How To Use Pinterest For Affiliate Marketing (Beginner's Guide)

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Do you know that you can make a full time living with affiliate marketing using Pinterest?

That's absolutely right!

You can make a full time income by doing affiliate marketing – leveraging the Pinterest social platform.

Studies shows that, this platform is comprised mainly of ‘buyer traffic' i.e. people who’re proven to buy staff online.

And the beauty part is that, most people who uses Pinterest are from the US – which is probably one of the richest countries in the universe.

Thus, there's a lot of money to be made on this platform – if you know how to leverage it.

But the key question is;

‘How can someone like you tap into this platform, so that you can get some leads and sales for your affiliate offers?’

That's what will be discussed in this article.

I will share with you some actionable steps that you can take in order to get started with Pinterest affiliate marketing.

After reading this article, you'll be in a better position to go out there and get started with Pinterest – using some of the techniques shared in this post.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Steps Covered

Without further, let me jump straight into the meat.

1. Choosing A Niche

Before getting started, it's important to clearly define your target audience i.e. who're the people who can benefit from your affiliate offers?

Obviously, your offers can't satisfy the needs of everyone on this platform – thus, you should clearly define who your ideal client is.

Also, it is important to dig deep into their main pain points i.e. what's bothering them or what problems are they facing in their daily lives.

This data helps you to strategize the content angle that you'll use to promote your affiliate offers i.e. marketing is all about touching your audience's pain points, then you present an offer that solves those problems.

Thus, it's very important to clearly define your target audience from the word go!

2. Create A Pinterest Business Account

Assuming that you've decided on your niche, it's now high time to create your Pinterest business account that you'll use to promote your affiliate offers.

In order to get started, simply head over to and follow the instructions given.

Make sure to optimise your account for SEO – because Pinterest is slowly shifting from being a social platform to being a search engine.

Thus, by optimising your account, you'll increase your chances of being seen by a larger audience i.e. when they search for keywords related to your niche.

Another thing to mention is that, you should try by all means to brand your account with appealing artwork – so as to grab your audience's attention.

And you can easily create nice artwork using free tools like Canva – and you can easily take advantage of the free templates which comes with this tool.

But if you want to take things to the next level, you can hire a professional graphic designer on Fiverr – so that you can have a more appealing artwork for your account.

The choice is yours! Just do what satisfies you the most.

3. Create Boards & Start Uploading Pins To Your Account

Assuming that your account is setup, it's now high time to create boards related to your niche and start uploading pins to those boards.

When creating boards, it is important to optimise your boards for SEO – through the use of keywords in your titles and descriptions of your boards.

Also, it is key to include some hashtags on your boards – just to increase your chances of ranking your boards ‘higher’ on the platform.

When it comes to uploading pins, it is important to start by re-pining other people's content – so as to give your account an initial boost.

But it's always advisable to strike a balance between your own pins and other people's pins – so that your account looks more healthy.

Now you might be asking, ‘How many pins do you need to upload daily?’

For great results, it's advisable to upload 15 to 25 pins everyday – so that Pinterest can push your account to more people.

And you can easily make these pins using Canva i.e. through using some premade templates which are already designed for you.

Just to give you a pro tip, Pinterest is pushing hard on video pins – since it is trying by all means to compete with Tiktok.

For this reason, you might need to upload some video pins as well – if you want to take advantage of this movement.

And we've seen that, video/story pins receives almost 10× organic reach than image pins – thus, accounts which focuses on uploading video pins are experiencing a bigger growth than those which only upload image pins.

Thus, it is key to take that into consideration when uploading pins for your account.

4. Monetize

Ok! So let's assume that you're now receiving some traffic from your pins, what's next?

It's now high time to monetize that traffic.

This is where you promote your affiliate offers to your visitors – so that you can start making some commissions.

Some people do direct linking – whereby they drive traffic from Pinterest, direct to their affiliate offers – which seems ok – but there's a caveat to this technique.

Most customers don't buy products during their first time of clicking an affiliate link – since most people are sceptical when it comes to buying staff online.

For this reason, you might need to build an email list – which allows you to capture your audience’s emails – and you can promote your offers in the backend.

And the cool thing is that, email marketing allows you to maximise $/customer through repeat sales – since you can easily promote other products in the future and still make some income from those same customers.

Thus, instead of sending people directly to the offer, try to build a landing page – which helps to capture their email addresses.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained some value from this quick tutorial – since l tried by all means to summarise this process for you.

Using these techniques, you can make some good income with affiliate marketing using nothing but the Pinterest platform.

Thus, my advise is – go out there and implement these techniques if you want to make money with affiliate marketing – leveraging Pinterest.


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