Why I Hate Becoming A Freelancer

Why I Hate Becoming A Freelancer

Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money online – and it has helped a ton of people out there to make some side income, or even a full time living whilst doing it.

But though it's a great way to make money, l don't personally like it – and here's why:

1. Dealing With Toxic Clients Is Boring

What I've realised is that, most clients have very high-unrealistic expectations when they hire someone to do a certain task.

And the funny part is that, they aren't willing to pay reasonable amounts for those services, which causes a big mismatch between price & quality of work.

And it’s very toxic to deal with such clients, since they might cause you unnecessary stress🤯.

And some might even ask for a refund – claiming that you didn't do the job well – thus, your time & efforts will go to waste for nothing in return.

And for this reason, I don't wanna do freelancing for a living.

NB: I'm not saying that there's no good clients out there. Though they do exist, you'll still meet some who’re very toxic.

2. There's No Time Freedom

Another thing that I hate about freelancing is that, there's little to no time freedom in this business.

Yes, you'll be your own boss, working from home (and all that extra staff) – but however, it's difficult to achieve maximum time freedom.

Because some clients might tell you that they need their job done by a specific date & time – thus, you might have to work during your ‘off' hours in order to meet the deadlines.

Though you might be able to set your own work schedules, you might be forced to adjust your schedules at times i.e. in order to complete some tasks – which I don't personally enjoy🙄.

3. It's Not Passive In Nature

Last but not least, freelancing isn't passive in nature.

The reason being that, you'll be trading your efforts for dollars – thus, the money stops coming-in the moment you decide to stop taking orders, or the moment you go on a vacation.

This isn't sustainable in the long run – because you’ll be required to keep grinding even when you don't feel like working.

But if you have something like a blog, you can earn money passively whilst you're travelling✈, chilling🏖, or even playing🕺.

Because a website is a sales machine that never sleeps – it works every single day 24/7 i.e. rain🌧 or shine🌝.

So in my opinion, I think that freelancing is great if you want to make some ‘quick' money in the short run, but if you want to build a long term sustainable income, you should probably focus on building a more passive business.


So these are some of the reasons why l don't personally like freelancing.

What are you thoughts on this topic?

Let me know in the comments section below.


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