Freelancing For Web Developers: How To Get Started On Upwork

Freelancing On Upwork (For Web Developers)

Are you considering selling your services as a web developer?

And you're thinking of using Upwork to sell your services?

If so, then this post is for you.

In this article, l will break down everything you need to know about freelancing on Upwork.

After reading this article, you'll be in a better position to go out there and get started with Upwork freelancing.

So read till the end if you want to learn more about this topic

So without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

How To Become A Freelancer On Upwork?

In order to get started, you need to create your profile.

Simply head over to Upwork's main website and sign up as a freelancer.

You need to provide your real details – since this platform likes to know exactly who they're working with.

They don't want to approve anyone on their platform – since they’re trying to weed-out some scammy freelancers – who might end up tarnishing the platform's reputation.

In some cases, you might be asked to provide a screenshot of your ID – so as to prove that you're a real human who is legit and trustworthy.

Also, it is important to mention that applying for Upwork is not a 2 minute process.

You'll be asked to fill out some few application forms – and you should try by all means to provide as much details as possible.

Also, it is important to be niche specific – rather than being that kind of guy who tries to do everything.

Web development is not necessarily a niche – but rather, an industry.

A niche is something like a Shopify store designer, Funnel builder, WordPress developer, etc.

Thus, it is important to clearly mention your area of expertise – since this will increase your chances of getting hired for various jobs by potential clients.

Once your account is setup, you'll be eligible to start applying for jobs – which is done through submitting proposals to potential job offers.

Is Upwork Free For Freelancers?

Just like most freelance platforms, Upwork does charge some money.

The fees varies based on the amount of money that you make on the platform.

If you’ve made less that $500 on the platform, you'll get charged a 20% fee on all jobs that you complete on the platform.

However, the rates goes down as you start making more money on the platform i.e. 10% for $501 to $10 000, and 5% for $10 000+

Thus, the more money you make, the less fees you incur.

It is recommended to incorporate the Upwork fees in your hourly rates – so that the client bears the burden.

For example, let's say that you charge $30/hour, you can add the 20% fee on top of that rate – to make it $36.

In that case, the client will bear the burden hence protecting your earnings.

Another important thing to mention is that, Upwork charges freelancers for job applications.

This sounds ridiculous – but it's true.

You're asked to pay a certain fee in order to apply for jobs – thus, you must be prepared for that.

This might be a huge roadblock for most people who're just getting started and don't have a budget.

For this reason, you might need to start with other freelance sites like Fiverr – then move to Upwork when you have some savings.

How Does Upwork Work For Freelancers?

So basically, clients post jobs/projects on the platform.

They provide a thorough description about their project, as well as the specific requirements which they need from the freelancer.

For example, a client can say something like;

‘We're starting a print on demand clothing brand and we're looking for someone who can design a great Shopify store for our business'.

The person should meet the following requirements:

1. Minimum 2 years experience in the store development industry

2. Must be willing to work flexible hours

3. Bla bla bla

*The list can be quite longer.

Once a client post a job, it becomes visible to all freelancers on the platform.

Your duty is to browse through the listings on a regular basis – so that you stay updated on what's happening on the platform.

When you find a listing which satisfies you, simply submit your proposal.

Now, most people makes the mistake of copying a premade proposal, and they paste it on many different job offers.

This might work here and there, but in most cases, it doesn’t.

You need to write a highly compelling proposal which is tailor made for that particular project.

The client must feel that you’re the right candidate for the project – based on how you write your proposals.

Another pro tip is to make some live calls with the clients – where necessary.

I know that most people are not comfortable getting on zoom calls – but this strategy helps a lot to increase your conversions.

Assuming that you're hired for the project, try by all means to produce the best results for your client.

This helps to boost your ratings on the platform – which will help you to get even more clients in the future.

How To Boost Your Upwork Ratings Fast?

Getting clients on Upwork can be very hard – especially if you don't have any ratings on the platform.

But the question is;

‘How can you get those ratings when you're still brand new on the platform?’

In order to boost your ratings, it is important to charge lower rates in the beginning – so as to attract more clients.

I know this sounds ridiculous – but that's the best strategy to get those initial clients for your services.

And once you get your first few clients, you'll get some reviews – which will help you to increase your rankings on the platform.

You can increase your rates as time goes on i.e. once you start gaining some momentum.

Another great strategy to get more ratings fast is to look for clients outside the platform.

The truth is – it's very hard to attract clients when you don't have any track record on the platform.

Most clients doesn't like to risk their money on someone who don't have any social proof – since they fear losing their money.

Thus, it is advisable to look for clients on social media (or anywhere else) and drive those people to your Upwork profile.

That way, you can boost your ratings ‘much faster' than when you just rely on Upwork organic traffic.

Lastly, it is important to under-promise and over-deliver.

For example, you might tell the client that the project takes 10 days to complete – then you deliver the work in 7 days.

Or maybe the client is expecting a generic design then you produce a stunning design.

That way, you'll be able to impress your clients – thus, those people wont hesitate to leave some 5 star reviews on your profile.

Is Upwork Freelancing Worth Your Time?

Freelancing is great if you want to make some few extra bucks on the side.

The reason being that – you can be able to get some gigs, whilst leveraging the organic traffic which visits Upwork, Fiverr, or other related sites.

And the cool thing is that, you can work at the comfort of your home – thus, you don't have to commute to work.

For this reason, you can have more time to spend with your family – unlike someone who works a traditional 9 to 5.

However, lm only against freelancing for one main reason i.e. trading time for money.

Although you can charge any amount for your services, you're still trading your time for money – which is against the principle of passive income.

Your income is determined by the number of hours that you work i.e. more hours = more income, and vice versa.

The moment you stop working, the money stops coming in.

And my favourite quote from the billionaire Warren Buffet is;

‘If you don't know how to make money in your sleep, you'll remain poor forever'.

Thus, you should try to look for other passive income businesses – which allows you to separate your time from money.

But if you're passionate about your profession, you can start your own agency – where you can delegate the work to other people (drop service).

Another reason why freelancing is losing value is that, the level of competition is increasing every single day.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, most people are stuck at home – thus, they're looking for ways to make money online.

And most of them are joining platforms like Upwork and Fiverr – so as to sell their services for a living.

And the sad part is that, some of these people are charging very low rates – thus, forcing other freelancers to reduce their rates as well.

Most people who’re charging low rates lives in poor nations – where $10 can go a long way.

However, if you're someone who lives in California, 10 bucks cannot cover your cost of living – thus, you wont be able to compete with these kind of people.

Also, low rates diminishes the value of the profession – since most clients will develop a negative mentality like; ‘this profession is not that complicated'.

But if you know how to position yourself, you can get stand out from the crowd – even if you charge premium rates.

Wrapping Up

I hope that you've gained a lot of value from this post – since l tried by all means to share my best knowledge regarding this topic.

Obviously, this article would have been longer if l decided to write every single detail about freelancing.

But l tried to summarise the information, so as to give you a glimpse of what it feels like to become a freelancer.

To sum up the post, l think that freelancing is a great way to make some side income for you and your family.

Although freelancing allows you to enjoy location and independence freedom, it is important to note that freelancing does not satisfy the time factor.

It doesn't matter if you're charging 10k per hour, the fact is that you're still selling your most valuable resource i.e. time.

Thus, you might need to consider other passive income business models – so as to separate your time from money.hmoney.