7 Reasons Why Your Content Isn't Indexed & How To Fix It

7 Reasons Why Your Content Isn't Indexed & How To Fix It

Wondering why your content isn't yet indexed?

If so, then this post is for you.

In this article, l will quickly share with you some of the main reasons why Google hasn't indexed your content – and also, how to fix those issues.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.


1. Your Pages Aren't Interlinked

If you have a lot of orphaned pages, then Google might find it difficult to index your site.

The reason being that, if a page is isolated, the crawl bots might not be able to access that page – thus, it will remain unknown by Google.

Not only that, but an isolated page indicates that the page is less potent – thus, Google might just ignore it.

But if you want your pages to get indexed, it's important to interlink them – so that the crawl bots can easily navigate through your site.

It's also important to link new blog posts to other pages on your site that are already known by Google e.g. home page.

Thus, if you have a lot of orphaned pages on your site, then you should pause right now & go fix this issue.

NB: You can interlink your pages using some certain plugins.

2. Robots.txt File Has Some Issues

If you're wondering, WTF is this jargon, then let me explain it in simple terms;

If you go to your publishing settings, there's an option that says; ‘allow search engines to display my site'.

By default, that setting should be set to YES – meaning, your site can show up on search engines like Google & Bing.

However, if you change that setting, your content wont show up on search engines – and it might not even get indexed for this reason.

Thus, you shouldn't play around with this setting – coz it might cause some indexing issues on your site.

3. Your Content Is Too Thin

Another reason why your content might not be indexed is that, the content is too thin.

Google tries by all means to prioritize valuable content that adds significant value to the searchers – so as to maximise user experience.

Thus, if your content is too thin, then it might fail to get indexed.

But the question is;

‘How can you determine whether your content is thin or not?’

The best way is to do some search analysis before writing a blog post i.e. analyse the average word count of the currently ranking pages – then you write yours based on that data.

4. Your Content Is Plagiarised

As we all know, Google has no room for plagiarised content.

If they detect that your content isn't original, they wont bother indexing it – because it will not add any value to the searchers.

Thus, it's important to write your own original content – rather than just doing some copy - paste.

If you're outsourcing content from freelance writers, you should first scan the content for plagiarism before publishing it on your site.

The reason being that, some freelancers are too lazy – or in some cases, they might not be knowledgeable about the topic at hand.

For this reason, they mind end up copying already existing content – which might get you into serious trouble.

5. Your Hosting Solution Has Some Problems

At times, your hosting provider might be the problem.

If your hosting is too slow to process requests, then the crawl bots might find a hard time crawling your site.

Cheap hosting providers are ok if you're on a shoestring budget – but they might cost you in the long run if you're not careful.

Thus, it's always important to choose a reliable hosting provider – so as to avoid all these issues.

6. Your Content Doesn't Fit Any Search Query

If your content doesn't fit any specific search query, then Google might not even bother indexing it – because that will waste their crawl budget.

For example, pages like your site's private policy, return & refunds policy, terms of service, etc. – might not be indexed at all – because they rarely get some search queries.

Thus, Google might not see the need to index them.

7. Maybe Your Website Is Still Brand New

Lastly, maybe your website is still brand new.

As we all know, new websites might find some hard time getting indexed – because they'll still be stored in the sandbox.

For this reason, the content on those sites might take some time to get indexed.

But over time, Google will find your website – and eventually, they'll start indexing it.

But instead of just sitting & waiting for Google to find your site, you should use that time to produce more content.

So that by the time your site gets out of the sand box, most of the content will be matured.

Wrapping Up

So these are some of the reasons why your content isn't indexed.

If you work on these, you'll see some great improvements.


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