17 Awesome Jobs/Businesses For Digital Nomads

17 Awesome Jobs For Digital Nomads

In this post, l will quickly go through some of the best jobs/business models for digital nomads – so that you can get an idea.

After reading this post, you'll be able to pick one or two of these – and get started ASAP (hopefully).

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about these jobs.

Jobs For Digital Nomads

Without further ado, let me briefly explain each of them.

NB: Anything that can be done online can fit on this list i.e. provided it gives you financial freedom, time freedom and location freedom.

1. Ecommerce (Shopify Dropshipping, Amazon FBA)

Ecommerce is probably the most common business model that's done by most digital nomads.

Basically, people are just looking for cheap products in China (using Alibaba & AliExpress) – and they white-label those products.

Once done, they ship those products to Amazon warehouses – and Amazon will do all the fulfilment on their behalf.

This allows you to earn money whilst leveraging Amazon’s built-in customer base.

You can also do dropshipping on your own Shopify store – which allows you to take orders directly on your website.

Once you get some orders, you'll then contact a supplier in China – then he/she will ship the product directly to the customer's location – thus, allowing you to pocket the difference.

I wont go into much detail about ecommerce – but it's also a great way to make money online – whilst travelling the world.

2. Selling Digital Products

You can also sell digital products online e.g. eBooks, online courses, guides, etc.

This is also a great way to make passive income as a digital nomad – since this business model is highly scalable.

All you need to do is to create one copy of the product – then the product will serve thousands (if not millions) of customers without any marginal cost of replication.

Also, digital products are delivered to customers automatically through various tools & softwares – thus, it's completely hands off.

In terms of getting customers you can run some paid ads on Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. – thus, allowing you to reach more people at scale.

You can also leverage platforms like ClickBank, JV Zoo, Warrior Plus etc. – thus, allowing you to get more customers whilst leveraging these established marketplaces.

3. Online Coaching

If you have a valuable skill in a certain field, then you might do online coaching.

For example, if you've some knowledge related to fitness, you can become a fitness trainer.

This is great because you don't necessarily have to meet customers face to face in order to serve them.

Instead, you can train people online through various means like zoom, skype – or even through automated webinars.

For this reason, you can work from anywhere in the world – since your business will be entirely based online.

If you're an expert in a certain field, then you might offer some consultation services.

For example, if you're an SEO expert, you can offer some consultation services to businesses who needs help with their SEO.

You don't have to be in a specific location in order to do a site audit – since this can be done from anywhere in the world.

If a customer sends you the url of their website, you can easily audit their website & offer them some actionable advice i.e. without having to meet them in person.

For this reason, you can get started with consulting whilst travelling the world.

NB: This may not apply to some industries – since some fields requires face to face interaction with customers.

Next on our list is affiliate marketing.

If you're not familiar with this business model, it's basically a process whereby you sell other companies' products/services for a commission.

Most big companies in the world have affiliate programs i.e. Nike, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, etc.

You just have to join affiliate programs of your choice – and once you get approved, you'll get some custom affiliate links.

Your duty is to drive traffic to those links – and when people buys products/services through those links, you'll earn some commissions i.e. depending on the rates of the company.

You know what's more interesting about affiliate marketing?

You don't have to stress about creating your own products, inventory, shipping, customer support, etc.

You'll just be promoting existing products/services that are already established in the market – and you get paid for that.

If you're someone like me who likes writing, then blogging might be a great venture to consider.

Basically, you need to create a website – and you start writing articles based around your favourite topics i.e. based on what people are searching for.

If you do it properly, your website will start ranking on Google – and you'll start to get some traffic.

And you know what?

Eyebrows equals money i.e. if you know how to monetize those visitors.

And the beauty part of blogging is that, it’s easily monetizable through various means like display ads, sponsorships, affiliate links, etc. – thus, allowing you to earn money from your content.

And you know what's more interesting?

A blog can be a hub for other business models like selling your own digital products, consulting, drop shipping, affiliate marketing, print on demand, etc. – thus, allowing you to build multiple streams of income.

7. Freelance Writing

Next on our list is freelance writing.

The reason why l wrote it separate from blogging is that, with blogging, you'll be writing content for your own website.

However, if you're a freelance writer, you'll be writing articles for other people/companies for a fee in return.

But the beauty part is that, there’s a lot of people who're willing to pay good amounts for content writing – since they don't have the time & skills required to create content on their own.

Thus, you can earn some decent amounts i.e. if you find good clients.

You can leverage places like Fiverr or Upwork to find clients – thus, you wont have to stress about looking for customers on your own.

8. Web Design

Next on our list is web design.

If you've some web development skills, you can literally design websites for clients for a fee.

People are literally racking-in good amounts every month – just by creating some simple websites or Shopify stores for clients.

You can also go to places like Fiverr or Upwork in order to list your services – thus, allowing you to get some clients ASAP.

If you're not so good at this craft, you can go to YouTube and watch some free tutorials.

That way, you can easily boost your skills without investing a dime.

9. Graphic Design

Next on our list is graphic design.

You can literally get paid for designing logos, banners, thumbnails, etc. – for clients – since there's a lot of people out there who're looking for graphic design services.

This is also a great job for digital nomads – since it allows you to have the independence to work from anywhere in the world.

And you can also leverage freelance sites like Fiverr and Upwork to get clients to your services.

10. Video Editing

Next on our list is video editing.

Most YouTubers are now outsourcing their video editing task to freelancers – since most of them don't have enough time to sit down & edit a video – and also, most of them aren't that good when it comes to editing (let's be honest).

For these reasons, they're more than willing to hire someone to edit their videos – and most of them are willing to pay good amounts for this service.

Thus, if you've some video editing skills, he's an opportunity for you!

If you look at the top of this website, you'll see a red banner that's advertising my print on demand merch.

Right there, that's a good example of print on demand.

P.O.D is a business model whereby you signup for a platform like Printiful (or any other alternative).

Once you signup, you’ll need to upload some designs to the product mock-ups which are provided e.g. t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, backpacks, etc.

Your duty is to market those designs – and when someone places an order, the P.O.D platform will manufacture the real item & ship it to the customer.

You'll get paid a royalty i.e. the difference between your selling price and the production cost.

Another business model that has been booming recently is drop servicing.

It's basically a process whereby you find clients who needs some specialised services like web design, graphic design, video editing, etc.

Once you find them, you charge them a certain fee (that includes your mark-up) – and you then find someone on Fiverr who's willing to do the task at a lower cost.

This allows you to make some money without doing the actual task – since you'll be arbitraging services i.e. leveraging high paying clients & cheaper freelancers

You can also start a digital marketing agency if you want to work from anywhere in the world.

This allows you to provide some specialised marketing services to clients – and in return, you'll get paid a certain monthly fee.

The most common agencies are SMMAs – which helps businesses with Facebook & Google Ads.

And the beauty part is that, most businesses are willing to pay good monthly rates to marketing agencies – since they view it as an investment i.e. they get a positive ROI when they work with these agencies.

14. Becoming A Virtual Assistant

Another great job for digital nomads is becoming a virtual assistant.

Most VA’s that l know are digital nomads – and they live in affordable places like Colombia & Thailand.

All they do is to find companies or business owners that needs help with tasks related to social media management, content creation, customer service, etc.

Thus, their duty is to perform these tasks on behalf of those clients – and in return, they get paid a good amount.

The beauty part is that, they get paid an amount that's more than enough to fund their lifestyle – since the cost of living is quite lower in continents like Asia and South America.

15. Online Tutoring

Next on our list is online tutoring.

This is whereby you teach a certain subject to other people online – for a certain fee.

And with the whole pandemic that's currently going on, most people are now learning online – thus, you'll find some clients that are willing to pay good amounts for your knowledge.

The key is to register yourself on relevant platforms so that you can get exposure to potential clients i.e. those who're seeking your knowledge.

16. Becoming A YouTuber

Another popular trend right now is to become a YouTuber.

You don't necessarily have to be tied to a specific location in order to be a YouTuber.

Instead, you can film and upload videos from anywhere in the world i.e. as long as you have a camera & internet connection (even your phone camera).

And just like a blog, a YouTube channel can open avenues for other business models like affiliate marketing, drop shipping, selling digital products, display ads, coaching, consulting, etc.

Thus, you can also start a YouTube channel – and you start sharing your knowledge to the world.

You can also document your digital nomad journey on your YouTube channel i.e. for memories, and also, to show other people the different cultures & lifestyles of other nations.

17. Becoming A Social Media Influencer (TikTok, Instagram)

Last but not least, you can become a social media influencer.

This is whereby you publish some content on TikTok or Instagram – and you monetize it through various means like brand deals, sponsorships, affiliate links, or even selling your own product.

Some influencers are making a ton sh*t of money just by posting on social media – because if you post content, you'll build an audience – and once you have an audience, you can monetize it through various means.

And you can do this from anywhere in the world i.e. even if you're travelling the world.

Wrapping Up

So these are the 17 great jobs that you can do as a digital nomad.

The key is to pick the ones that you like – and you execute them.

NB: This list is not exhaustive. There's a plenty of other digital nomad jobs that you can look into.


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