How To Make Money With Impact Radius Affiliate Program

Impact Radius Affiliate Program

One of the most common affiliate networks is Impact Radius.

There is no doubt that Impact Radius is among the best affiliate networks in the industry, since it partners with some of the world's leading brands e.g. airbnb, Uber, Adidas, Walmart, Microsoft, etc.

For this reason, Impact Radius is a platform to consider if you wish to work with these brands as an affiliate.

This article will reveal everything you need know about Impact Radius, so that you can have a better understanding about this network before joining.

Some of the topics covered in this post includes:

Without further ado, let me jump straight into the meat and potatoes.

What Is Impact Radius?

Impact Radius is an affiliate network which acts as a middlemen that connects affiliates and big brands.

As we all know, working with big brands like Microsoft can be hard especially if you don't have some credibility since these companies are very ‘picky' when it comes to choosing affiliates.

However, if you approach these brands through a middlemen like Impact Radius, you will have higher chances of getting accepted since a middlemen removes some barriers that exists between aspiring affiliates and top brands.

Impact Radius was able to attract over 1 300 brands to their platform, and over 9 million products since each of these brands advertises multiple products on this platform.

Thus, you should definitely consider using this platform when you're an affiliate, blogger or influencer who wish to monetize your audience.

With that being said, most people ask about the cost of joining Impact Radius since there is no clear information out there regarding this issue.

So lm going to shed some light regarding this issue, so that you become more informed.

How Much Does Impact Radius Cost?

Just like any other affiliate network, Impact Radius is 100% free to use if you're an affiliate.

But if you're a company who wishes to connect with affiliates, you might be required to pay some fees in order to register your brand on this platform.

Everyone is free to apply to Impact Radius (as an affiliate), and the application process is simple and straight forward.

All you need to do is to fill out some given forms through providing your personal details.

You may also be required to complete some tax forms since this is required by the law.

However, the fact that everyone is free to apply does not guarantee approval.

More than 70% of the applications are rejected due to various reasons.

One of them is the issue of not having a functional website since Impact Radius tries by all means to eliminates untrustworthy affiliates who ends up spamming their links everywhere on the internet.

Thus, you must create a website and write some content on it before applying for this affiliate network.

This proves that you're a trustworthy individual who is capable of promoting their offers since a website sets you above the rest of most applicants.

Another reason why most applicants gets rejected is that Impact Radius does not do business in some nations (e.g. most African nations) due to some certain restrictions.

Thus, if you're from any of these nations, your application might get rejected since Impact Radius is a bit strict when it comes to approving affiliates.

Last but not least, your application might be denied if your details looks ‘fake'.

For example, some people provides a foreign phone number and address, whilst their IP address indicates the complete opposite.

The system is smart enough to dictate your real geo-location thus you might get caught if you provide false information.

How To Use Impact Radius

The first step is to apply for the affiliate network so that you can have access to the marketplace where top brands advertises their affiliate programs.

Once you get accepted, you can now login to the platform and start looking for brands to promote.

You can browse through the marketplace in order to scout some of the best brands that you wish to work with.

The beauty part about Impact Radius they provide the ‘APPLY' option next to each brand name so as to make it ‘easier’ for affiliates to apply.

Some brands might require you to provide some few extra details in order to get some more information about you.

Once you apply, some brands might accept/reject your application depending on their requirements.

Another thing to note is that Impact Radius allocates a score to all affiliates thus you must work on improving your overall score in order to increase your chances of getting accepted by most brands.

Now let's assume that you got accepted by some brands, its now high time to grab your affiliate links and start driving traffic to those links in order to get leads and sales.

The most common way is to write content on your blog and recommend some of these brands inside your content.

You can also put some banners on your website so as to advertise these brands to your visitors and some of your visitors might click on those links and make a purchase.

But if you have some few extra bucks to spend, you can choose to run paid ads to these offers so as to get more traffic to your links.

The options are plenty! You have to choose what fits you and your budget.

Impact Radius Brands

Impact Radius partners with over 1 300 popular brands and each of these brands has multiple products and services.

Some of the brands includes, but not limited to:

• Adidas

• Uber

• Lenovo

• AirBnB


• Walmart

• McAfee

• Microsoft

• Levis

• HostGator

• iPage

• 123ink Jets

• 1771 living

• 1 Up Nutrition

• 1-800 Contacts

• British Airways

• Etihad Guest

• Constant Contact


• App Sumo

• Coinbase


*The list is endless

Why You Should Use Impact Radius

The main reason why you should use Impact Radius is simple!

Most big brands are difficult to approach especially if you're just an ordinary person like me who doesn't have any following or any credibility online.

However, Impact Radius helps to connect people like you to these brands since it acts as middlemen that helps to ‘eliminate' some barriers which exists between ordinary affiliates and big brands.

Wrap Up

At this point, lm pretty sure that you've got some useful information that you need to know before getting started with Impact Radius.

Most people have a lot of questions regarding this affiliate network since there is very little information on the web regarding this network.

That's why l decided to write this post so as to help some few people out there.

But before you leave this post, always remember that a website is a requisite for most affiliate networks since they try by all means to eliminate people without websites.

A website proves that you're a trustworthy person who is eligible to promote their products/brands.

Thus, you must consider building a website today if you don't have one.

👉You can read this article if you want to learn how to build your own website

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