How To Turn A Liability Vehicle Into A Money Generating Asset (Smart Car Strategy)

So recently, l was watching Him500's interview on the Social Proof Podcast, and he shared a great strategy which I think might be valuable to some of you.

(👊Shoutout to him)

I'm just going to explain the strategy of how you can turn your liability car into a money generating asset (smart car strategy) – in just a few simple sentences.

Stay Tuned!


So basically, you should approach local businesses which are interested in advertising their products/services to more people.

You sit down with them and you tell them; look👀, I can put your business banners & posters on my car – so that more people can find out about your business when I'm driving around.

Then you try to negotiate with them a reasonable rate – and if possible, you should sign a contract with them, which guides how you're going to do business with each other.

(You should do this process for 3 or 4 companies, so that you can put posters/banners of different companies on various parts of your car's body).

So let's say that you're getting paid 250 bucks each month by each of these companies, that means that you'll be getting an extra 750 to thousand bucks – which is great😁.

Sounds lucrative hey!😜

But that’s not all to the equation!

Once you have some banners inserted on the vehicle, you should make sure that the car is moving around most often – so that you can advertise these businesses to more people.

But how can you do that when you have other things to focus on?

That's where renting your car comes into play!

You can list your car on TURO, so that people can hire your car & use it for their own travel needs.

Do you see what we just did there?🤔

We've just killed 2 birds🕊 with one stone i.e. you'll be paid to advertise businesses on your car, then you'll also be paid by people who rent out that car as well.

The funny part?

You're not even the one driving the car.

Instead, someone else is doing the job for you – and you’re getting paid for that!

Sounds interesting hey!😁

🧠Genius indeed...


So that's basically the strategy which Him500 shared on the Social Proof Podcast, though he shared a lot of tips & strategies as well.

But this one stood out to me – and that's why I've decided to share it in this post.

I highly urge you to watch that episode on YouTube, since it's packed with a lot of gems.

And you can also checkout some great interviews on this channel as well, since David links up & interviews some of the greatest people in different industries.

✌Peace Out!