How To Use Answer The Public To Get Topic Ideas For Your Blog

How To Use Answer The Public To Get Topic Ideas For Your Blog

Do you know that, you can generate some great topic ideas for your blog i.e. using a free platform called Answer The Public?

That's right!

You can generate some great topics for your blog using this free tool i.e. without having to worry about paying for expensive tools.

If you want to know how, then read this post till the very end.

Let's get started...


Firstly, you need to come up with a list of seed keywords related to your niche i.e. generic ones like affiliate marketing, email marketing, digital marketing, web hosting, etc.

Once you have gathered a handful of them, simply enter them into ‘Answer The Public’ – then hit enter.

The tool will automatically pull data from Google i.e. based on what people are searching for – related to those keywords.

For example, if you search for a keyword like affiliate marketing, the tool will show you queries like;

What is affiliate marketing?

How to start affiliate marketing?

How much does it cost to start affiliate marketing?

What are the best affiliate programs?

Can l do affiliate marketing without a website?

*The list goes on & on......

This data is very useful – because it's actually based on what people are searching for on Google – thus, if you create content based around those keywords, you'll get some traffic.

You can either create solo articles for each of the given queries, or you can write one detailed article which incorporates all these queries i.e. as sub headings.

Either way, you just have to create some great content which is valuable to your audience.

But there's one problem of this method i.e. you wont be able to see the difficulty level of each keyword.

For this reason, you might target some search queries that are very competitive & you'll struggle to rank for them.

Or in some cases, there might be some bigger sites which are currently ranking for those keywords – thus, it might be difficult to outrank them i.e. if your website is still brand new.

So what's the best way?

Use Answer The Public just to get some rough topic ideas.

But once you find some interesting topics, simply analyse them using other tools like Ubersuggest – so as to analyse the competition level of those keywords.

(Ubersuggest offers a free version too – although it's only limited to 3 searches per day)

This is so crucial as it helps to find the difficulty score of each keyword – thus, allowing you to only go for keywords that you can potentially rank for – and ignore those which are highly competitive.

That's the best way to get the most out of this method – otherwise, it wont be useful for your site.

So what's the conclusion?

Answer The Public is a great platform to find topic ideas for your blog.

But this platform alone isn't 100% effective – since it doesn't show you the competition levels of each query.

So the best way is to use this platform just to get some rough ideas – then once you find them, you should use a keyword research tool like Ubersuggest to analyse the competition levels of each query.


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