How To Start A Food Blog In 2022 (Beginner's Guide)

How To Start A Food Blog (Beginner's Guide)

Want to start your own food blog?

But don't know where to start?

I got you!

In this quick post, l will share with you a 6 step process that you can follow to setup and run your own food blog ASAP.

By the end of this post, you'll be in a better position to go out there & start your own food blog i.e. using the information shared in this post.

So read till the very end if you're interested in learning more about this topic.

Steps Involved

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail

1. Choose A Name

The first step is to come up with a name for your blog i.e. ‘What's your blog called?’

This helps to distinguish your blog from thousands of other food blogs out there – since people will easily find your blog using it's name.

Thus, it's important to come up with a nice-unique name for your blog – that's easy to remember and to pronounce.

Just to give you a tip;

Your blog name must briefly explain what your blog is all about e.g. Kyle Recipes, Catherine Fries, Cooking With Katy, etc.

(These are just rough examples btw)

Once you come across these blog names, you’ll get an idea of what these blogs are all about – thus, you'll read their content knowing exactly what to expect.

That’s the same issue when naming your blog i.e. try to find something that gives your audience a clue of what to expect from your blog.

Not only that, but these names works great when it comes to SEO – because they give Google an idea of what your blog is all about – thus, ranking your content accordingly.

2. Sign Up For Web Hosting

Assuming that you now have a name for your blog, it's now high time to sign up for web hosting.

This is crucial as it helps your blog to be findable on search engines like Google i.e. when people search for it.

Without registering your blog name, it wont appear on the search results of Google.

With that being said, there are various web hosting companies out there who facilitates this process.

But my favourite one is called GreenGeeks.

GreenGeeks allows you to register your domain name from as little as $2.95/month, which is quite affordable for most people.

And they also provide security features for your domain – so as to protect it from malware and hackers.

Thus, l highly recommend anyone who's looking to register their blog name to use GreenGeeks.

(NB: Some blog names are already taken by other people. For this reason, you might need to twerk yours a little bit i.e. if it's already taken by someone else)

3. Install WordPress

Assuming that you've signed up for web hosting, it's now high time to install WordPress.

WordPress is the application that's used to create your actual blog – since it was specifically designed for that.

And the cool part is that, this app has been modified in recent years in order to remove complex coding staff – thus, you don't need to stress about any complex things like HTML, CSS, or Java.

Also, WordPress comes with GreenGeeks – thus, you'll get it as soon as you buy your domain.

You just need to install it in just few easy clicks and you'll be good to go.

4. Choose A Theme

Assuming that you've installed WordPress, it's now high time to choose a theme for your blog.

WordPress comes with a lot of themes that you can use i.e. both free and premium.

But when you're just starting out, you should stick to the free ones – because they're also great and visually appealing.

All you need to do is to browse through the free templates – so as to see how each one looks like.

And when you find the one that's more appealing to you, simply choose it and you'll be good to go.

NB: You can always change your theme in the future i.e. whenever you feel like doing so.

5. Start Designing Your Site

Once you've found a great theme, it's now high time to start customising it.

The cool thing about these themes is that, they're already 75% done for you.

All you need to do is to replace the text, images, & fonts – and you'll be good to go.

Using a plugin called Elementor, you can easily turn your website into a drag and drop interface i.e. ‘what you see is what you get’.

Thus, you don't need to be a developer to create your own blog – because this plugin makes the process so easy for you!

You just have to play around the fonts, images & colours until you find your favourite mix.

NB: If you're having challenges in designing your site, you can go to YouTube and watch some free tutorials.

That way, you can easily follow along the process step by step – rather than trying to figure everything on your own.

6. Publish

Assuming that you've finished creating your blog, it's now high time to publish it to the world.

This allows the general public to see your blog i.e. if they type-in your url or domain name in the search bar.

But just to give you some quick tips;

(i) You should sign up for Google Search Console & Google Analytics – so that your blog can get indexed by Google.

(ii) It's also important to publish articles on a regular basis – so as to get traffic to your blog. Because the truth is, static websites rarely gets traffic compared to article based blogs.

(iii) You should also promote your blog on social media or to your friends and family. Because if you just create a blog and let it just sit there – hoping to get visitors on autopilot, you might wait for a very long time before you get your first visitor(s).

Wrapping Up

So these are the steps that you need to take in order to setup and run your own food blog.

In this modern day and age, you can create your own blog without any coding skills – since there's now a ton of tools out there which helps to simplify the process.

Thus, if you want to run your own food blog, then there's no excuse for not having it.


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