential opportunities.

These people tends to look for problems in everything that happens in their lives – and they also tend to complain too much.

They always see the glass half empty – as opposed to optimistic people who views the glass as half full.

Also, pessimistic people tends to blame external factors for whatever is happening in their lives i.e. I’m poor because of the economy or my background or the government or my stingy boss – or anything that they can throw their blame on.

And you know what?

These people will do nothing to change their situation because they have a negative mind-set – and also, they don't take responsibility for their actions.

But the sad part is that, most of them wind-up being broke & miserable – because their mind is only focused on the negative things – and they wont see any opportunities even if they're right in front of them.


Unfortunately most people develop the pessimistic mind-set from an early age – mainly because, everyone around them had that same type of mind-set i.e. their parents, society, friends, etc.

But you can change your thinking patterns even if you're now an adult i.e. if you accept that your thinking patterns had been f*cked up all along, and you're now willing to take corrective measures to change them.

And there's a ton of free resources on the internet that teaches you how to change your thinking patterns – you just have to look for them & utilise them.

I know it's not easy to change your belief systems – but if you take the baby steps, you'll change over time.


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