The 7 Best VPN Affiliate Programs Right Now!

The 7 Best VPN Affiliate Programs Right Now!

VPNs are one of the most lucrative products to promote – since they pay some lucrative commissions.

And the beauty part is that, many people are now using VPNs these days i.e. to secure their internet connections – thus, you'll always find some clients when you promote VPNs.

But the question is;

‘Which VPNs are worth promoting as an affiliate i.e. based on commissions & other affiliate metrics?’

That's what we shall discuss in this post.

I will quickly share with you the 7 best affiliate programs for VPNs – so that you can know exactly which ones are worth promoting.

Thus, read till the very end if you want to learn more about this topic.

Best VPN Affiliate Programs

Without further ado, let me jump straight into more detail.

1. NordVPN Affiliate Program

First on our list is NordVPN Affiliate Program.

This is probably my best affiliate program when it comes to VPNs – since it has a great affiliate management team.

Besides its lucrative commissions, NordVPN is great to promote because it has some true fans (existing customers) i.e. due to its great services.

For this reason, you wont struggle to find customers – since this VPN is proven to work for most people – and also, it has some huge social proof.

Thus, NordVPN is worth promoting as an affiliate.

This company pays 40% to its affiliates (in commissions).

This means that, you'll get paid 40% of your referral's subscriptions (recurring) i.e. as long as your referrals continues to pay their subscription fees.

This helps to build a steady income online i.e. you wont necessarily have to look for new customers every single month – since you can easily earn from your previous referrals.

However, the only caveat about its affiliate program is that, they have a shorter cookie period of 30 Days – meaning, you'll only get paid if your referrals make a subscription within the first 30 days of clicking your link.

Keep in mind that, other companies have a longer cookie periods of up to 90 days – which is quite favourable for most affiliates because you'll still get credited for the sales even after 2 months or so.

But hey, if you're just coming from Amazon Associates, you'll be cool with this 30 day cookie period – since Amazon have a far shorter cookie period i.e. 24 hours.

NB: NordVPN runs its affiliate program through Commission Junction.

2. Express VPN Affiliate Program

Next on our list is Express VPN.

Although there's some debates on which one is the best i.e. compared to Nord, Express VPN still remains a great player when it comes to the VPN industry.

This company also have its own affiliate program – which allows true fans of this brand to promote it as brand ambassadors (affiliates) – and in return, they'll be rewarded a commission.

Express pays up to 36 bucks per sale i.e. depending on the plan which your referrals chooses.

They've a reasonable pay out threshold of $100 – meaning, you can cash out your earnings once you reach that threshold.

In terms of cookies, Express offers a 90 day cookie period to its affiliates – which is quite longer i.e. compared to other companies like Nord.

This means that, you'll still get credited for the sale even if your referrals pays after 2 months – which is just fantastic.

Thus, you can also checkout their affiliate program to learn more about this company.

3. IPVanish Affiliate Program

Third on our list is a company called IPVanish.

If you follow the VPN industry, I’m pretty sure that you're familiar with this company.

Apart from providing VPN services, they also run a great affiliate program – so as to allow regular people like you and me to promote their services i.e. for a commission in return.

What makes their affiliate program more lucrative is that, they pay 100% in commissions upfront – meaning, you'll get paid an equivalent amount of what's paid by your referrals (initially).

To them, it's an investment – since they know that they'll recover their money when they keep the customer long term – that’s why they're willing to pay such a high commission rate.

And when your referrals decides to stay a paying customer, you'll still get paid 35% in monthly recurring commissions – which is just mind blowing.

And the cool thing is that, you can withdrawal your commissions as soon as you reach the minimum $100 threshold – which is a great deal.

Thus, you can also checkout their affiliate program if you're looking for VPNs to promote.

4. FastestVPN Affiliate Program

Forth on our list is FastestVPN.

This company also runs a lucrative affiliate program – which pays lucrative commissions.

Just like IPVanish, they pay 100% in commissions i.e. 100% of whatever your referrals pays on their first subscription.

Then if your referrals decides to renew their plans, you'll still get paid 35% (recurring).

Thus, it's also a great affiliate program to consider i.e. if you want to build a sustainable long term income online

They run their affiliate program through ShareASale – which is quite a popular network in the affiliate space.

However, l have to admit that, this network is very strict when it comes to approving affiliates – and one of the main reasons why most people gets rejected is the issue of not having a website.

Thus, it's important to create a website – then you publish some few pieces of content on it – so as to increase your odds of getting accepted.

5. TorGuard VPN Affiliate Program

Next on our list is TorGuard.

This company is also a popular player when it comes to the world of VPNs.

They also run a lucrative affiliate program – which pays 30% in recurring commissions.

This means that, you'll continue to get paid forever and ever i.e. as long as that person remains a paying customer.

And the cool thing is that, when someone finds a great VPN, he/she will continue to use it for quite a longer period i.e. as long as that person continues to use the internet.

Thus, you'll still get some ‘guaranteed’ commissions – though some customers might cancel their plans here & there.

TorGuard has a favourable payment threshold of $50 – which is quite great – since most companies sets their threshold at almost 2x that amount.

6. VyperVPN Affiliate Program

Next on our list is VyperVPN.

In order to boost their customer base, they also decided to launch their own affiliate program – so as to get more customers through referrals.

Thus, it's also a great affiliate program to look into i.e. if you’re someone who's interested in promoting VPNs.

Vyper pays up to 50% in commissions i.e. of your referral's first subscription.

However, one thing that l don't like about this company is that, they pay less commissions on their renewal plans i.e. only 10%.

This is pretty low i.e. considering the fact that most companies pays around 30 to 40%

But hey, half a loaf is better than nothing i.e. that 10% can still add something to your bank account.

Vyper has a minimum pay out threshold of $75 – which means that, you can request for withdrawal as soon as you reach that threshold.

Thus, you can also checkout their affiliate page if you're looking for VPNs to promote.

7. TunnelBear Affiliate Program

Last but not least, you can also promote a company called TunnelBear.

TunnelBear pays 50% in commissions to its affiliates – meaning, you'll get paid half of whatever your referrals pays to this company.

They offer a 45 day cookie period – which means that, you'll get credited for sales made within the first one & half months of clicking your link.

This is fair – since other companies like Nord only offers a 30 day cookie i.e. your earnings potential is much higher in this case.

This company runs its affiliate program through Commission Junction – which is a great hub for finding great offers.

Thus, you need to signup for CJ before applying to promote TunnelBear as an affiliate.

But keep in mind that, CJ is also ‘picky’ when it comes to approving affiliates.

They normally prefer affiliates with some sort of platform i.e. whether a blog or a YouTube channel – so as to avoid sleazy affiliates who might end up spamming their links all over the internet.

Not only that, but your platform should also have some content on it – so as to prove that you're actively working on it.

Thus, l highly urge you to create either a blog or YouTube channel i.e. if you haven't already.

Wrapping Up

So that pretty much wraps up our today's discussion on the ‘best VPN affiliate programs’.

I know it can be quite intimidating & frustrating to search for affiliate offers to promote – especially if you don't know about any company in that industry.

But if you read an article like this, you can at least get a starting point – thus, reducing stress on your part.

Thus, it's now your turn to go out there & start applying for these various affiliate programs.

Obviously, some companies might reject your application – it's pretty normal.

But if you apply to 4 or 5, I’m sure you'll find some positive feedback from others.


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